
Sony's Stance on Backwards Compatibilty Reeks of Dishonesty

Sony knows there's a market for old games out there, it's just that it wants to sell them to you again rather than let you use your old disc or licence.

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2pacalypsenow2564d ago

Business move... Sony are a business.

Ilikethemall852564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

How is denying your consumers a choice a business move? I really don't understand why you Sony fans act like Sony can do no wrong. I mean seriously, how does a company that tells their fans what they want be held up so high? They also have made their fans wait from launch for games, and then finally had a wave of delayed games, and it looks like they are about to do the same again. The console has far less features then Xbox and they now has the weaker console. Not only that they jacked the price up in Canada. When has a price increase ever happen in the history of gaming? There was this one guy on here who posted that Sony is the one company that caters to its gamers, but if you look at every thing Microsoft have giving their fans, they are the one company that truly cater to their fans.

Nyxus2564d ago

It's simple, they deliver a constant supply of great software that gamers want to play. No 'features' are going to beat that (whatever it is you are referring to). It's not that they can do no wrong, it's that they do a lot of things right.

2pacalypsenow2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

They give us consumers plenty of content to play, Sony sees BC as extra revenue, and if that equals more exclusive games on PS4, then it's a win for PlayStation gamers, Microsoft has BC but they also lack game studios and exclusive AAA games, what would you rather have? BC to play old games, or New IP's?

Seems like Xbox gamers only care about playing old games, because that's all I hear from them.

Cupid_Viper_32564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )


I think it's you who's being denied choices. Sony makes reliable consoles that they still support even today. EVERY SINGLE PS4 owner has the choice to Play in VR if they want to, same on the PC side, but Phil has decided that you guys should get a more powerful console instead, to play games they same way we've been playing them for ages now. We have the option to choose between several new IPs per generation with Sony. Microsoft has decided that HALO GEARS and FORZA will do just fine for you guys...

Over 44 games (more than what MS announced at E3 this year) not on XBox. Notice I didnt even go beyond June for strictly PS4 games... Just waaay too many to list honestly.

Gravity Rush 2 -- January 20
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue -- January 24
Yakuza 0 -- January 24
Nioh -- February 7
Ys Origin -- February 21 (also on PSVita)
Horizon Zero Dawn -- February 28
Nier: Automata -- March 7
Dangonronpa 1-2 Reload -- March 14
Everything -- March 21
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix -- March 28
MLB The Show 17 -- March 28
Drawn To Death -- April 4
PaRappa the Rapper -- April 4
Persona 5 -- April 4 (also on PS3)
Full Throttle Remastered -- April 18 (aslo on PC)
Dragon Quest Heros II -- April 25
What Remained of Edith Finch -- April 25 (also on PC)
Wipeout Omega Collection -- June 6
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood -- June 20 (also on PC)
Nex Machina -- June 20 (Also on PC)
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls -- June 27
Elite: Dangerous -- June 27 (finally coming to PS4)
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy -- June 30

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard -- January 24
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin -- February 21
StarBlood Arena -- April 11
Farpoint -- May 16
Star Trek: Bridge Crew -- May 30
Special Delivery -- June 6
Tiny Trax -- Coming in July
ROM: Extraction
Gran Turismo Sport
Theseus (From E3)
The Persistence (From E3)
DOOM VFR (From E3)
The Elders Scroll V: SKYRIM VR (From E3)
Star Child (From E3)
The Inpatient (From E3)
Bravo Team (From E3)
Moss (From E3)
No Heroes Allowed VR
Legion Commander
Superhot VR

Count2564d ago

Why would a lack of backwards compatibility equal more exclusives?

That doesn't have anything to do with exclusives!

Sevir2564d ago

A choice!? You have no choice if the option was never given. The machine doesn't play PS3 games... if you want to play PS3 games you get the remasters which are essentially ports with resolution and frame rate bumps, which often run the games better with new features or you can buy a built from the ground up version specifically made for current hardware example, the new Ratchet and Clank, final fantasy 7 or Shadow of the Collosus.

If none of those suit you, you can fire up your last gen console and enjoy it on previous form with its flaws and all!

Saigon2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Why are there only a few who remembers why Sony said that BC can't be done on the PS4. The PS3 is not like the Xbox 360, they had very similar designs but the the chip sets functioned completely different. With that said going from PS3 to PS4 is more difficult than going from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. Why is that so hard to comprehend? I am sick of people complaining that 'oh Sony's approach to bc is so backwards and MS offers it'. Well we all saw the numbers posted last week; BC is not used as we all claim it to be used.

BC is good when you are going from one generation of consoles to the next. It allows you to play a few games you had no time to play on your old console as well as allowing you to reminisce on some classics from that generation. This false impression that BC is needed in the middle of a generation is ridiculous.

freshslicepizza2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Notice how so many won't talk about it? All they can say is it's business. Just like blocking EA Access and blocking cross play with other consoles.

They say they buy PS4 for new games as they get excited over remasters and older generation games getting VR support.

Sony has shown this entire generation that if it means extra work they want profits in return.

yeahokwhatever2564d ago

"How is denying your consumers a choice a business move?"
1. Sony watched how many people continued playing PS2 and PS1 games on their PS3's. They already stated they track all of this. Hint: It wasn't many.
2. Cost vs. reward for implementing the hardware and software to do backwards compatibility on vastly different architecture, again, for a tiny subset of users was way, way, too high.
3. Remasters sell because they LOOK AND PLAY BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL. Along with extra features, trophies, etc. Gamers actually like playing remasters more than the original games(especially on newer TVs)
4. Most people that say they want backwards compatibility do so for a handful of games. Sony could have easily charged another ~100$ to include the hardware within the PS4 to enable full backwards compatibility, but then you're making all of your customers pay a heavy premium for something only a handful of users will utilize. You could instead just charge less of a premium to the users who actually want to re-experience old games by just selling those users the remakes of the games they actually want to play.

It's not about "taking away choice". When you buy a car, the fact that it doesnt also run on coal isnt a "removed choice". Its just an old, antiquated, shitty technology to include in a modern vehicle.

Omnislashver362564d ago

We already know BC is difficult to achieve. So is making a new game. Sony has simply put their efforts into going forward, while MS has put their efforts into going backwards.

It's simple really. Would you throw a couple hundred million into doing backwards compatibility, or making a new game? Sony has chosen the latter and it's paid off. Not so much for MS.

When nex-gen rolls around and if Sony decides to do backwards compatibility because it's simple to go from x86 to x86, it will pay off for Sony.

It's like saying would you spend $100k on a new car, or spend $100k on shipping your old car from across the world? This old car is not nearly as nice as the new car, so it's better to get the new car.

Nex-gen shipping the old car will be $10k, so for $110k you keep the old car and get the new one as well. It's logical on all fronts and Sony will reap the rewards for it. Don't use BC as an excuse not to get favorite franchises remade up to Fan's expectations, NOR as an excuse not to release new games. MS is failing on both fronts. They don't know what to create next that will sell their system, and they have no idea what to do with old IPs fans want to see remade. So wth.

Pricey2564d ago

Yeh come on Sony it's just like flicking a switch. You don't need resource to make PS4 backwards compatible with PS3. Definitely not a business decision /s

Babadook72564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

"Sony's Stance on Backwards Compatibilty Reeks of Dishonesty"

No. What a dishonest headline? They said from day one they can't do backwards compatibility with PS3 arch due to the change from Cell to x86 (at least not without completely rebuilding the game). There is nothing dishonest about it. and I personally don't care. After all this time it's turned into nothing but a bullet point for fanboys to bicker about like so many things Microsoft is championing these days.

freshslicepizza2564d ago

"It's not about "taking away choice". When you buy a car, the fact that it doesnt also run on coal isnt a "removed choice". Its just an old, antiquated, shitty technology to include in a modern vehicle."

I still see a lot of old cars on the road. Sony just wants to give them a fresh coat of paint and try to sell your old car back to you again. Or charge monthly and putting a governor on it so it never runs as well as it used to.

Why o why2564d ago

At Cupid. .

Truths I know but this is about Sony. . Forget the hypocritical Xbox fans who speak up more about this than their blatant lack of consistent quality support and droughts.

We should accept that Sony can do better but they won't if we, the Sony fans don't pipe up. If we continue to defend them we'll end up like the guys who defend Microsoft and enable them to change very little.

Yetter2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Im skeptical of the validity of your list. Elite Dangerous for one has been on XB1 for over a year now. Not gonna check every title to see if its accurate, but a mistake like that makes me question your research skills

Dragonscale2564d ago

How is it the only people who give a damn about PS4's lack of bc are the xbox fans. The switch doesn't have it either but that seems to get a free pass, hmmm. Reeks of dishonesty is complete negative hyperbole. The current sales of PS4 shows that bc isn't relevant to a consoles success. People buy new consoles ultimately to play new ip's, of which sony has plenty, thats the whole point. Old gen remasters are a bonus. No one is being forced to buy them. Seems playing old games is all the fanatx have left to brag about.

Kellz2564d ago


you might want to check your list again. I know Elite: Dangerous has been on xbox for like a year. Also if it is also on PC why are you including it on your list? Isn't that a big anti-Xbox staple?

Cupid_Viper_32564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

@ Why o why

I do hold Sony to high standards, and I implore everyone to do the same as well, especially PlayStation fans. But I hold them to high REALISTIC standards.... From the onset, Sony having all the info on backward compatibility from TWO generations of PlayStation products (PS1 on PS2, and PS2 on PS3) decided that they will part ways with the PS3's architecture in order to offer a console that is incredibly powerful yet affordable to both the consumer and Sony themselves (remember Sony's financial situation 2012-2013). Also a system that will have a constant flow of high-quality games, exclusive and otherwise. But also a console that will be VR capable because Sony knew that in 2017-2020 VR would play a significant role, and they prepped their system for that.

So coming into the gen Sony had options that probably looked like this: VR, BC, Power, Games, Affordability... In order to be where they are at right now, Something had to give, and departing from the PS3's architecture (giving up BC on PS4) is the call they made... And funny enough, it's the call that 60+ million gamers overwhelmingly agrees with.

PS4 cannot play PS3 games..Sony has stated this from the start.

Elimin82564d ago

@ Ilikethemall85
SOME Sony fans NOT YOU Sony fans. Not all are biased. I'm a fan but don't condone everything they do..

Death2564d ago


Do you honestly believe the bs you are selling?

Sony ripped b/c out of the PS3 within months of release to lower costs. There were very few games at the PS3's launch worth buying and having b/c was hurting new game sales. They killed two birds with one stone and yanked b/c. The story they told you was no one wanted it so they removed the choice. When software b/c worked fine in the 80 gig, what is the point of removing the choice if the added cost was minimal? The problem was Sony's attach rate for new software sales was still very low. No b/c means you had to buy new games. It was 100% about the money and 0% about the gamer. It's sad you still defend this move.

If that wasn't enough to change the way you choose to see things, ask yourself why a company that claims no one wants to play old games on their new consoles spent $380,000,000.00 to do it. Remasters are another example of demand for older titles. There is nothing to prevent them from making a sequel to accomplish the same end result, but by calling these games a remake they bank on nostalgia to increase sales.

Cupid_Viper_32564d ago


Thanks for pointing out the error in my first post. If I am listing games that aren't on aren't on XBox one then for sure Elite Dangerous can't/shouldn't be included on that list. And if finding one or two errors invalidates a list of 45 to you, then it's really your prerogative, I couldn't care less about what you think of my research skills. Especially when you yourself admitted that "you're not going to RESEARCH each and every one of them for their accuracy".

The point stands, he was trying to prove that gamers playing on the PS4 were being denied "CHOICES". I gave him 44 UNIQUE CHOICES for just this year alone and only counted from January to June of this year for standard PS4 games. 44 UNIQUE CHOICES that gamers on playing only playing on XBOX One don't have.

All that being said, I do sincerely thank you again for pointing out the error in my first post.

https://www.gamespot.com/ar... Here you'll find a good list to help you if you decide you do want to do the research.

JackBNimble2564d ago

I am a huge Sony fan and buy all my games digitally, I understand the technical difficulties of b/c with ps3 to ps4. But going forward I see no reason why there should be problems in the future simply making the ps4 b/c with the ps5 and yes it should be expected from all you Sony guys.

I think it's a load of shit that I can only access part of my PSN account because some Sony executives say b/c is not needed or wanted.
I would never have this issue on steam or from the sounds of it... Xbox.

My PSN account is worth alot of money that I have paid Sony so I should be entitled to have full access to my account.

freshslicepizza2564d ago

There was a time when Sony could do both during the PS2 era, make great games and have a system to play PS one titles. My how times have changed and now they act like nobody cares about the feature as they invest hundreds of millions into a streaming service to play last generation titles.

It's all about the dollar and I don't blame them after all the losses that nearly bankrupt the company.

Death2564d ago


Out of curiosity why do we count DLC and indies the same way we do full releases, but we pretend the games added to the b/c available for sale don't exist? Is it because every Xbox owner bought every Xbox game like Playstation owners do? Personally I will take a retail 360 game I don't own over an indie pretty much every day of the week. The DLC being offered as a stand alone game is pretty compelling though.

_-EDMIX-_2564d ago

"How is denying your consumers a choice"


This is called PS4, not PS1 or PS2 etc.

Yet PS4 is selling better then Wii U and XONE, both platforms with BC. I'd rather they spend the money on other services.

If you don't have $80 to buy a used PS3, something is really wrong. I'd spend more time looking for a better job or going to school etc then posting on N4G about a company giving you a free system.


If you sold your PS3, that is your fault bud, not Sony's. If you have a PS4......well clearly BC was THAT big of a deal to you if you actually have the damn PS4.

Both Nintendo, Sony, MS cater to their fans. Clearly to a different degree, but both still cater to their fans.

Sony is pumping out MORE GAMES then MS, MS cares so much about their fans, they are cancelling games, closing studios etc? We just had a MS press event where they announced zero new AAA IPs......


You know what I care about? PS4 games....

I own a PS3, its a non-issue to me. I'd rather have Sony focus on giving me PS4 games, then saving me $80 on a feature I can have right now by going on Amazon.

Can you go on Amazon to solve MS games issue? Can you buy Scalebound right now and all is solved?

OHHHHH but optional issue is the REAL problem? LMFAO!

Get out of here with that BS bud. Get a job, keep your last gen systems etc. Worry about getting current gen games bud, not about MS saving you $50


So you rather save $50 or get Scalebound released?

xxjabberxx2564d ago

If you don't like PSNow then buy or keep your last gen console. It's simple as that. I do and I can't tell you when was the last time I turned on my PS3

Mithan2563d ago

If it doesn't return a PROFIT, overall.

This means that if they spend $100 on backwards capability, but then it only returns $50, it isn't worth it.

Realms2563d ago

LOL. Sony does cater to it's fans if BC was such a big deal then most gamers would go with the xbox but it's not. Gamers want new games, new Ip's different types of games and on consoles Sony does the best job of delivering that. You can get into semantics about this that or the other BC is not possible on the PS4 because of the architecture of the PS3 but try explaining that to fanboys who refuse to acknowledge facts. Now you talk about MS having a more powerful console so what they don't have the most important thing for gamers GAMES!!!

Lilrizky2563d ago (Edited 2563d ago )

Again, businss decision.

Wouldnt be nice if my ps4 wiped my ass.

Like i dont know about you but i rather play a rebuilt shadow of collossus with 4k support than phantom dust which no one talked about and no one was really interested in

Plus nintendo have been doing it for years. They JUST repackaged mario kart.

Stop living in the past.

da1writer2563d ago

Death, the most uninformed corporate slave and console fanboy I've seen on n4g. Spouts out $380 Million like he knows what it was used for.

Yes, we can point to PS Now as well being a way to get consumers to rent titles they may already own but the $380 million was not used to purchase Gaikai to solely create PS Now. The purchase of Gaikai was to create five services utilizing the technology from that company, one we have already been talking about...


PS Now - A way to play PS3 Games via streaming on Consoles (PS4), Mobile (Xperia Phone and tablets), and PC (No longer shackled in needing to buy a plastic box to play Playstation titles)
Remote Play - Continue playing your PS4 away from the console, same platforms as above
Shareplay - Play “Couch Co-op” with a friend over the internet, can also pass the controller to a friend to help you out or try the game before buying
PS Vue - Watch live TV or record your favorite shows on an unlimited DVR
Playstation Store - Videos streaming in the background per game

Please Death, play games and stop being a fanboy who has to throw rocks at a plastic box you don't own or worship.

Father__Merrin2563d ago

A ps4 is a better console than a xbox1 because of more and better games

MagicBeanz2563d ago

I really don't understand why you Microsoft fans act like Microsoft can do no wrong. Wow it still works when you change the name of the company what a surprise.

yomfweeee2563d ago

It is simple. Will the earn more profit one way or the other. That is how business work. Do you understand?

Plus you're ignoring the obvious fact that emulating the cell processor is an easy task.

agent45322563d ago

That's because Xbox gamers, the media, and more importantly the U.S. military went up in arms against Microsoft in regards to the Xbox One launch (24/7 online requirement for both single and multiplayer campaign, no disc tray, kinect focus,etc.). It took an entire gaming generation for Xbox gamers to wake up and demand quality. Microsoft had no choice at all but to cater to the gamers. Sadly, playstation gamers either got amnesia or are new sheeple that do not care about consumer rights or that the consumer is always right (they used to teach that in high school for the ROP Sales and Merchandise class). It amazes me that when it comes to cars, the hospitality industry, etc. the consumer always fights back. How many car recalls how we not seen, how many times do servers and kitchen staff had put up with very demanding customers. For example, today at work we had 4 customers who walked out on us and came back to eat what they ordered; leaving us no choice but to remake their food 😈). Only in gaming does the consumer does not care about their rights very weird indeed.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
Veneno2564d ago

This is worse than always on DRM . No console function if not connected. Required Spy camera for console function. Don't you agree?

EatCrow2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Never got the kinect. Always DRM makes sense for always online games but not for singleplayer.

Thankfully that was all quickly removed. Thanks to the fans who voiced their concerns. Cant say the same with playstation. I like playstation but all I see is fans fighting against BC on playstation because of the console war crap.

TheCommentator2563d ago

MS listens to it's fans because they're for the players.

Sony listens to it's wallet because they're bankrupt without the PS4's financial support.

DarXyde2563d ago


What are you even talking about?! You're lucky Microsoft didn't have their way, otherwise you couldn't even buy used games. The ONLY reason that didn't come to pass is because people were outraged. You say they're doing it for gamers, but let's be real: they changed that policy so people would even buy the damn thing.

EatCrow2563d ago


Granted some people like to support the devs and never buy used. Like me. Not to mention gamestop makes it unappealing to buy from their stores with all those stickers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
spicelicka2564d ago

No shit. But that doesn't mean it's a respectable business move.

Omnislashver362564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

It's far more respectable than MS. Sony invested their millions into new games. MS invested theirs into old games. What's there to comprehend? Both businesses virtually only chose one option with a few exceptions. You guys got shafted.

DarXyde2564d ago

Let's not be so quick to defend it. It seems Sony has an active interest in capitalizing on their catalog. We have plenty of remastered games, remakes, rereleases, and PS Now. They COULD likely introduce backwards compatibility, but how do they benefit financially? It's monopolized to ensure ANYONE trying to play these games goes back into their own pockets, the exception being used remasters and used remakes. It's greedy, but at the same time, if enough people buy it, it sends Sony the message that this is the will of the people. Rarely do I ever buy into those types of games, but it's because there's a market, they take advantage. Capitalism 101: if you have something people want, you can provide it and make yourself richer.

I don't like the lack of choice, but it also doesn't affect me.

Corpser2564d ago

A business and anti-consumer move. Which side are you on?

Why o why2564d ago

It's a cash grab. I would prefer the option but some would really love and utilise the option more than I would so I won't be an apologist for Sony. . They can do both. If they even made provisions for people who used their originals as a CD key for ps now people would have less to complain about but they haven't so complain. It's the only way for some of these things to progress

Yetter2564d ago

for the gamers??

I guess not

XStation4pio_Pro2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

its actually a technology issue. the ps3 used cell processing which was completely different than x86 architecture - pretty hard to emulate as the architecture is completely different. thats actually why the ps3 ran some games worse than the xbox 360 even though it was technically more powerful on paper (marginally). The real answer is that they can't do it so they say its because no one uses it or its not worth it... but ask yourself - is giving your fanbase a free feature as a "nice to have" a bad thing if it can be done? I can't recall a single time when someone said "NO more free features! I've had enough". No one is paying for BC but Sony makes you pay to stream ps3 games. if the ps3 was built on the platform that the ps4 was built on (which is more similar to how the xbox runs) you could bet your ass sony would have had BC the day before MS announced it themselves. As a business, you want to have an edge on features. not implementing features is the opposite of that.

2564d ago
2564d ago
donthate2563d ago

So is MS, NIntendo and Valve. They are also consumer friendly unlike Sony.

2pacalypsenow2563d ago (Edited 2563d ago )

Nintendo charges for their BC just like Sony and the Switch has 0 BC, Microsoft started the whole paid online on consoles. Ms is only doing this because they have to win their fan base back. Sony's focus is on getting new games and Ip's out on Ps4 and VR, MS is busy making older games on Xbox.

rainslacker2562d ago

Except for the fact that while a good remaster can indeed make some money, so can selling a lot of the older games on PSN like they did on the PS3. People seem to ignore that there is still a revenue stream there in people buying digital games. Look at RDR for instance. While an extreme example of an old game that can sell well, every game that comes to BC has the potential to make money.

There is more than one way to handle business, and Sony just seems like they don't feel it's worth the time. I doubt remasters are part of it like this article is trying to stipulate, because only a small percentage of games actually get remasters, much less some cross gen port.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2562d ago
KingKionic 2564d ago

Another positive is that lots of fans of PlayStation would like it because many titles would run better on the ps4 pro and look better.

I think it's just because Sony just doesn't know how to do it.

Saigon2564d ago

I think that is false, I don't want it and I have a Pro.

KingKionic 2564d ago

Ps4 pro does have boost mode and upscaled to 4K.

Definitely possible improvements


what is wrong with you man. I want it and I have a pro and a reg ps4 as well as a ps3. I have so many digital games on my aging ps3, what happens when it dies. stop acting like a moron.

xxGamerxx2564d ago

But many do want it. If you don't want it, who cares. Let the people not getting it complain cuz they do want it.

MrFisher212564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Agreed. I rather run my ps3 game on my 3. I have around 200+ digital games. I have never cared for BC. It's cool. But so are so great exclusives.

nyctophilia132564d ago

I don't want it either. Also a Pro owner. There's so many great new games, why look backwards?

starchild2564d ago

You don't want it? Lol


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2564d ago
morganfell2564d ago

"I think it's just because Sony just doesn't know how to do it."

Really? This is easily a shortsighted remark. Sony has shown themselves to be masters of engineering.

KingKionic 2564d ago

Of course they are a top tier hardware company and there image senors are in almost all phones.

Im just saying the software side could be the issue.

I dont think Sony`s just sitting here like "Ok guys buy our remasters because they look better."

morganfell2564d ago

Engineering involves software as much as hardware. They've mastered that too. Your remark is at best, uninformed.

Dragonscale2564d ago

@kionic, it was on PS3 fgs till Sony ditched it.

GTgamer2564d ago

I Bought bully and the entire gta ps2 collection played it for two days never went I'm sorry man the nostalgia wore off a long time ago I prefer new games vs old.

blackblades2564d ago

It cost money and time and people which is better to focus on better things.

agent45322563d ago

But Sony was one of the corporations to include bc on PS2 and PS3 ($600.00). So according to you, Sony forgot how to implement bc. Glad I am on PC with both bc and free online gaming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
moegooner882564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

"I have a huge library of PlayStation 3 games. Literally, huge. They’re all pretty much useless to me now though; I packed up all my cruddy old PlayStation 3 consoles long ago."

Who asked you to pack them up ? Want to play the PS3 catalogue, then keep your "cruddy" PS3 consoles. Funny thing is these consoles are apparently cruddy, but somehow you want BC on PS4 to play games, that you didn't even use the primary main console for.

"It’s even released remasters of PaRappa The Rapper and a bundle of WipEout titles for the PlayStation 4".

And the WipEout collection debuted at number one on the UK charts, meaning that people actually want to play these remastered games, and evil Sony is catering to them.

"Now, it’s all about AAA cinematic epics that are beginning to feel very homogenous, and a VR headset that’s becoming increasingly underwhelming" .

Gravity Rush 2, TLG, and Horizon, games which are actually out, and I have played, are very well made, and can be described with anything other than cinematic. I take it you already played the games shown in E3 and came to this conclusion, or just pulling random info ?

"But hey, look out for the remake of Shadow of the Colossus that’s coming next year. You’ve only bought and played it twice already but you’ll do it again for a third time, right?"

Don't want to buy it, then don't, no one asked you to do so twice. You did it voluntarily. This is aimed at the people, who never played the game, or at the hardcore fans.

Nyxus2564d ago

Agreed. Regardless of your stance on backwards compatibility this article just comes across as whiny.

trooper_2564d ago

This article is plain idiocy.

EatCrow2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

"And the WipEout collection debuted at number one on the UK charts, meaning that people actually want to play these remastered games, and evil Sony is catering to them. "

OR people may just like playing some older titles every once in a while. Youre literally proofing the point of the article.

BC is aimed at people who havent play or hardcore fans who would like to replay.

UCForce2564d ago

Wipeout Omega Collection is more than just remastered. The game revamped everything and play better than original.

EatCrow2564d ago


I know. Ive played them.
Still doesnt change what I said.

UCForce2564d ago

No, but that doesn't change the poor statement of your.

_-EDMIX-_2564d ago

" hardcore fans who would like to replay."

If you are a hardcore fan....why do you not have the older system in the first place?


darthv722563d ago

wipeout omega collection is a fine example of how to remaster something. You dont just do One and done... you make it a collection. As in to add more value to the purchase. I loved the compilations from last gen. Ratchet and clank, sly cooper, Jak and Daxter and it carried over to this gen with Uncharted and Halo MCC.

Remaking one single game (in my eyes) is a money grab. Last of Us was remastered for Ps4 and wasnt even very old. Gears of War was remade for XB1 and wasnt really needed. If it was in a Gears collection like MCC then sure.

A remaster / remake has to be more than the base material it is based off of. That's why compilations were such a hit last gen because they gave you more for your $$.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
Sevir2564d ago

It's not an article it's an opinion piece and a poorly contrived one at that.


your fighting the wrong battle man. ps3 is out of production I want to be able to keep my games forever like steam. I still like to play some nes and genesis once in a while. I want my ps3 games available on my pro.

Gamist2dot02564d ago

I like my old games remade/remastered. Besides the visual and audio upgrade to meet my entertainment setup, they also improve on the controls or any issues that were left on the original.

_-EDMIX-_2564d ago

10000% Agreed!

'Who asked you to pack them up ? Want to play the PS3 catalogue, then keep your "cruddy" PS3 consoles."

Its just a stupid, stupid argument. We are talking about a person so dumb, they are basically saying they love PS3 SOOOOOO much......they no longer have it. I don't get it? Sooo they have a lot of games and love those, but not enough to keep their PS3, only to cry about lack of the thing they choose to sell?


If they don't have the money for this used, I don't see the reason to cry to Sony.

No one forced them to sell or get rid of their PS3 or not buy a new one etc. The price of a PS3 used is less then the price of 2 games new. If someone wanted it THAT BADLY,......it exist, it has for over 10 years. Who is so stupid as to cry about something they can have today?

The article is pointless and as stupid as it gets. Maybe this person should spend more time looking for a better job vs crying for a company to give them something free.

starchild2564d ago

I find the whole "just keep your PS1, PS2 and PS3 consoles to play those games" to be asinine.

I like convergence. I need more space in my house. I'm never going to keep a bunch of consoles hooked up to my tv. Telling someone they should just buy/keep an old console instead of simply having the desirable feature of backwards compatibility is kind of like telling someone they should cary around a flashlight, compass and GPS unit instead of just appreciating that their smart phone can do all of those things.

Convergence is a GOOD thing. Anyone that argues against it is acting stupid. If Sony can bring backwards compatibility to the PS4 or PS5 I'm 100% behind it.

da1writer2563d ago

Where's the outcry for us who have older consoles? I can't play my Wii, Wii U, Gamecube, N64, SNES, and NES games on my Switch? I keep all the devices I buy and pull them out my closet whenever I want.

If only there weren't any corporate slaves or console fanboys with an agenda fighting the imaginary console war, no one would care what feature a system had and just talkd about and played games instead. Play Games not the plastic boxes you worship, no corporation is paying you to fight for them. They just want your money.

Besides, those that talk about how easy it is to bring PS3 titles to PS4 are uninformed and need to do some research on the two devices.

The PS3 was using the Cell CPU, running at 3.2Ghz with a complicated 7 SPU cluster running at their own speed frequencies, something i7 PC's are having issues running that PS3 Emulator (at least for the 3D Titles). I'm sorry, this may upset some people, but the Jaguar CPU is still only a laptop like CPU. While it's an octocore, only 7 are available to devs and are severally​ underclocked (1.6Ghz on PS4, 2.1Ghz on Pro) compared to PS3, Ubisoft agrees as you can see here, GPU is the only way devs can work around this limited CPU (it's why resolution hasn't been too much of an issue for developers, outside a few trying a few things like 60fps or a more stable framerate). Reality, The PS3 CPU is better than PS4/PS4 Pro/X1/Scorpio, hand down.


Xbox 360 was simply a Tri-Core CPU btw, something that could be emulate by virtualization of the older hardware via an X1 Coded wrapper. Which was not easy as it's not as simple as people think as you can't just pop in any game you have, the 360/X1 wrapper has to be made and be available to download as a digital title - your disc is simply an authenticator.

PC has the best backwards compatibility anyway...

moegooner882563d ago (Edited 2563d ago )

If someone is stupid enough to pay for something then say I don't want to keep x or store y, then he/she can suit him/herself. It is their money to burn after all.

No Way2563d ago

I wouldn't say they are catering to the fans who want to play old games by releasing remasters. If they were actually catering to them, they would allow all old games to be played - via BC.

It's a cash grab. They are catering to their wallets.

moegooner882563d ago (Edited 2563d ago )

You wouldn't say, but the people voted with their wallets, and they want the remasters. Doesn't matter whether you disagree with the latter fact or not, doesn't make it any less valid.

agent45322563d ago

What the guy meant was that Sony prevents people from using their hard bought games forcing them to re-buy them again.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
Kashima2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Wants Demon's souls remaster


Would be awesome but I would be shocked if it ever happened. The game had 3 publisher and I bet all if them would have to agree to it, who gets the money, and the bills.

_-EDMIX-_2564d ago

Agreed. I thought at E3 when I saw Bluepoint games, I was like "DEMON SOULS REMAKE" lol

Hopefully, one day.

Veneno2564d ago

What could this game benefit from a remaster? It's not old enough to get a huge gain in graphics. Maybe down the line when it can really benefit from a tech overhaul.

_-EDMIX-_2564d ago

Thats why its being remade and not "remastered"

GamePeace2564d ago

Who does not? That would be too much for my poor little liver ...

-Foxtrot2564d ago

Not saying they are in the right for their stance on BC but I'd take a full on remake of Shadow of the Colossus and any other PS1/PS2 game then playing the old ones through BC.

ArchangelMike2564d ago

Exactly. I'd love a remake rather than a remaster as well.

The 10th Rider2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Same here. I'm glad they're remaking SotC. I also think backwards compatibility with PS3 may be technologically impossible. But man, last gen they released so many hd remaster packs for like $20. You'd think at the very least they could bring that series of releases back, they could even be run in native 4k on the pro.

Why o why2564d ago

I hear that fox. . An option would appease all though. I didn't care for bc as I want new and crisp visuals but some wouldn't mind a little upscaled version of something they've already purchased

Chexs19902564d ago

I agree 100% dude. Still own the original SoTC but would deffo rather play through a remaster/remake of it :D
I do however think it's a bit hypocritical of them to have a PS2 section in PS store though :O
It's profits, pure and simple :P

_-EDMIX-_2564d ago


I own the original, PS3 remaster and I want that remake!

I'm not sure why anyone would choose BC over a damn FULL REMAKE! That is like saying, " Look Tim, you can either play FFVII on your PS1 right now........or REMAKE"

"I'm going to have to say BC to play FFVII Jim, I don't want a remake of any kind, just the exact game I could already play for almost 20 years, I don't know what good would come from having remake, its best to have no new version at all and play the old one with zero changes"


Snookies122564d ago

Ha ha, the four people who disagreed... Sad...

-Foxtrot2564d ago

Yet...if they or someone else did a Spyro the Dragon remake, Tomb Raider, Legend of Dragoon, Jak and Daxter, Max Payne, Beyond Good and Evil, Pandemonium, Ape Escape, Killzone, Resistance or whatever game they like more they'd buy it in a heart beat.

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