
Project Scorpio Should Bring Back the Original Xbox One Always Online Vision

AOTF -"Whether gamers like it or not, it looks like we're in for a console upgrade far faster than we've ever seen before."

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Overload2901d ago

Even if they did they would just do a 180 and change it. Lol.

2901d ago
naruga2901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

@article ....haha probably a clickbait ..i dare them to do it ....(and after that draw a big red X on Xbox division HQ's storefront and quit console business once and for all)

Kingthrash3602899d ago

Lmao....journalists going full veggie brain now. Gamers made their case about this already....if ms wants to test it again they can.
Imagine this thing costing 599. ..aaaaannndddd have drm....aaaaannndddd no exclusives.
Shit lol wow.

XanderZane2899d ago

Microsoft isn't even thinking about that. The only 180 I can see them doing is actually making several exclusive Scorpio games that never go to PC or the original XB1. If Microsoft wants to sell lots of Scorpios, that would be a 180 worth doing.

sammarshall1022899d ago

Imagine a Ryse 2 running on the Scorpio wow It would be jaw dropping

shiva12899d ago

It's the first 180 done by media and sony fan boys. Thought 3 yr old bullshit had enough media coverage but wait the console which is coming in after a yr has this feature already by Media. By this i conclude even media and sony fan boys learned something from MS on how to do 180.

If only I can write up an article...."Neo goes subscription based gaming and that too monthly.... PSN not included and DRM active, split screen additional charge"

denawayne2899d ago

Actually the policy is still kind of in place. If you decide to buy all your games digitally like me, then you pretty much have to always be online

XanderZane2899d ago

For the GWG games you do, but with digital games you purchase, I think you can play those offline. There are games like NBA 2K16 and such that require you be online to play it. Many developers are forcing gamers to be online to play their games now, which sucks. Most of EA and Ubisoft games are like that.

2899d ago
XanderZane2898d ago

Oh..ok. I thought you needed to be signed into XBL for it to confirm you were the game's owner before you could play it. I'm going to take my XB1 offline now and give it a try. I'll update later with confirmation.

CaptainObvious8782899d ago

This might sound vindictive, and I don't wish anything bad to happen to honest MS fans, but for foolish ms fanboys like donthate and darth in this thread that are more than happy to bend over for MS, I would love to see the DRM policies be put in place on the scorp.

They deserve it.

DC7772899d ago

A note in every box:

"Now deal with it!"

2899d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2898d ago
Majin-vegeta2901d ago

Yea it didnt go well the first time.You think people would put up with it again?

darthv722900d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

How did it not go well the first time when there wasn't even a "first time" for people to put up with? The policy was killed before it left the factory.

@below... you guys are missing the point. Majin comment eludes to it having happened when in fact it did not. It wasnt about how or why. Plain and simple it did not happen and Majin was wrong to phrase it that way.

If MS HAD gone through with it and THEN removed it... his comment would be in the proper context. RIF: reading is fundamental

OoglyBoogly2899d ago

And there's a reason for that.

_-EDMIX-_2899d ago

@Darth- "The policy was killed before it left the factory"

So why was that you think? If it was "killed before it left the factory", if the same reasons exist why it was um "killed before ite left the factory" exist, what has changed?

It will be the same result bud. Its not here because "The policy was killed before it left the factory"....."The policy was killed before it left the factory" because of CONSUMER DEMAND!

THUS if consumers didn't want it then, why would they want it now?

Kingthrash3602899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

Before it was killed....games top was gunna take it off its shelves and preorders were very bad. ...that's why the 180.

donthate2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

Yeah, the policy killed before it left the factory due to the regular clueless sheep and media riding on fear. Reality is that in the next 5-10-years when we are moving to majority digital and the status quo is upheld, we will look back and regret our decision.

Some of the sheeps though will still be in denial or not even realize it. Such is the life of clueless people. Ignorance is a bliss!

MS is not going to touch that with a ten foot pole. It's a touchy subject by clueless people. There is nothing more dangerous than that.

leoms2899d ago

Annnd why was it killed????

BlackTar1872899d ago

Lol at don't hate . The consumers who hate it are the stupid sheep? Rofl that's classic

jb2272899d ago


"Yeah, the policy killed before it left the factory due to the regular clueless sheep and media riding on fear."

What about the other 'policies' that MS has implemented in Windows 10? Like the ones where your settings automatically default to actively spy on you & sell info to consumers, or the one where you are unknowingly giving up precious bandwidth to random people in order to save MS some servers and force you into p2p to update other folks. Should none of that stuff incite "fear" from consumers? Shame on that big bad media wolf for working to inform consumers that some "features" you may be unaware of are actively hurting your experience & invading your privacy solely to funnel even more funds to MS. MS has literally never been transparent. Every single initiative they release has had a big catch that rarely ever gets pointed out until it's already too late. If MS wanted to give you a free OS update & the only catch was handing over bandwidth & security, that's fine, but be upfront w/ consumers. We shouldn't have to go digging to find out how big the stick on the other end of that carrot is.

If you honestly believe that there were no ulterior motives in the original vision for the XBO & that the few positives weren't majorly outweighed by the enormous negatives then I really don't see how you can call us the 'sheep'.

KwietStorm_BLM2899d ago

Exactly why he said it didn't go well the first time...........

MagicBeanz2899d ago

Apparently you missed a point yourself.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2899d ago
Mystogan2899d ago

If people can afford a $600-700 console they can afford internet.

Errorist762899d ago

Not gonna cost more than 400-500.

akurtz2899d ago

its the reliability of the internet connection and xbox servers. without one or the other, your console is a brick. .

medman2899d ago

Many people live in places where the internet is unreliable, and that's being kind. It does you no good to be able to afford it when it's not consistent, or not up to snuff at all. And in much of the world, including rural America, that is the way it is.

_-EDMIX-_2899d ago

So pay more for more resurrections and less freedom of games you buy?

.....I don't see that happening bud.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2899d ago
rainslacker2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

Hmmm...given how rabid the fan boys are about a mid gen upgrade being perfectly OK, MS actually may get them to fight for them this time. Last time they were absolutely silent, because what could they actually say that was a pro of the feature? Seen a lot of stupid involved with the Scorpio rationalization, so yeah....I can see people fighting for it this time.

Probably would still incite everyone who isn't a fan boy, and ultimately end the same way the X1 initial pre-orders did, but still...it wouldn't be so one sided this time in all likelihood.


Pretty sure majin was referring to the fact that it was their initial intent, not that MS implemented it on release. MS changed their policy due to the outcry and lack of sales because people didn't put up with it.

And well...we know how that went for them. Pre-order sales weren't low. Tons of backlash. Retailers backing PlayStation. Gamers in general pissed MS even considered such a plan. you know....that's how it went.

@more generally

I think MS is looking to entice people over to digital sales through more consumer friendly means. Much the way Steam did it back in the day, and now PC see's extremely high digital adoption. I doubt they'd be stupid enough to actually try controlling retail purchases again, although I wouldn't put it past them to have some sort of online connection requirement....although doubt it will be as restrictive as the OGX1 policy was when announced.


Hate to break it to you, if MS doesn't want to touch the clueless with a ten foot pole, they'd seriously limit their customer base. You see...the vast majority of customers are pretty clueless, but they know what they want.

Knowing what one wants isn't being clueless, and I see nothing to regret by standing up and asking or fighting for what I want. nothing about MS original policy would have changed what the future brings, so there is even less to regret.

You may consider people clueless sheep, but it would seem the vast majority of the flock was against the policies, so those that were for it were more the black sheeps of the group, and they were quickly fleeced.

2901d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris2901d ago (Edited 2897d ago )

My Xbox One is always online, but it is always online by choice. The original Xbox One DRM while offering game sharing (digitally), removed lending games to friends and used games sales. I was once a month with out an internet connection (minus my phone). If my Xbox One had the original DRM plan I wouldn't have been able to play my games, despite having physical copies of them.

sammarshall1022899d ago

I would never buy an always-online console. I'd switch consoles if the Scorpio was always-online

XanderZane2899d ago

That's why it won't be always-online. Pretty sure Microsoft learned their lesson already. I would like to see a price cut for XBL though. Cut that price in 1/2 or at least make it FREE for a year for new subscribers who buy a Scorpio.

PsylentKiller2899d ago

The always online was not explained properly. It was only to check to make sure the games were linked to the Xbox or the GT (forgot how it worked exactly), but it was only a ping once a day. If it didn't receive the signal back then you couldn't play your games until it had. The crappiest internet in the world would have been able to handle that.

You bring up a good point though. It was your choice to be always online, as I did the same. Maybe they could give the consumers the choice to be always online or not. Similar to how I can choose to make my console the home console or not. If I allow my friend to make his console the home console then I am shit out of luck of the internet goes out unless all my games are on disc.

Maybe they could allow people to use there cell phones to check in or use a regular phone line like those 56k modems back in the day.

Cy2899d ago

Sorry, the words don't match but I'm pretty sure I just read "I'm so desperate for views, please click this article"

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FFXIV's Director Responds To Final Fantasy IX Remake Speculation, Clarifies Upcoming Studio Projects

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida has responded to speculation regarding his involvement with the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake.

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Michiel19891m ago

had stated that the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake is real and that it will retain the classic turn-based combat seen in the original.

I hope this is true, that's what I want from a remake. FF7R is actually really good, but not what I was looking for from the remake.


Madden NFL 25 New Gameplay Features for PS5, Xbox Series and PC Revealed, Closed Beta Kicks Off

EA has revealed the Madden NFL 25 new gameplay features incoming for the PS5, Xbox Series and PC versions, as the closed beta kicks off today.

GamerRN12h ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken12h ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.

GamerRN10h ago

Because there is no competition

just_looken7h ago


There was a CFL game to be tossed out crashed and burned but there is other football games just none are official nfl stuff.

CobraKai20m ago

NFL Gameday and NFL 2K really pushed Madden to be better


Anime Games Need A Break From Arena Fighters

With so many anime games these past couple of years, there's a growing, noticeable pattern in these games that are growing stale — the Arena Fighter.

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Huey_My_D_Long2d ago

I think Arena Fighters are the worst fighting subgenre to go to. Why havent the west gotten Shonen Jump games in the style of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2? Or Anime fighter like DBZ Fighterz but not just dragon ball? Arena Fighters just arent very good fighter imo. Even the best Arena Fighter series Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm I feel is pretty mediocre as a fighting game

Nasty_Neeeks10h ago

The best Arena Fighter was Tenkaichi 3 and now it’s about to be Sparking Zero. Other Anime series just can’t pull it off as well as Dragonball can

Skuletor10h ago

Have you seen Hunter×Hunter Nen×Impact yet? It sounds exactly like what you're looking for.

-Foxtrot2d ago

We need more AAA anime games that are single player story driven, like you are experiencing another arc or something within that show. It's either fighting games or games that feel shallow with not much going for them, the kind which are made for the sake of it because the fanbase will eat it up anyway.

I want to see a proper well made game by great studios of Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon, Dirty Pair Flash etc

blackblades20h ago

One piece is that one of the anime thats not Pokemon and digimon that ive seen that has plenty of games outside of fighting.

Michiel198916h ago

dragon ball, naruto had some pretty good ones although a lot of them are still fighters and I think there are plenty of games from lesser known animes that aren't that, but I haven't really kept up with anime so maybe I'm completely wrong.

S2Killinit1d ago

I would like a pokemon smash style anime inspired games.

Flewid63822h ago

The entire fighting game genre needs a break from anime.

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