
After The Disappointment Of The Order: 1886 Sony Needs A Good Showing From Bloodborne For E3

Skewed and Reviewed have posted an opinion piece stating why Sony needs a good reception for their upcoming game Bloodborne leading into E3 after the critical drubbing that The Order: 1886 has taken from critics. The article also asks if the game is up to the challenge but thinks it is.

Fro_xoxo3411d ago

Rest assured Bloodborne will deliver. It is a gamer's game.

From Demon's to Dark. You know what to expect. Thorough game-play.

"Let strength be granted so the world might be mended. . so the world might be mended" ~ Maiden in Black

Garethvk3411d ago

What I played of it was tons of fun. I loved the graphics and the mix of fluid yet brutal combat. At times of was reminded of GOW in the way you just closed in on them and slashed away before giving them a point blank shotgun blast.

But you can see my point, with E3 in June they need to have a good response to this one going in so their new announcements are met with the proper enthusiasm as if it were to go down the same path as The Order:1886 then consumer confidence in their pending exclusives could be shaken and thus give Microsoft some momentum.

bicfitness3411d ago

People keep saying this "PS4 has no good exclusives" mantra as if it matters, or is in any way true, and nearly each and every month the console outsells all of its competitors. What is selling the console then? LSD induced mania? Sorcery? 'Gaming journalists' need to wake up and check themselves, their fear-mongering does not reflect popular, consumer opinion.

I wouldn't be surprised if we get a press release in the next few weeks trumpeting one or two million sales for The Order. Critics are becoming increasingly irrelevant in a consumer driven market.

Inception3411d ago

"then consumer confidence in their pending exclusives could be shaken and thus give Microsoft some momentum"

Dude, where you got that crystal ball, Pachter shop??? ROTFL.

I guess some people really desperate to see his favourite plastic box turn the table.

Pogmathoin3411d ago

The Order is a victim of fanboys hype. This game was hyped to the extreme as a system seller, and I am sure the game will sell well, but sometimes the focus is on what the game will do for the PS4 rather than on what the game will be..... Fanboys are damaging games, damaging developers.... Let it go, enjoy the games and if you do not like it, nobody really cares if it upset you.... One mans junk is another mans treasure..... Let people find out for themselves rather than from your own bitterness....

mhunterjr3411d ago


I'd wager it's the word of mouth following the e3 2013 and the better performing mulit-platform games since then...

If I'm not mistaken, Destiny sold more PS4's than Infamous did... and it was available on 3 other platforms.

breakpad3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

i think in an era where indies are considered normal games ...normal AAA games are considered system sellers that was audience mistake not Order's ..the game is solid and fun but those hypocrites journalists wanted to present it as the new ace game that Sony is relying a lot upon it ..and obviously after that an onslaught of bashing the game was began also serving and benefiting other interest from competition

OrangePowerz3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

I think less "enthusiasm" from gamers for most games would be a good thing. It would cut down on disappointments because of too high expectations.

I stopped being "excited" for games in my twenties. I still look forward to games and greatly enjoy them, but I keep my expectations in check. It doesn't happen often that I'm really disappointed with a game and often when that happens it's because a game is broken like BF4 or Unity or when it uses stupid stuff like Unity with their companion app and website to unlock in game content (finally they removed that).

I still remember all the complaints last year on why Destiny is bad. In a lot of cases it came down to people having huge expectations and expected the game to be different than what they imagined in their head of how it would be. Make no mistake the game has it's flawes and problems but it wasn't a disappointing or bad game for me, but I also didn't I wasn't enthusiastic about it.

On the other hand I love the Metal Gear series and that is one of the few games where I would still get enthusiastic about. Because I have my preconceptions of how and what MGS should be I don't like what I see with MGS5. For me MGS isn't an open world game. To a large degree it's my own fault that I'm not looking that much forward to it because in my mind I have a clear picture of how it should be and it doesn't line up with what the game seems to be.

AliTheSnake13411d ago

I am pretty sure this game is coming out before E3.

johndoe112113411d ago


You just basically summed up the console wars and the gaming media's part in it in a nutshell. Could not have said it better myself.

dafegamer3411d ago

where are the MS games? People always talk about Playstation Exclusive, while Microsoft has nothing to offer the first half of 2015. I don't get this
MS bias from Gaming Journalists

zidane13413411d ago Show
Silly Mammo3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

@zidane1341 -If the PS4 is PS3.5 in your mind, what do you consider the X1?

badz1493411d ago

and...the media continue their agenda to label The Order as a disappointment.

thorstein3410d ago

The problem lies in your clickbait title. "After the disappointment of the Order..."

Speak for yourself. I certainly wasn't disappointed in it. And after reading through many, many of the comments in all of the reviews, it is quite clear that those who actually played it aren't disappointed in it either.

Some of the reviews were blasted straight out as pure clickbait (4 out of 10?) others were praised for being honest (7-9 out of 10). But what made the worst reviews?

Mostly bold faced lies, coupled with bizarre reasons for giving low scores. One review claimed it was an "on rails shooter." No, words have meanings and this was anything but an on rails shooter. "The length wasn't justified by the price." Since when has this affected review scores. When the game has a price drop to 39.99 will those review scores go up?

No, because they got their clickbait. And that is all it really is. We saw it with Destiny, Dying Light, the Order. Even Watch Dogs. Go back and play that one and then compare it to the vitriol that it received. I'm not saying it was the greatest game ever, but it was hardly a terrible, broken game.

And of those titles I just mentioned, why are some games, that were broken at launch BF4 given higher review scores by the very people who blasted the Order which is a complete, unbroken game.

Nope, just more jaded hateboys who hate gaming but have no other career path to follow so they continue to write copy that will garner hits.

There is a reason people constantly read Game Informer. Hint: They don't write clickbait.

thorstein3410d ago

AliTheSnake1 + 8h ago
"I am pretty sure this game is coming out before E3."


Ssshhhhh! Clickbait artists don't want people to know that.

Here is what I imagine happened at their *ahem* "offices."

Chief: The number of page visits is declining, quick, write something awful about the Order!

Journo: But I haven't played that game yet!

Chief: Too bad, complain about (types "the Order" into google) the length and that it has too many cinematics.

Journo: Okay, what else?

Chief: (Consults "Thesaurus of Overused Clickbait Cliches") Say it's repetitive and generic. Yeah.

Journo: A steampunk story set in London about the Knights of the Round Table, as descended from King Arthur, hunts down and battles Werewolves is "generic?" Will people even believe that?

Chief: You may be right, say it was underwhelming or a disappointment instead.

Journo: Got it.

Chief: Good, post it on N4G.

abstractel3410d ago

The Order hasn't disappointed me. Not perfect, but I don't feel it has hurt the PS4 like this article claims.

Bloodborne is a given. It's a nerd's videogame. I'll love it I am sure, but that doesn't mean I am not appreciating The Order for all that it is.

I understand Order's criticisms, but I feel it's groundbreaking in other ways. if they can iron out some things, The Order 1887 (?) should be fantastic.

I love that Sony takes risks, and always have with their first/second party studios.

memots3410d ago

LoL an article practically 2 days after the game comes out saying its was a disappointment.
We didnt see that one coming ... /s

user55757083410d ago

the only console that actually has great exclusives is the WiiU

strifeblade3410d ago


Dumbest crap i have ever read on this web site. Seriously the crap you spew is unbelievable.The sales of those games horizon and overdrive are bad so that makes them ... duds?The sales for games do not speak for the quality of the games themselves so to speak. If that was the case call of duty and gears of war are better than uncharted and last of us according to that logic or standard. next you forget the install base is more almost 2x as much as xbox one, so its only natural games will sell more on PS4 because of the install base- not because of the AMAZING quality of the game -seriously its that simple. Next you forget to mention when you talk aboout new ips and exclusives that titanfall has eclpised in sales every single sony exclusive on ps4 released to date including killzone, infamous, despite half the install base... Tak about an accomplishment- so does that mean sales speak for quality? Here is the fact- this generation AAA sony exclusives on meta have been scoring far less favourable than the xbox one AAA counter parts. And Msoft in the same timespan have released just as many AAA games on x1 if not more than sony. Thats a fact- You cant hang on to your metacritic ratings anymore so you shift the argument to sales and conspiracy propaganda theories? Bravo- for presenting pathetic arguments.

Cupid_Viper_33410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

@ strife

Titanfall was being offered for free with every with every newly Discounted Xbox One for at as low as $329. it barely outsold Killzone SF by 300K. Eclipse?? AND NO! the TLoU: Remastered have "ECLIPSED" Titanfall's sales with much less time on the market....SO GTFO...

The sales for games DOES NOT speak for the quality of the games themselves. But it DOES SPEAK for the amount of people who for themselves ENJOY those games.... You guys have taken on the point to try and tell people what they should or should not ENJOY, and to you and those guys, I say big F@*K You! and spare me from your CONCERN TROLLING.

"Here is the fact- this generation AAA sony exclusives on meta have been scoring far less favourable than the xbox one AAA counter parts. And Msoft in the same timespan have released just as many AAA games on x1 if not more than sony. Thats a fact- You cant hang on to your metacritic ratings anymore so you shift the argument to sales and conspiracy propaganda theories? Bravo- for presenting pathetic arguments."

http://www.listwar.com/rele... will change your life, but I'm sure it won't stop your trolling...

I won't even go into how full of sh!t you are with statements like that.... Do me a favor, put me on your ignore list or something, because you're going on mine, TROLL.

xDHAV0K24x3410d ago

price and pedigree is selling the ps4

Pintheshadows3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )


'What is selling the console then? LSD induced mania?'

LSD is surprisingly useless when it comes to buying things. It is good for having conversations about WW2 era tanks. Anyhow.

I actually think The Order's biggest issue is the fact that it shows you that it could be a terrific third person shooter. And then it tears you out of it for a ten second cutscene to open a door. And then gives you thirty more seconds of walking and then more cutscene. I wanted more of its action. Stop denying me!

It is a very staccato 'game'. And if they had just gone, 20 minutes of game and then look at our wonderful cutscene (like Uncharted) it would of nailed it. I genuinely believe that the material, and a lesson is present here to do something terrific with a sequel.

The problem is it gave me so much and then snatched it away too soon. It gave me a great fight in a snooker hall and then it stalled for a long time. There is a lot of unneeded cutaways here. Make no mistake, the production values on display are ridiculous. It is staggeringly gorgeous (deal with it, it looks better than RYSE, it just does) and the voicework is impeccable.

The thing that guts me though is how good 1886 COULD of been. I hope the IP lasts. I hope RAD takes the core of the actual game and develops it into a 15 hour experience with exploration and combat. TLOU style. That is what I hoped this would be. It so isn't. Imagine a Lycan being framed like a clicker.

I would give it a 6 if I had to numerate. On my scale that is above average with some significant flaws, but enjoyment can be found. It is like Airblade on PS2. Yeah, The Order is like Airblade, But with Lycans. And without hoverboards. And not as good as Tekken 3 but far better than Rise of the Robots.

cooperdnizzle3410d ago

At least Sony is trying and releasing games. Blood born next, MlB the show, Until dawn, Children of tomorrow, Hell Blade and uncharted. MS haven't had crap. Call me crazy but, you can't win by not having games come out!

christian hour3410d ago


I have been doing lsd derived hallucinogens a lot more often lately I must admit but... I'm 100% positive that's not the reason why I bought my ps4. I have a talking giraffe on a walrus mount with jetpack feet to back me up on that, he knows what he's talking about man.

thekhurg3410d ago

The Order isn't disappointing.

BallsEye3410d ago


good marketing with false advertisement.

(on top of that e3 demo was 60 fps and claimed to be in game level running)

Deep Down e3
(it even had HUD! go watch it)
vs real game

Killzone: Shadow Fall MP resulution is 960 x 1080 but was advertised as native 1080p.

Ahh could go on.

andibandit3410d ago


" http://www.listwar.com/rele... will change your life, but I'm sure it won't stop your trolling... "

He said AAA, you only proved his point with that link

Cupid_Viper_33410d ago

@ and I and it
"He said AAA, you only proved his point with that link"

Ugh...just no. I have already FACTUALLY dismissed all of his "lies".

Titanfall on XBOX One did outsell TLoU Remastered, so that's lie #1.

Lie #2, he deliberately tried to create a fake argument that sales does quality, knowing full well that "quality" is not what is being discussed in my post. So I explained to him that sales are directly proportional to the number of people who ENJOY a game. I wouldn't exactly call Minecraft "quality" but more people enjoy Minecraft than 98% of all games ever made. games are made to be enjoyed, regardless of budgets, or a critic's opinion or sales.

Lie #3 he claims that Microsoft has released just as many, if not more AAA exclusives which consistently scores higher than their PS4 counterparts this Generation. And the link I've sent is pretty clear on that.

Released AAA exclusives

PS4. XBox One
LBP3 79 Dead Rising 78
InFamous 80. Sunset Overdrive 81
The Order 65. Ryse 60
FF: ARR 86 Titanfall 86
MLB 14: TS 83. Forza 5 80
TLoU:R 95. Halo: MCC 85
Driveclub 71. Forza Horizon 86
GG Xrd Sing 84. Killer Instinct 73
Killzone SF 73. -------------
Injustice GAU 80 -------------

As you can see, the PS4 not only have more exclusives AAA, (or otherwise) but it Averages a score of 79.6/100. Where the XBox One not only has less, but averages less as well, at 78.6/100.

He's a troll spreading lies and trying to carefully frame the argument with "AAA games" or "retail exclusives only" etc. As if people only enjoy retail games, or exclusives only. Sadly though, which ever way you slice it, the PS4 comes out on top.

Cupid_Viper_33410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

I did the table above on my phone and it did not come out correctly.

Released AAA exclusives

PS4: 79.6/100

LBP3 79
InFamous 80
The Order 65
FF: ARR 86
MLB 14: TS 83
TLoU:R 95
Driveclub 71
GG Xrd Sing 84
Killzone SF 73
Injustice GAU 80

10 games total with an average of 79.6

XBox One:78.6/100

Dead Rising 78
Sunset Overdrive 81
Ryse 60
Titanfall 86
Forza 5 80
Halo: MCC 85
Forza Horizon 86
Killer Instinct 73

8 Games total with an average of 78.6

So the real question now becomes, where is the "concern" for Microsoft not only releasing less exlusives, but also also lower rated than the PS4's on average?

strifeblade3410d ago


so the sales speaks for the amount of people that enjoy them doesnt change the fact xbox eclusives sell more than playstation exclusives- what was the argument back then? Major advertising? We are speaking about the orders quality in gameplay in terms of it being a good game... yknow? im sure plenty people will enjoy it- doesnt change the fact it is critically considered a bad game and people can enjoy bad games if they put production values ahead of everything else, that is exactly the point you proved. Nice, i love watching how you struggle to defend the order.

So what sony spent 10s of millions? does that make it autmatically a good game?Just because you throw millions at something doesnt mean it will turn out well. look at the movie industry.

Nextly Nice averages to fill your agenda but you forget about knack? big launch exclusive made by the legendary playstation architect. got a 54, that brings the ps4 exclusives average to 77.3. Nice try.

The fact is though there are more ports on ps4 you are relying on in your averages. Last of us is a 1080p port- not a remake, masterchief collection actually has a halo 2 remake when it came to graphics and cutscenes that look nothing like the original- most people couldnt tell the difference for last of us. it was a 1080p port like halo 1 , halo 3 halo 4, were ports- should i count their metas as well? Injustice is a port of a 1 year old multiplat on 360.

But seriously you disculded knack to prove a point? Nice try fanboy and im no troll, you claim shift the argument to quality, well the article is talking about the quality of the order- then why are you shifting it to quality speaks for the amount of people buying the game and go on to compare xbox games? sorry but i have to put you in your place.

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 3410d ago
christocolus3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )


I agree, Bloodborne will be alot better than The Order. Going by previews of the game alone you can tell that the critics will love it. IGN, Gamespot , Eurogamer etc all seem quite impressed with the game so far, also the guy behind the game isn't a novice in this genre.He has made similar games in the past and they've all been really good.

thorstein3410d ago

It's a Sony exclusive by From Software. I will love it. It, however, will get as much hate from these clickbait journos as the Order or Infamous Second Son received before photo mode was introduced.

Or Kilzone SF. The point is, no matter what it is, if it is an exclusive it will get flamebait articles.

christian hour3410d ago

Exactly, and the reason is pure and simple. Editorial pressure. It's been the same the last 2-3 gens, whichever console is the biggest selling will get the same treatment.

If you bash an exclusive from said console you'll not only get hits from the competitions userbase looking to feel better about/affirm their purchase but you'll also get hits from enranged fanboys spouting PR buzzwords in defence of the title, and then you also get the rational few from both sides of the fence coming in and trying to talk sense in to everyone else.

Just like how Elvis's manager would reportedly sell "I Love Elvis" and "I hate Elvis" merchandise.

Software_Lover3411d ago

I expect 9-10's for Bloodborne. It looks good.

Fro_xoxo3411d ago

I did my best not to add that bit. ehehe

AudioEppa3411d ago

"gamers game"? Ok.. lol

It's one thing if the order isn't you're kind of game, that's totally fine. But don't pull that bullshit that it isn't like any other game past or present.

I swear certain people in this gaming community (not aiming at you) really just want industry to be boring. I welcome any developer to do whatever they feel like and if I want to buy it, I will, if I don't, I want and the order was a definite buy, but me liking it is not the point I'm trying to make, the point is that people are acting like this game was something different from what it was always been about lol the developers even told us all since day one that this game was a heavy cinematic experience, yet people forget it an wanna act surprised when it's released.

Now is bloodborne my kind of game? Nope, but I hope people who wanna buy it, enjoy it. But seriously a lot of gamers need to chill with this attitude that you gotta shit on the order (or any game) just to feel good or cool about the kind of games they like.

PriestGascoigne3409d ago

Well, he kinda can shit on Order. Have you seen the reviews. It. Is. Shit. There needs to be new games and not remakes for the PS4, thats why people are really excited. The Order got it's hype from being a new IP. The reviews settled that the hype was for nay, sadly enough. But he just used Order as an example because it did come out near the time that bloodborne is coming out. Hell IDK why they even judged the 2 side by side, let alone anywhere near each other. But theFro is right, it is a gamers game. I got one of my friends who played assassin's shit all day and I was able to get him into dark souls. He does nothing but plays dark souls now, and he wants to get Demon Souls and Dark Souls 2. Maybe you don't think the same, but it's mostly true.

Clunkyd3411d ago

Next up....Bloodborne hate.

peshkavusCA3411d ago

Whoever hates Bloodborne is already dead. Bloodborne is God's creation.

Syntax-Error3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

^^^ Spoken like true sheep ^^^

maniacmayhem3411d ago

I agree with you Fro..

This is the PS4 game that I am looking forward too. From the original director and producer of the Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 which are two of my favorite games last gen.

Also if I am not mistaken there's co-op which will make this game that more exciting and probably even more challenging.

Next month is going to be fantastic. 1st day purchase for me.

joab7773411d ago

No way Bloodborne isn't good.

IrisHeart3410d ago

Correct. Bloodborne is a game not a movie for shills.

skwidd3410d ago

Ah shut up, article! Who claims The Order is a disappointment? Lots of gamers are in love with it!

bangoskank3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

I watched the first hour of it and, yes, The Order 1886 is a beautiful snooze with hardly any gameplay. It's just a showcase for what the PS4 is capable of. Reminds me of what Shadow of Destiny was for the PS2, except that was a decade and a half ago and excusable at the time. Also much more enjoyable. Those who are "in love" with The Order are Sony sheep who are easy to or have poor taste in video games.

Bloodborne will be great as we've seen it in action and have proof that it looks great and will deliver in the gameplay department.

skwidd3410d ago

What a sweeping statement to give an opinion and declare anyone who thinks contrary is a >enter name call<.

Here, let me try this on you:
"You're just a skank like your name says and anyone who gives you an Agree is just a blind follower with no valid opinion".

Stay classy

bangoskank3410d ago

I'm a gamer who's tired of watching the industry being ruined by greedy corporate jerks and the people who will spend top dollar for the crap that will be fed to them. It's disgusting. I've been a gamer for over 30 years and this has gotten progressevly worse in the last few years. That's why we need to support indies and innovative games with fresh ideas, not this gaudy garbage.

skwidd3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

I respect your opinion and I too have been gaming since Pacman was released on the table top arcade. I earnestly think The Order is a work of visual art that I throughly enjoyed from start to end. The price is fair to me because I was immersed in a beautifully realized world with excellent characters and some solid gameplay. I, in the same way you show disgust towards the industry in this way, am disgusted at the low scores the industry has given The Order. All I'm saying is we have differing opinions but there's no need to call people fanboys and sheep. I respect your opinion and you can vote with your wallet and hard earned cash.

PriestGascoigne3409d ago

Have you even seen the reviews? I bought the game and it had about 45 minutes of gameplay and 5 HOURS of god forsaken movie. Wasted my god - damn time. *Rage in the background*.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3409d ago
UKmilitia3410d ago

i really enjoyed the order.
doesnt deserve the bad reviews it got imo.

showtimefolks3410d ago

I am sure the order 1886 will sell well enough to where sony won't consider it a complete failure. And i wouldn't be surprised if ready at dawn are bought by sony and we hear about a sequel e3 2016

assdan3410d ago

Exactly. The lowest I see this game scoring is mid 80s on metacritic

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3409d ago
3411d ago Replies(3)
Inception3411d ago

Lol looks like my prediction was true about Bloodborne will be the next target after the media succeed to downplay The Order.

I expect more clickbait article like this from "Why you shouldn't play Bloodborne because it's take too long to finish", "Why Dark Souls is better than Bloodborne", "People will buy more Xbox 1 than PS4 if Bloodborne turns out dissapointing", or something clickbait like that closer to the release date of Bloodborne.

marlinfan103411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Did you even read the article? Or are people already getting their victim cards ready for bloodborne? All he's saying is bloodborne needs to do well after the disappointment of the order. He says in the article that bloodborne was one of his favorite games at pax prime.

"I loved my time with the game at PAX Prime and although it was a challenge, I found it and Until Dawn to be my favorite PS4 games at the show. The fluid motion and brutal close range combat was a real thrill and the ability to sneak in a weapons blast in the midst of the ballet of blades showed just how much bloody fun this game could be."

Wow he's really hating on it isn't he.

joeorc3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

On the same token:

"After The Disappointment Of The Order: 1886 Sony Needs A Good Showing From Bloodborne For E3"

The very point was , this tries to make it out the over all consensus of the Order:1886 was that its a Disappointment!

But the truth is its not a over all Consensus of the game but the majority being Quote Disappointed in the Order:1886 is conjecture nothing more nothing less at this point.

If that was the case Of being Quote a Disappointment to the "Majority" of gamers than there would not be open talks about this. Some may say it would be with fanboys in fact that is pretty gross conjecture to even try to make the claim this early anyway that this game is a disappointment by the "Majority" this eearly; example even going to Meta out of 60 votes right now 23 of those are positive votes, and the 31 are mixed which is again far from being disappointed..those are "Mixed" good and Bad with reviews take on the game. that's not being Disappointed either way. Its both good/bad

The idea that some are trying to paint the game as One big disappointment with the Majority of gamers based on a very small sample size is kinda ironic.

Out of over 600+ user reviews which again being Mixed votes that say's that its really nothing more than interest in the game is really high. Because the sample size is too freaking small.

Another point above if the game sell over 1 million copy's would that make the game a disappointment?

The game has not been out long enough to see the general consensus yet, because there has not been enough freaking time for it to gather enough of a larger sample size to determine such a metric.

marlinfan103411d ago

Lol that's not what the guy was saying that I replied to, at all. He clearly said "Lol looks like my prediction was true about Bloodborne will be the next target after the media succeed to downplay The Order." As in the media (this article) is trying to downplay bloodborne like they did with the order. My reply was to show that he isn't downplaying bloodborne and even said he really enjoyed it.

Sweep143410d ago

Considering that The Order will sell more than Bloodborne, the latter doesn't "need to do well... (but it will do !)

Rachel_Alucard3410d ago


You know you could of just wrote, "It's too early to call the Order a disappointment by the majority," instead of going off on a console warrior crusade with the essay.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3410d ago
ricochetmg3411d ago

The people have spoken screw the media

Mega243411d ago

Totally agree with you on clickbait rant. But At the same time, expect people to be a bit more reluctant to buy the next exclusive for PS4. The Order isn't really disappointing, but lacks content to justify $60, if they came out and said that all future DLC would be free, then it could improve on it's sells, but people who bought it and discovered the short gameplay portion of it wont be coming back to it. The Order is one of those games that is all about the story (kind of like Quantic Dream games), and short of the gameplay. They should have advertised the game as a Interactive movie style game, less as a third person shooter.

Garethvk3411d ago

For the record, I own a PS4 and it is my console of choice. I also was one of the few giving plenty of press to The Order that was not doom and gloom and I also have praised up Bloodborne often so your way off on your Xbox Fanboy stuff as PS4 is my favorite and we are very much looking forward to Until Dawn and Bloodborne. What I said was true though, if Bloodborne comes out to bad reviews and fan disappointment how could it not have an impact on E3 as Sony would see their two most recent AAA titles for the system met with bad reviews and fan disappointment. I do not think it will happen but anyone at Sony who was being honest would not say oh its ok if Bloodborne is a failure/disappointment and we are happy with how The Order was received.

Kayant3410d ago

"For the record, I own a PS4 and it is my console of choice" - Ha good old I own thing so can't possibly said anything bad about it.
Please save your BS this is not the first time you have written something flamebait or poorly researched.

"how could it not have an impact on E3 as Sony would see their two most recent AAA titles for the system met with bad reviews and fan disappointment." - Hmmm let's see. Well you know the fact the Bloodbourne is released in March and E3 is about 3 months after.

THC CELL3411d ago

The order is not a disappointment sorry but it's not.

Garethvk3411d ago

You have seen all the scathing reviews right?

shallowpoint3411d ago

I have played it! It's a great game!!!

Errefus3411d ago

caring about reviews....

joeorc3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Yes go look at meta critic; out of 60 reviews

23 positive
31 mixed
6 bad

Now when only 8 break point is between both mixed and positive how the hell can anyone say that is a Majority of the view about this game is its a bad game or hell even drips of mediocrity?

Mediocrity for a game generates lots of interest?
If So, you can bet Sony and Ready at Dawn wants this interested into every game they make!


On the Order:1886

Its only freaking 8 vote's out of 60' that are from mixed to positive!

While Dead or alive had 11 reviews As example:


4 mixed
7 positive
0 bad

Now again Dead or alive was out 3 full days before
And for User votes

Dead or alive 42
The Order: 687

The point is if the game was so bad, and another game was so good where is the interest into the higher rated game?

Stats also say quite a bit more than just a games rating, it also shows developers the interest into your game..good or bad, it shows interest!

That is far from a bad game!

ger23963411d ago

What's your point? Reviews are opinions. Luckily we all have different opinions. It's not a perfect game, but I'm positive there are gamers who will enjoy it.

tkato3411d ago

I'm playing it right now, and while I do have my problems with it (small text makes me crazy, the weird way they divided the chapters), the game is quite good I must say.

Visuals 10/10 Best in a game thus far, and the art direction is wonderful which makes it look better then PC games as well (I have a beast PC)
Audio 9/10 VO are amazing, sounds fx are great.
Gameplay 8/10 There isn't that much of it, but it's not broken, it's just standard TPS shooter, nothing special but nothing is broken.
Story 9/10 It's interesting, the setting is well done, It's a new IP that makes me wish I could know more about the world it takes place in, the characters are flawed and humane, I like it.
Length 7/10 It's OK I guess, I don't put that much thinking into the length of a game, as long as I enjoy my ride, I'm guessing I'm about 7 hours in, on the 10th chapter right now, I don't bother with checking the time I spend on a game.

Overall I'd give it a 8/10, it's a normal TPS, new IP, lovely visuals, and an interesting story.

BUT, if you're looking for an action packed shooter look elsewhere, if you like Telltales games, TLOU and these sort of games I'd advise getting it, there's a strong emphasis on story development, less so on the actual gaming side, which in my book is great, too much bloody shooters anyway, TPS is already one of the most generic genre out there, The Order doesn't try to revolutionize on that front.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Reviewers do not speak for the entire gaming community.They may speak for little kids and people who can't think for themselves, but they definitely don't speak for me. Reviews are nothing more than opinions and so is claiming that The Order is a disappointment.

I like this game. It's a 7.5 only because of the constant large button prompts appearing on screen. The black bars don't affect the gameplay, the gameplay mechanics are excellent, nothing worth mentioning in the way of bugs and glitches, the voice acting is pretty good, not stellar, but good enough to keep you engaged, and there aren't that many quick time events, the button prompts are mostly for inspecting items and there's a few that are related to combat, WHICH ARE QTE's, but it's not as bad as some people would have you believe, unless you're used to playing games like COD, Halo, and Assassin's Creed instead of games like Outlast, The Walking Dead and Wolfenstein.

My opinion is not any more or less relevant than some person writing a review. Reviewers are not experts, they are people who get paid to write opinions. THAT IS A FACT!

Jihaad_cpt3411d ago

You mean other people opinions. Yes other people have opinions that are different. I think the Order is pretty damn good.

Whirlwind_Fanfare_083411d ago


Yeah, and most of them are bull@$!#.

DigitalRaptor3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Do you know what a disappointment is Gareth?

It's something you were expecting, that doesn't end up like you were expecting. The people are to blame, not the game. Luckily, The Order: 1886 is everything R@D said it was going to be. There are just as many positive reviews as bad ones, and the pre-launch hate and concerns were basically a setup and a warning for people to not let their excitement get the better of them.

The only "disappointment" here are the double standards and lack of consistency from the gaming media, who have welcomed cinematic gameplay with open arms practically ALL of last-gen, then turn around and warn people against it the following generation. People out there who have actually played it and reported as having enjoyed it know that the REAL disappointment comes from the all-encompassing sheep mentality of those trusting in untrustworthy review systems, and supporting the people who have proven their disgusting double standards, and lack of consistency in places where professionalism is supposed to maintain consistent standards.

ziggurcat3411d ago


you mean the prescribed "reviews" that utilize the exact same talking points that makes it look like there's been an organized effort on their part to discredit the game?

WelkinCole3411d ago

Do reviews matter more than gamers enjoyment of the game?.

Virtually everyone that know that have this game and actually played it have nothing but good things to say about it.

MysticStrummer3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

"You have seen all the scathing reviews right?"

I've played the game and enjoyed it, so it's not a disappointment to me.

It's selling very well, so it's not a disappointment to Sony.

I have problems with it, but I have bigger problems with the lowest review scores. So far I'd give it an 8 at the least.

thorstein3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

Gareth, It is time you read through these comments and admit that you are wrong. Very, very wrong.

Have you seen the agreements with his statement? And do you see the responses to your own article? Maybe you need to take my advice, once again. The gaming community (as shown here) does NOT agree with you. Own that you wrote clickbait and are being called out for it.

And since when do reviews mean that a game is good or awful.

Great reviews for BF4... game was broken at launch.

Terrible reviews for Destiny. People have racked up weeks of game time.

Nice try but reviews are nothing and everyone has realized this thanks to the Order.

Rachel_Alucard3410d ago


I know you are paid by a 3rd party to spread positive opinions about certain games around the web. 2 years ago you went out of your way making and submitting RE6 articles constantly praising the game before it released then when it released and bombed you went around complaining on the lowest scoring sites and trying to deflect the bad scores on other reasons. That's why your name is HiddenMission, you have a hidden mission for spreading untruths around for a paycheck. Sorry but I don't believe any of your shilling.

MALVAD03410d ago

ps boys dont play reviews we play games

porkChop3410d ago

You have played the game right?

I have, and it is FAR from a disappointment. The game is awesome, and definitely much longer than 5 hours for me.

T2X3410d ago

Well, I can see the majority of people seem to go by reviews only. Which is the mistake. If more folks played it first themselves (Like back in the old,old days!) where there was mostly word of mouth, maybe things would be different as far as hyping things into the stratosphere beyond reasonable expectation.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3410d ago
SoapShoes3411d ago

I'm currently playing it and honestly really enjoying it!


Not at all. It might not be what certain people wanted it be but that doesn't make it a failure. The story and shooting mechanics are top notch, the game is a decent length and the graphics are second to none.

marlinfan103411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

I'd have to disagree. When a game that was supposed to be one of the top 3 games this year scores a 65 average on all its reviews, I'd say that's a bit disappointing. Ryse scored around there, 62 I think, and that's been considered a disappointment since day one. That was also a launch game which should get more slack than a game released over a year after launch.

joeorc3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Again that is only 62 freaking review sites, thus 62 freaking people!

The idea that these review sites hold such sway over gamers on what to or not to buy based on an opinion that they have does not mean they = the Majority of consumers opinion of a game!

I never bashed Rye, I never go out of my way to freaking bash any game, because I am a game designer by trade for mobile games, and was in pen and paper and board games before that.

I do not have to bash the game because I know what these developers have to go through just getting funding and hold from one project to the next pitching sometime the same freaking core game design over and over again to some time many in the same investment group with one or two new people that others who hear the pitch before, some try to discourage a green light to those that did not yet hear the pitch.

The Idea many on here let such a small number of People determine if your going to buy a game or not is pretty ironic, since if you never take a chance and always play it safe, you may not get to experience a number of games they you may even enjoy in the first place.

Yes $60.00 is quite a bit of cash for people to put down on a game, but on the same token you can always wait for the price to drop. And trying to say, well that still makes it a disappointment is again Ironic, you are still wanting to play the game if you say that you have an interest in playing the game. If that means as a developer i may not make as much money upfront with you as a consumer than thats the breaks.

No artist has everyone like his or her art as a matter of fact many times its only after you are dead in the ground or ash, do they sometimes care about your art. Many times we do this because we love doing it. Some are even jaded enough because many times the gamers that say they will give you a chance do not because many times they are a fickle bunch most of the time.

Rachel_Alucard3410d ago


God calm down and try writing 1 or 2 sentences instead of making a whole essay out of every single statement.

Again, you could of just wrote, "I don't believe a group of reviewers opinions means they are the majority of what people think."

NeverHeavyMan3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Had I paid any significant attention to The Order's reviews, I wouldn't be thoroughly enjoying it to the degree that I am. I think many of its criticism(s) are VASTLY overblown and it is the final nail in the coffin, from my perspective, about reviewers. I'll continue to avoid them like the plague, unless a game has "dud" written all over prior to release.

u4one3411d ago

I was just playing it 20 min ago and I disagree. Yawn fest. Bloodborne will be a better received game. I think the order set the bar pretty low for it

Battlefieldlover3410d ago

Sure you were. I just jumped on n4g like i usually do before going to bed after playing just 1 hour of the Order and yawn fest my hind end. I'm seriously bummed i have to get to bed and take my girl to breakfest tomorrow keeping me from digging into this game more. I'm half tempted to start over and see if she wouldn't be up for watching me play (which usually is a no go). I think the way this game is set up (from what i've seen so far) that she would enjoy watching it. It's like a movie i get to take part in :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3410d ago
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Miyazaki wants to 'sharpen' Bloodborne and Sekiro's combat philosophy in his next games

Miyazaki's clearly got Sekiro and Bloodborne in his heart, and refining their combat philosophy is in his mind.

Read Full Story >>
Psychonaut853d ago

Hells yeah. Would love to see another really tight action focused title next. Be cool if he did something completely different, like a cyborg-ninja game.

Rikimaru-003d ago

yes, now go and make a new tenchu


Sony Rewards Program Is Coming To An End on Dec. 31, 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced that it is ending the Sony Rewards program on December 31, 2024, and as a result that date will be the last time possible to redeem points and access your account.

helicoptergirl4d ago

This is a shame. I've been using it since the start. It had a few problems and issues but overall I did end up saving a little bit over 60 dollars using this program. There was probably not enough people using it.

Cacabunga4d ago

Is it playstation stars?? I really never understood it. I am still level 1

PS_HCT4d ago

This is not playstation stars. Sony Rewards is a US rewards program linked to a visa credit card.

darthv724d ago

I just checked... I have 144 points at the moment. Not even enough to get a $5 PS card. I can get a $1 digital gift card to Target or home Depot though.

blackblades4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I thought they were been done with this, I redeem some good stuff with this in the past. Wonder how much i got its been awhile

OtterX4d ago

I've gotten so many free games throughout the years w this program, this sucks. I've been with it since the beginning.

I just run a majority of my needed purchases through it and pay it off immediately instead of using cash or debit. The most recent was on Tuesday I got a $10 dlc free. It was great as long you're not borrowing out large amounts of money that you don't have.

ChasterMies4d ago

Realistically, those weren’t free games. You could have used another cards rewards points or bought Sony products on sale and then used the savings to buy PlayStation games.

OtterX4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Well there was a large boost on any purchase made on PSN, so there was an incentive to use over other cards' rewards. It used to be better, then they lowered it. I forget the exact multiplier though.

I pretty much got this $10 DLC free this week just by resubbing my PS+ Premium. (On sale during Days of Play) Not a lot of other cards would give that much back

dumahim4d ago

Right. I can do the same thing with my credit card rewards, but I have much more flexibility in what I can redeem those points for, including buying PS games.

shadowT4d ago

I never owned the credit card. Was this program available in Europe and Asia?

Profchaos4d ago

Seriously it was awesome Ive gotten a few free psn vouchers out of it.


i remember getting Assassin creed black flag for free with Redeeming my Points for 10 dollars when it was on sale this is very sad news.

OtterX4d ago

I actually believe that was one of my first cashouts on the program! haha

I remember I had just gotten the PS4 and I used it on Black Flag or Battlefield 4 to go with it.
I'm pretty sure I remember it being Black Flag though! (Great choice, as it became my favorite AC of all time)

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Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port

Keep that hope alive, PC gamers.

Huey_My_D_Long9d ago

Honestly a bloodborned PS5 Remaster and PC Port would have gone really well especially for this dry spell we seem to be in.

got_dam9d ago

I think he is saying only bloodborne can make him wet.

Skuletor8d ago

They're probably referring to first party games.

8bitAssassin7d ago

Poor him. I have too much to play and it's not even funny.

VincentVanBro8d ago

Bud were you here for 2023? We’re drowning mate, no dry spell in sight.

-Foxtrot9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

It’ll happen at the PS6 launch in my opinion

We might get a PS6 Remake for launch like they did with Demons Souls for the PS5. The PC port may follow who knows.

Inverno9d ago

I just wanna be walking around with my Deck playing Bloodborne like a absolute nerd on full blast so people can hear the shrieks.

VersusDMC8d ago

"But there are millions of PC gamers out there still holding onto hope"

Game gets announced...and the complaints pile in to justify piracy. It's old so it should be 20 dollars, psn requirement means no buy but i will pirate, it's just a port they didn't even remake it and it doesn't have every graphics option ever so I'm getting the torrent.

Skuletor8d ago

Even so, that shouldn't have prevented Sony from releasing a FPS/resolution patch or upgraded PS5 release by now.

VersusDMC8d ago

Maybe the From Software engine is such a mess that it is not worth the cost or time for Sony. Bloodbourne is one of the lowest selling souls games.

And even with Elden Ring selling 20+ million they still haven't patched the PS5 version to play at 60fps. Only way to play elden ring on PS5 at 60fps is to play the PS4 version on PS5.

But maybe Bluepoint is working on a remake as that would be the only thing they could charge full price for and be worth the time and money.

Chard8d ago

Most FromSoftware fans would rather a port with the original art intact over a remake that messes with the assets and atmosphere

Elda8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

But instead Sony gives PS5/PC owners an option to buy a PS5/PC Until Dawn remaster/rework this year, something I highly doubt PS fans asked for. A Bloodborne PS5/PC remaster is highly anticipated among fans.

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