
No Man’s Sky Goes Gold - It’s Finally Happening

No Man’s Sky will be released on PS4 and PC on August 9th, but today marks another milestone. As shared on Twitter by Creative Director Sean Murray, the game has finally gone gold.

cyx3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Lmfao thats what i felt like doing after reading . good one. I seriously cant wait for this game. Have a limited edition on the way and my gfs copy. comes out a day before my gf's bday so perfect timing for her lol. even though the odds of us running into eachother are slim we're. Definitely gonna try to find out. Meet point in a certain mutual solar system maybe? Cant wait to give this a shot!


lelo2play3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Good news that No Man’s Sky has gone gold.

60€ price tag... hope the game is good. I'm waiting for reviews (and gamers opinions) on this one.

Overload3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

It looks worth $60 to me. I have zero problem giving them their asking price and it doesn't appear that others have a problem with it either.


EpicSandwich3002d ago

I'll buy it when it is 15$ if reviews are good. It doesn't look too promising gameplay wise.

3002d ago
UltraNova3002d ago


Thanks for the review. How many hours of the retail game did you play? You know when you went for a strol to the future?

As for the rest of us (with no time machines, sadly..) will have to wait until Aug 9th to be sure.

skulz73002d ago

Why are people worrying about the $60 price tag? I can guarantee people will be playing it for much longer than most AAA games out there.

UltraNova3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

How can you guarantee that?


No seriously?

Yetter3002d ago

From everything we've seen, its gonna get old fast. I'd love to be wrong, but I doubt I am

Eonjay3002d ago


Because it is damn near infinite. Yhere will be people who will be playing into the deep future simply because they can.

robtion3002d ago

I will pick this up day 1 because it looks fantastic. Also though I want to support the developer. Sean Murray seems like a genuinely nice guy and I would be happy to see someone like that be successful.

Christopher3002d ago

Based on amount of time one can sink in it, it's worth $60. Based on enjoyment? Well, it should be good if you love exploration games, otherwise you probably want to wait for it to lower in price.

Pongwater3002d ago

I'm ready to pre-download so I can start my epic journey at the first possible moment.

Kingthrash3603002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Know what else was 60$
Quantum break
The order
Star wars bf
Titan fall
Tony hawk pro skater 5
God fuckin zilla
Cod games
All these games lacked in content or creativity. ...why is it ok?
Godzilla tho?
Evolve...any good?
Tony hawk. ..... (tony hawk tho)..59$
This game can be 60 bucks bro.

CorndogBurglar3002d ago

Why do you have Overwatch in this list?

It could use some more maps and game modes, I will give it that, but it is very creative and insanely fun. Well worth the $60.

I would have to agree with the rest of the games on your list though.

Kingthrash3603002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Overwatch, lacked content when it launched. ..and lacks it now for a mp only game. They (like star wars bf) could have had at least a great sp mode with the characters they have, but didnt. So if you are only gunna have a mp game and charge 60 bucks you at least need to have the content to make it worth 60. It's a great game and as you said very creative. ..but for 60, no matter how good you made it, it needs more content. That's why it's on the list. Same with the order, ryse, starwars, evolve, titan fall and quantum break...they all lacked content needed for a 60$ price tag at launch. Many games have added free content later but 60 bucks admission day one needs more content. Not to mention that most these games were made by large teams of people where nms wasnt, and it has an infinite amount of content to it...

Aenea3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

And all of those are actually €70 around here while NMS is €60. For some odd reason the MSRP of games Sony is involved in are €10 cheaper around here while in the US all games are $60...

Edit: these are facts people, nothing to disagree with here!

babadivad3002d ago

Why do you have Quantum Break on this list? That was one of the best games I've played this gen. By far the best story telling.[I'm not surprised though, it being Remedy].

That being said, you have a lot of good games on this list with tons of replay value. I'll just disagree and keep it moving.

starchild3002d ago


Value is in the eye of the beholder. We don't all like the same kinds of games. A person may find more value in a high quality game with less content than another game with more content that they find boring.


Yeah, I feel the same way. I played Quantum Break on PC and it was one of the best gaming experiences I've had this gen. The storytelling is amazing and right up my alley (just like Remedy's other games). I also thought the gunplay and time powers were a lot of fun. The atmosphere and graphics were incredible too.

Mulando3002d ago

All those games have gameplay ... but not all of them were worth $60 in my eyes.
Currently, I didn't see much that I would actually buy it. There just wasn't enough gameplay. Yes it seems as it has a big world, but that can get boring after a few hours. And it doesn't help that there is only a small chance you can see other players.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3002d ago
formanbradley3002d ago

Being a responsible consumer gets you down-voted on this site, get on the hype train or leave.

Angeljuice3002d ago

People still don't understand.

Person A is buying the game day 1,
Person B is waiting to see reviews first,

Person B writes "I'm going to wait a while before committing to this title"

Person A disagrees with that comment because they don't share the sentiment.

They aren't attacking you for not conforming, they are just saying they don't share your view.

one2thr3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

But the subjective veiw from someone else is enough for a person to justify their own purchase?

I did that and ended up buying both Destiny and The Division...

Funny thing is, that No Mans Sky hasnt had anything changed or taken out since its reveal.

People went into Destiny thinking there were going to be space battles, some sort of planetary exploration, and a solid story, nope if you wamt any of that you better collect those grimiore cards and read about them. And people having to drop money on slightly more decent content that came with a reskinned raid(s), and enemies.

The Division, ended being half of what it was revealed to be. The location was changed to a different area in manhattan, the reveal made it seem that the story area and the dark zone would featur a seamleas transition between these two types of areas, tablet controlled aerial devices were taken out and were used for the uncooperative incursion mode with severely over powered enemies. The DarkZone went below sea level, due to countless exploits and cheaters.

So far, the only bad news I heard about NMS developement is that Hello Games studio was flooded, which increased its developement time, and some lawsuit that Hello Games settle with a company that copy writted the word "Sky"....

And on top of that Sean Murray kept his team small which helped prevent leaked information, therefore making nearly everything about this game both a complete secret and suprise upon its release date, as Sean Murray and the rest of Hell Games intended on.

So I bought two games after hearing negative details about the two of them, and will be buying one because I only witnessed good things about it.
Only bad things I can think of about NMS are:

1)We the few that venture through NMS may never come across each other due to the vast amount of space.

2)We probably wont even land on or even explore more than 1%, of all the planets within NMS, on both platforms combined. (There are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616, planets withhin this game)

danny8183002d ago

same here. The gameplay looks okay but it just looks very repetitve lol and i havent even played it xD

KwietStorm_BLM3002d ago

Well all retail games are $60 so yea, all we can do is hope every game released is good.

Mulando3002d ago

I hope for a surprise, but that game is so overhyped, it can't get really good reviews.

I really hope that it's good, but I didn't see anything that really get me into this game.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3002d ago
Lbolt1873002d ago

I'm gonna wait till the price drop then pick it up. Looks fun though.

XanderZane3002d ago

Yeah, I'm not rushing out and getting it, but I do want to play it eventually. We'll see how the reviews go for it.

C-H-E-F3002d ago

Have you ever bought some shoes that you thought were cool, but then your friends tell you they aren't cool? What did you do? Did you stop wearing them? Or did you keep wearing them because you still thought they were cool...

My point being... why weigh your opinion, things you may like based on something someone else may like. That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard of in my life. So many gamers wait until reviews.... WHAT?? I understand if you said you wanted to wait to see actual gameplay cool, understood. You want to see what the game really looks like opposed to what we've seen, but to make your sole decision based on anothers opinion. Makes you a sheep not a wolf.

uth113002d ago

@CHEF - the review isn't so much to decide whether I like the game. With NMS I like what I see.

The review is more for finding out if they failed to deliver, or if there's nasty surprises so I don't waste money and find out the hard way.

Sometimes reviews will point out problems that I don't think are a big deal, and I'll buy the game anyway.

To use the shoe analogy- you think the shoes are cool, but if you find out online there are a ton of people complaining those shoes fall apart after a week, should you still buy them?

XanderZane3000d ago

I won't be judging it just on reviews along, but on what my friends say about it as well. I trust their judgement. I'll probably get to try it before I buy as well. I'm up in the air right now on whether it will be worth $60. I'm leaning toward, "No, it won't be worth the $60" from what I've read and seen of the gameplay. Shoes and video games are two total different products. Most people don't have the same taste in shoes. I wouldn't even ask my friends about that. I'd probably ask my wife first.

Gardenia3002d ago

That is something I'm worried about. It looks great and all but imaging playing this after a few days. Will things become repetitive or is there enough to make it interesting? Regardless, I will be buying this game

subtenko3002d ago

wat a game to wait for a price drop, u get the chance to explore the universe from the comfort of your home and you wanna wait *B**** Slap* you filthy crustashious cheapskate O_o You should be ashamed of yourself!.....look at ya!.... now go on and preorder the game....go on.....

stuna13002d ago

"To Boldly go where no Man has gone before!"


Sweet cant wait hopefully they can bring release date forward for everyone thay wants it bad

OldGuyStillGaming3002d ago

You can bet there will be early leaked copies floating around

robtion3002d ago

That would be great to see after all the delays. Street dates are a pain, they should bring games forward more often if they're ready to balance out all the delays a bit.

3002d ago Replies(1)
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Aquarius Update - No Man's Sky

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spambot081560d ago

the opposite: too much life as far as i'm concernd. similar to real space, finding lifeforms should be absolute rarity. if let's say they made life-hubs and the rest is empty 99% of the time, i wouldn't mind.

jwillj2k460d ago (Edited 60d ago )

This sounds good in theory, but at the end of the day we’re playing a video game. While you may be a purist, most gamers want to be entertained, rightfully so. A game slider could take care of this but the real problem is the value of said interactions.

People want no mans mass effect: gta edition

smolinsk60d ago

Couldn't agree more. The excitement and magical feeling of finding life should be really rare. But with today's gamers that don't want anything to be a challenge it's not gonna happen unfortunately.

NotoriousWhiz59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Some of us play video games to escape reality. Too much realism will not appeal to us. Most importantly for me, is that I need games to respect my time. Padding for the sake of padding is not worth it for my limited gaming time.

KaoticBrock59d ago

How does not finding life make it more challenging?

Tapani59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I also think that these types of games have a problem: They keep changing all the time! I bought the game, tried it when it came out, and dropped it. Tried it once more, wasn't there yet, but it was almost a different game. I just keep waiting for it to become the final version so that I can play it from start to finish finally, a form that does not change anymore.

I don't like games being continuously developed, especially space games. In the old days you got games like MegaTraveller or Elite II: Frontier. They felt vast, but were complete, and still confined in the right ways, not too open for their own good.

I think some space games are way too open, they should be more restricted, who wants to aimlessly wander in dark and cold -270C space that kills everything and everything that floats out there other than special human-made materials, certain particles, rocks, light and dark matter. It should be tied to discovery of something meaningful to the story and the characters. Who do you wander for, and why? Why is it important? Who really does care if you get to the goal? It's the journey of those emotions that make stories interesting, and space games would do well not to forget it.

Humans simply don't like stuff that does not have humans (or at the very least humanoids!) as the center of everything. Non-human stuff becomes alien and impossible to relate to. Even animations about toys or monsters understand this, they put human characters into that form to make them interesting and relatable. Games should do the same.

No Man's Sky's biggest problem is that it is too "alien" to me, there's nothing to relate to. It's just aimless wandering. No matter how good or complex the systems are, or how many multiple vast the worlds there are, I can't relate to any of it if there's no humanly relatable drama in it.

isarai59d ago

I mean that's how it was at first, but like a couple years after they did that 1st massive overhaul update that changed all the biomes which made baren planets waaaay less common. I also miss the original crafting system, the current one is just iver convoluted for no damn reason

Adrian_v0159d ago

Second that. Discovery in Elite dangerous felt way more rewarding and that game is barren as hell in comparison

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 59d ago
Armyofdarkness60d ago

I started this again but then after 5 ish hours I realized it’s the same game still. That’s on me, I recognize it’s good but not my cup of tea. Awesome to see the devs supporting it and I’ll check out their next game for sure because there’s something here!

QuarkZ59d ago

Yup, it's a freaking bore and they made it completely opposite to what it was supposed to be at first, which I guess makes sense, they catered to the few players remaining.
It still all just feel like doing the same things over and over, just getting new resources.

RaiderNation60d ago

The problem I have is the environments arent interesting and varied enough to carry it when exploration and discovery are supposed to be the selling points. The game is a million miles wide and an inch deep. And frankly, the game needs more planetary combat besides sentinels and hostile wildlife. I'm not saying it needs to be Destiny, but there needs to be a middle ground between this game and that game.

Abear2159d ago

The grind is real and crafting and gathering resources by grinding are too much for me, already spent too much time hearing that laser…eventually you do unlock tools that ease the grind, but this is the gameplay loop and it hasn’t changed with this update.

RaiderNation59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Agreed. For as much as they've changed/added to this game since launch, the one thing they haven't changed at ALL is the tedious gameplay loop! It always cracks me up that when using the refinery, the game makes you wait literal time for it to complete. Something like that should just be instant. There's no value in making you wait around for materials to be produced. It's a completely arbitrary task.

I swear this game must be for OCD people on the spectrum lol.

LucidIllusion59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Only the dumb people are complaining about a game that simulates reality. Please take up another genre of gaming where you're more equipped to speak on and enjoy. Most people don't deserve opinions. Why not play the inferior Starfield?

thesoftware73059d ago


"Most people don't deserve opinions"

Then you proceeds to give your opinion.

"Why not play the inferior Starfield?"

Me thinks someone thinks a bit too highly of themselves smh.

LucidIllusion38d ago

Actually I stated a fact. That's not an opinion. I'm quite reasonably sound btw.

Aussiesummer59d ago

I'm really hoping there next game has missions and things to do and considering it's on one planet then perhaps it will.

Daeloki59d ago

It has missions, as in bounties set out by space stations and outlaw stations, but also longer expeditions that are more or less seasonal.

Aussiesummer58d ago

the game is nowhere near out yet so what the hell are you on?

Daeloki56d ago

"the game is nowhere near out yet so what the hell are you on?"

My bad, I thought you were implying NMS doesn't have missions.

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