
CRank: 5Score: 13750

no one wants to have movies on HDD

or stream movies for 5$

no one wants that

everyone wants to have a physical media

DD will never take off

I feel bad for MS but their reign in computer world is also ending

5835d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man this is horde mode and u barely see 4/5 enemies

It is not like hordes of enemies

It is like a small patch of enemies coming at you


It looks underwhelming . no way to change that

5835d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment


10/10 at METACRITIC from all sites


5835d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BIOSHOCK has come to PS3

thats what matters

It was the only game on X360 worth getting and it is now on PS3

Hatena compared pictures where there are no major differences

We mention KZ2 cuz any x360 game look like a wii game vs KZ2

We mention sales cuz PS3 beats x360 in WW sales

We mention UT3 cuz it runs bad on PS3

We mention PORT cuz Bioshock was ported from x360 to PS3

5835d ago 12 agree12 disagreeView comment

PS2 version is beating it comfortably in Germany,Spain,France and Italy


haha what an embarrassment?


X360 never beat the PS3 in europe/PAL region

I repeat NEVER

the price cut had effect in UK only

It made no impact in europe


U dont find x360 in there


5835d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

It is like fighting 4/5 enemies at once ONLY


the gameplay looks so Lame just like the graphics and AI

5835d ago 13 agree13 disagreeView comment

why would i watch movies online when i can download a torrent???

But who streams movie online seriously??

Just 0.6% of total movie revenues come from download vs 10% for Blu Ray and 90% for download

Blu Ray will become the next STANDARD just like DVD

5835d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

expect PS3 to outsell x360 by big margin in europe this week

Fifa/PES are huge franchises in europe

BTW Uncharted has passed 200k in europe according to ESLA. so around 1.5m in europe by now. It also sold 300k in Germany according to Gamona.de

Fifa 09 was advertised as ps3 exclusive in almost all parts of europe except UK

In Spain,Germany,Italy and France PS2 version outsold the x360 version



Hatena said that u need to turn on RGB to FULL for colour settings.

PS3 version has much better colour on RGB FULL

5836d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

"the game looks better than the Xbox 360 version no doubt, and on par with the higher end PC visuals, but for some reason it detracts from it."

Please NOTE that BIOSHOCK is a PORT OF THE X360 version

It runs on UNREAL ENGINE 3 which doesnt run well on PS3

despite that it looks better on PS3 at FULL RGB settings

5836d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment



sucks to be a BOT

please note that BIOSHOCK has been ported to PS3 from x360

It runs on Unreal engine 3 which doesnt run well on PS3 too


thats the name . everything is ...

5836d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

PS3 version looks better here:-



PS3 version sports better colour depth here but has some aliasing issues below :-


KZ2/HR and GOW3 makes anything on TRASH BOX look like a MEGA DRIVE /SNES game

Not to mention that KZ2 sports 20x the poly as each x360 game


buuuu buuu Queers of war 1.1?

Bioshock is PORTED from x360 to PS3. It is PORTED plus it runs on UNREAL ENGINE 3 which has been made with PC architecture in mind

5836d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

It is a forum post

posted by BOT force Bloody Sinner

5836d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment


5836d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

everybody knows that

people are playing the BETA rather than browsing forums and sites

5836d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment