
When will the great Xbox One and PS4 exclusives arrive?

Can you look back at the Xbox 360 and PS3 in order to predict when the first great, console-selling, exclusives will arrive for Xbox One and PS4?

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StrayaKNT3503d ago

Titanfall, sunset and fh2 were all amazing games with tons of replayability so I guess you could say that they have arrived?

Foehammer3503d ago


The highest rated FPS is still TitanFall

The highest rated licensed racer is still Forza Horizon 2 and Forza 5.

I'm hoping for more good things from Halo 5, Quantum Break, and Forza 6.

Ori and the Blind Forest is already previewing very well, specifically pacing, and fun to play.

Palitera3502d ago

IMO, the first BIG title was Titanfall. It delivered, IMO, but obviously didn't met the absurd expectations towards it. Great game.

The next, which will become the #1 exclusive: Bloodborne.

After that, multis will fill the gap for a long time.

SpringHeeledJack3502d ago

Infamous second son would like a word. That was the first big title imo. Titanfall failed to live up to what a big title should of been with no single player and poor multi-player with probably the worst AI i have ever come across.

Saying that, rosogun and killzone shadowfall are worth a mention.

Palitera3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

Titanfall is designed like a MOBA, in case you failed to realize it. Obviously the soldiers are fodder.
"No SP". So? It is a MP game.
"Poor multiplayer". Just lol. This is the point where you use your hate card too early, not even having played the game. It is a top tier MP game.

I thought about inFAMOUS SS, but, as a big fan of the series, I don't think it deserves a mention.

GMR_PR3502d ago


Infamous Second Son? mmm... no. That game is so repetitive and not fun.

UnHoly_One3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

Agreed with Palitera.

Titanfall was amazing for what it was. Don't judge it based on what you wanted it to be. It's great at what it WAS. It is my favorite multiplayer shooter.

Sunset Overdrive was really something special, too.

Really looking forward to Quantum Break.

Can't say much about Forza as racing isn't really my thing.

Honestly I'm still really not sure when I'm going to get a good PS4 game at all.

Bloodborne is not my thing, I was never a souls fan. 1886 looks like something I would hate. I lost interest in Uncharted and still have never played the 3rd one, so 4 doesn't have me excited at all. I'm just at a loss, wondering why I bought the thing.

Well I know why I bought it. I love infamous and would have bought the console just for Second Son. It's just unfortunate that it was so bad.

abstractel3502d ago

Infamous SS, Killzone and The Order have been fantastic to me. Would love to play Sunset Overdrive but not buying an XB1 for one game.

Clickbait headline. Bloodborne is guaranteed to get high reviews.

Killzone SF was better than 2 and 3 with way more diversity (12hr SP, plus a great MP mode). Infamous SS was as good if not better than its predecessors. Yes a bit short, but for a launch window game i understand.

The rest of this year also looks magnificent as far as exclusive games are concerned with Quantum Break on the XB1, and I don't need to list all the PS4 exclusives this year.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3502d ago
NuggetsOfGod3502d ago

No mans sky is a pc exclusive cuz it's not on mac right?

Automatic793502d ago

I have both systems. On PS4 I have Killzone and the last of US have not tried them yet but will soon.

On Xbox One I have DeadRising 3, Titanfall, RYSE, D4, Forza 5, Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC, Max and the Cursed Brotherhood, Halo Spartan Assault and I have to say they were all great exclusives. This article is clickbait.

StrayaKNT3502d ago

Yeah i agree most of the titles are good, you should try tlou its a very good game. I wasnt a big fan of killzone though.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

Perhaps people need to use the phrase "exclusive content" instead of exclusive, because i'm pretty sure that DeadRising3, Titanfall, and Ryse are all available on PC.

This thread is an xbox fanboy convention.

joab7773502d ago

There's been good ones but I believe that in 4 weeks when Bloodborne releases, will begin the onslaught of next gen, both exclusive and mutiplat.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3502d ago

Actually Titanfall isn't an exclusive. It's available on multiple platforms.

It's not even exclusive to Xbox platforms. smh

LAWSON723502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

Fact stands it cannot be played on a PlayStation product, considering it is considered the most popular gaming brand is that not a big deal?

It is like saying SF5 is not a exclusive when in reality for a lot of people it may as well be.

Automatic793501d ago

@ IGivehugs

It's a console exclusive to Xbox platforms. Stay on point with the article.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3501d ago
DarkOcelet3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

"It’s likely that Sony's machine won't see a system-selling exclusive until Uncharted 4"

Bloodborne might not appeal to everyone but it doesnt have to sell 10 million units to become a system seller. 1 or 2 million is good enough.

There is also Persona V and MGSV and Disgaea V. All three will be system sellers in Japan and most likely MGSV/PersonaV will sell many PS4 consoles outside of Japan.

Until Dawn also appeal to a certain amount of people but could also make 1 or 2 millions.

Ratchet and Clank will definitely appeal to those who loves R%C and platformers. Just like Uncharted 4 also.

No Man's Sky and the many indie games out there also have its audience.

At the end of the day, each one of those games has its audience. Every single one is different from the other and appeal to someone out there. So to that someone, It Is A System Seller...

PudgeyBurrito3502d ago

Yeah, Since it's sold upwards of 20 million units. Which is the fastest selling console in history lets not forget.. Google it.. I don't think it needs a system selling to be honest with the amount of momentum behind it.

MelvinTheGreat3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

If the ps4 doesnt have a system seller and xbox 1 has a bunch, whats to stop current ps4 owners from saying " F this im going to buy an xbox cause it has great games."?

BC_Master_Haze3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

Power, that's about it really, and that is countered by the 50 dollar difference. Everything else is subjective, controller, style, if friends own it, preferred exclusives, features (Xbox with the edge though).

Imo second son was a system seller but pretty short, platinuming it was fun, but now I've traded it and any time I need my infamous fix it's off to first light. Shadow fall was underwhelming aside from graphics to me personally. Of course all this is just opinion, Xbox has more games, arguably better games but I'm a big naughty dog fan :) maybe in a while I'll get one or leech off a roommate with windows 10 streaming if they own a one

MasterCornholio3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )


"If the ps4 doesnt have a system seller and xbox 1 has a bunch"

One can easily argue that the PS4 is selling more due to having more system sellers than the Xbox One.

"whats to stop current ps4 owners from saying " F this im going to buy an xbox cause it has great games."?"

Maybe it's because they are not interested in Xbox One exclusives which only leaves multiplats to play on the XB1. And in that case they probably dont want to play inferior versions of those games.

Buying a system just for exclusives is a hard sell for a lot of people.

I'm more willing to buy a Wii U over an Xbox One because the Wii Us exclusives interest me.

OrangePowerz3502d ago

I don't care if a game is a "system seller" as long as it's a good game and I hope that Until Dawn turns out good the demo looked cool :)

uth113502d ago

Until Dawn looks awesome! Hopefully it delivers

GMR_PR3502d ago (Edited 3502d ago )

I think Bloodborne will be a killer exclusive for the PS4. So I guess to answer the article's question, it will arrive very soon.

Speak_da_Truth3502d ago

"Infamous Second Son? mmm... no. That game is so repetitive and not fun".
What game isn't repetitive?? Also. what isn't fun about Infamous?? Just curious

GMR_PR3502d ago

"What game isn't repetitive?? "

plenty of games, but Infamous:SS isn't one.

BC_Master_Haze3502d ago

After a while it is yeah, it never really tests you. I prefer the stadium mode in first light to free roam in SS

WESKER20153503d ago

late 2015 is when we will see the true AAA games, i really want to see more of until dawn and scalebound, but lets not forget there are some gems coming out soon also, ori and the blind forest, state of decay, bloodborne and the divsion(i think it will release in april or may), its a bit dry at the moment though i admit, but they will come, it depends on your gaming tastes also, i am still having a blast with many games on ps4 and xb1, dragon age 3 is destroying my will to game, its soo long lol

OUROSMAG3502d ago

A great one arrived on the 20th

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