
Why Blizzard Shouldn’t Remove Symmetra’s Devi Skin

Pure PlayStation writes, "Someone is offended in the world. Who would have guessed? This time the person being offended is Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism. He happens to not like the way my favorite, Overwatch defender looks in one of her skins. Symmetra’s Devi skin to be exact. According to him it is inappropriate and “trivialized Hinduism’s highly revered goddesses.” Mr. Zed further went on to say it was belittling and confusing. Essentially, he wants Blizzard to remove the skin entirely from Overwatch."

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Kalebninja2899d ago

You know its dissapointing that so many people just don't care about disrespecting entire groups as long as they're enjoying themselves and it doesn't bother them personally. The skin was named after their goddess and if its offensive to them at least change the name of the skin.

GOODKylePS2899d ago

We don't have to censor ourselves to comfort people's ignorance.

Kalebninja2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

And what makes them ignorant?

GOODKylePS2899d ago

Thinking that their religion dictates what other people can or can't do. It's all in the article.

Kalebninja2899d ago

No one said that it does, no ones being forced to do anything though it doesn't change the fact that their taking offense, its completely up to blizzard but I don't see what's so hard about changing the name of the skin.

lociefer2899d ago

im offended by people being offended, please remove self pushing offendees from the world

ChrisW2898d ago

"We don't have to censor ourselves to comfort people's ignorance."

Which is exactly why it's perfectly fine to build a Noah's Ark replica in Kentucky. Creationists view Scientific / Theistic Evolution beliefs as ignorance. If they were concerned about the majority of American's (approximately 60%) irreligious beliefs, the Ark replica would have never been built.

Swiftfox2898d ago

Ah but one could argue the simple misuse in accordance with the traditions of Hindu is ignorant of Blizzard. This isn't about censorship, it's about respect. I know Blizzard meant no harm and just wanted a cool looking skin for one of their characters, but Blizzard chose not to do research. It's like paving over a temple to put up a Walmart and then calling the owners of the temple ignorant when they get very reasonably upset.

They have every right to be upset, it's THEIR Deity. This gentleman didn't say the game should be banned, condemned, or anything. He simply asked for a little respect to a Deity still worshiped today. I would work with this individual to come to an agreement. There are plenty of other concepts and ideas for costumes out there.

WelkinCole2898d ago

So using and making fun of what others hold sacred is fine?.

Maxor2898d ago

The only ignorance here is coming from GOODKylePP. I'm an atheist and even I know that you absolutely must respect people's religion when a logical request is being made. To ignore the influence of religion, directly or indirectly is to displace true ignorance.

For example, I dare Blizzard to make a Jesus or Muhammad skin. That's right, nobody in their right mind would do that. I wonder why? Hmmm.

KwietStorm_BLM2898d ago

The goddamned irony in your statement is EXACTLY what Kalebninja is talking about. The sad truth is we are in a society today where every.single.time something like this comes up, people are told to get over it, grow thicker skin, deal with it, etc. At what point do humans take a step back and respect each other as humans, if ever? The damn opening statement in this piece is "... someone is offended, who would have guessed?" That total lack of respect for your fellow man is why this planet is spiraling into the toilet, and all the disagrees just proves that people do not care. It's not about catering to every qualm. It's not about giving preordained rights. It's just about respecting others. Washington Redskins. Cleveland Indians logo. Black face. It's all the same thing.

Christopher2898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

***So using and making fun of what others hold sacred is fine?.***

Actually, yeah, it is.

First, in the U.S., it's covered by the 1st amendment.

Second, anyone of true faith would not care at all because of what someone says about their own faith or its figures. They would wave it away as someone without faith and go on to preach as their religion dictates. How many times have you seen the Pope come out and tell people to stop making movies like Dogma?

Third, many many religious figures have no issue at all dictating what is right and what is wrong purely based on their religion. Abortions, same-sex marriages, abstinence vs safe sex, and so many other things. But, they don't take well when others disagree or utilize imagery that is a part of history, not just religion, as they see fit? Seems a bit uptight and controlling to me.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2898d ago
2899d ago Replies(5)
ziggurcat2899d ago

care to explain how this character skin is disrespecting "entire groups"? is it excessively/inappropriately sexualized? is it excessively violent? does it portray hinduism in a negative light in any way, shape or form?

Kalebninja2899d ago

I was talking about the author not caring not the skin.

ziggurcat2899d ago

and i'm asking you how this skin is offensive, since that's the argument you're defending.

Kalebninja2899d ago

its offensive to this man because its named after their goddess and it portrays her in a sexual manner, just compare the two it's not hard to notice.

Swiggins2898d ago

Hindu goddesses are almost ALWAYS depicted as being either nude, or close to it...nothing Symmetra does sexualizes her in any real capacity. If you think having slightly revealing clothing "sexualizes" something that's on you dude.

ziggurcat2898d ago


"its offensive to this man because its named after their goddess and it portrays her in a sexual manner"

1. it's not offensive to name a video game character after a deity. it's been done countless times in the past.

2. yeah.... no. that's a stretch, and you know it. there is nothing overtly sexual about this character skin.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2898d ago
gamer78042899d ago

we should probably make a generic male and a generic female protagnoists with kahaki pants and a white polo top for every single protagonist, then every antagonist we can make them where dark jeans and a black polo. This way no one has to censor anything, no one is offended it also speeds up development time, developers can share resources, it would be amazing!!!! oh darn, I forgot, we can't do a white polo... what if its the day after labor day! we'd have to have something to swap it out with, maybe a blue polo.

2898d ago
JOWAPPO2898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

Why does the bad guy get to wear a black polo and I don't? Are you trying to say something about people who wear black polos?

#POLOffended #POLOpposites #kkkahaki #notallblacktops #darkjeansmatter

KakashiHotake2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

I may be in the minority but I dont think this Kalebninjas comment deserves so many down-votes. Obviously I'l be down-voted also but its the truth. These days people are just greedy and don't know what it means to respect ones culture. That's one of the biggest problem in the world today, but people are too blind and ignorant to see it. As long as their bellys are full and they're happy, no one else happiness matters.

GameBoyColor2898d ago

i dont respect the rape culture in islam/muslim communities, am i ignorant? Can i not make a game about shaming the practice because it offends them?

Salooh2898d ago

Basically they want to do what ever they want even though they are the one that interfere with things that doesn't concern/matter to them or even have an effect on them.

As a gamer changing the skin will do nothing to me. I find it more respectful, honourable and lead to harmony and peace if they respected the request even though it came from small percentage of the religion. As a muslim this is what i would do, never insult people religions and leaders especially if they don't mean harm to me.

This is up to Blizzard. They did something in good intentions( which is cool ), yet the religious guy still didn't find it appropriate and he made a request and that's his right. No one is forcing them to do anything. It's just a request. If it is offending and have bad consequences then it is better for everyone( for the greater good ) to remove it but i don't sense that here.

Don't add unnecessary fuel to the fire if you want to receive the same respect.

Hanilugtehul2898d ago

You the one who is blind and ignorant but you don't even see it!! I'm pretty sure you belly is full to " Mr.I can't get down from my high horse"

Notellin2898d ago

How is this offensive to anyone? If you find something offensive then don't support the product. Simple as that.

In our day and age where we have limitless opportunities we are all chomping at the bit to find something to get upset about for the sake of getting our voice out there.

It's video game skin at the end of the day. Go outside and help a hungry kid or donate some clothes to those less fortunate and quit worrying about being offended over some thing that has zero impact on your well being.

babadivad2898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

Unless you are Hindu, you don't really have a right to say what's offensive to him or not. It's HIS deity. If you were a very religious Christian and bought a game like Witcher 3. Then there's a spell that the Virgin Mary has to get raped every time you used it. Or Jesus would have to be beheaded and his corpse defiled. I'm betting people would be offended even if it were the most powerful spell in the game.

That's taking it to the extreme but I'm just trying to make my point. I'm guessing hear in the Christian West, that would offend a TON of people and would've been changed.

How about a skin that was called Africanize. And it made the character run and jump faster than her other skins. Don't mean to take it to race but you can see how that would offend some people. Not all, but some.

Hell, even if there was a spell called "Christ Word" that killed enemies, I'm betting that there would be still a sizable amount of Christians that would be offended that a game is using Christ name in vain. It would've offended people even though they weren't trying to.

You don't know how offensive it is because you yourself are not a Hindu. It's ignorant for you to assume to know how offended someone else should be.

It's not a big deal for Blizzard to just change the name of the skin. Blizzard probably thought this was a good thing and they would appreciate the reference. I'm sure this guy isn't the ONLY Hindu who would be offended by this.

ZombieGamerMan2898d ago

Let me impart onto you a very important life lesson I learned as a child, no matter what you say or do there will always be people who don't like you for 1 reason or the other.

It is not the place nor the priority of Blizzard to alter something of their game because someone is offended by an aspect of the game, if they are bothered by it there is an easy solution to solve it, do not play with the skin or do not buy the game.

babadivad2898d ago

It is Blizzard's place and priority to change it. They are the one's who inadvertently offended someone. If not them then who's responsibility is it?

They could've been smart enough not ti put a religious figure in their game since they know that can be a sensitive subject for very many people.

That's just an asinine argument.

ZombieGamerMan2898d ago

@ babadivad no it is not and to say bullcrap like that is just signs of ignorance to their rights as creators they create what they want. Creators should not be hindered or restricted from creating something on the basis that someone will be offended because it kills creativity.

Also inadvertently is keyword as well, they didn't set off to insult anyone with their game which is a pander fest trying to appeal to every ethnicity & gender, it is one thing when a game is purposely offensive for the sake of it but even then those products still have every right to exist because it was their creative decision.

No it is not their priority to change jackshit about their game because some overly sensitive c*nt doesn't want a character in a video game to have an optional skin that makes them look like their religions deity, and if you support this whiner than you are supporting the right to censor.

annoyedgamer2898d ago

I bet if it was a bunch of Christians whining you would be on the freedom of expression train full stop.

Hanilugtehul2898d ago

As Justin timberlake would have said,Cry me a river! You opinion upsets me please stop, it's hurting me feelings:)peace☺

MEsoJD2898d ago

Oh stop. Religion shouldn't have any say over art. Those offended by this need to grow a backbone or actually acquire the common sense that religion is bullshit.

goathouse7742898d ago

You are correct. Religion is compete and utter trash. Offense on religious grounds should be taken no more seriously than the squawking of an ankle-biter.

Surt2898d ago

No. Same with the Washington redskins. Yeah they still suck, but that is still no reason to change that name. Its the fact that people treat getting offended like it gives em certain rights. "i don't like that joke. it offended me" so what?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2898d ago
Majin-vegeta2899d ago

Lol this is dumb.Who cares what a bunch of nobodies who have no intention if playing the game think.Its like me being mad if they decided to use a skin of The Virgen Mary.

goathouse7742899d ago

I'd like to suggest that Zed remove his OWN skin.

GOODKylePS2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

o.o a little too far

BlaqMagiq12899d ago

PLEASE DON'T REMOVE THIS. Do NOT give in to a bunch of nobodies who don't even give a damn about the game. They are just a bunch of idiots who think their faith is being disrespected.

SquidBuck2899d ago Show
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