CRank: 5Score: 4700

trust I am well aware of the PS3 and 360 specs seeing as I had the pleasure of modding them both........and before you call someone a troll you best reread my comment it shows no hate for the WIIU it just show hate for nintendo trolls suchs as yourself who believes that anything nintendo craps out is all lemons and sparkling water and believe developers who are lying to you idiot trolls just move hardware but you believe them just like you did with the 3DS so go back to google and search for ...

4810d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

graphics dont matter look at duke nukem it had great graphics but it sucked balls...........,the PC isnt all that great its just a premature state for new consoles the PS3 and 360 are only as limited as the PC they were built on.

4810d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

actually Storm 2 was Lame I got soooooooo bored of it I actually tried to hang myself in an attempt to find anything remotely fun about the game as a whole.......... crack wasn't cuttin it

4810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a shame really.......... nintendo fanboys and stupid developers alike are boasting about how a new console is besting five year old technology ........its like saying that its amazing a 26 year old man is outrunning a 96 year old man with back problems.... and it getting to the point where its just sad cause then theyre picking on the elderly just to feel relevant

4810d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Naruto Shippuden UNS2 sucked so bad....... the characters are slower theres practically no use for fighting cause everyone online just spam the story didnt look like CC2 put much effort into it and the list goes on and on......and sadly it looks like the games are only gonna get worse

4810d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

see those type of statements being brought into a multiplatform subject is what makes you a flaming fanboy I dont know why people like you wanna hate just because theyre proud of their console doesnt make them a fanboy it makes the people around them jealous fanboys its best to just ignore them and be proud of what you bought

4811d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

DICE real response to the Battlefied 3 leaks "Oh My God we soooooooooo totally dont know how that footage got out there........but Battlefied 3's looking great huh totally outdoes killzone 3, and Modern Warfare 3 but we soooooooooo totally didnt want people see that. :sincerely -DICE "

4814d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You mean how many time do you have to see the same panties with a controller controller in hand sitting on the same chick lol get naked you strange whore

4814d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Thank you for putting my thoughts into words cause that does sums up what THQ.Ubisoft, Dice, and Epic are trying to do and I gotta say if anyone like sony or microsoft listens to them then the Xbox and Playstation would me their end due to Stupid developers

4815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Xbox and PS4 are going to lose to ColecovisionX the next best the WII U will be like last gen by 2014

4815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy versus XIII hasnt been confirmed as a PS3 exclusive recently and square being as PS3 fans would call them " a treacherous snake" I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up as a WII U launch title ...........,not a WII fanboy im just Chop Busting ^^

4815d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

To be fair Tekken 6 and all recent namcobandai games released sucked so that argument doesnt hold water .......the truth is notihing is only possible on the PS3 ,or 360 nowadays because technology has advanced since their release but that doesnt mean theyre dead it just mean theyre outdated ........and to some impatient developers waiting five more years seems like a lifetime

4815d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seems like some 360 fans are upset but the question is why do 360 fans even care theyre not getting starhawk on the 360 just like the PS3 is never getting gears 3 ....if he say its only possible on the PS3 then its only possible on the PS3 end of discussion all first party developers spout that type of bs cliff blezenski does it all the time gears........ not possible on the PS3 he's either on crack or full of $hit thats like saying all PC gamers pay for their games

4815d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

1 reason not to buy Gears 3 or Uncharted 3 ..............................

Batmam Arkam City Collectors Edition cause Uncharted 3 and Gears 3 are mediocre at best ^^

4817d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why dont you buy both Gears 3 and Uncharted 3 theyre both awesome games or dump both of their sorry asses and buy Batmam Arkam City Collectors Edition cause lets face fact compared to Batmam Arkam City theyre nothing ^^

4817d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

CC2 is getting very lazy theyre jus adding characters and keeping the same reused levels from the first and second game......and Naruto Shippuden UNS2 SUCKED DONKEY BALLS

4821d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think michael jacksons black too

4822d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok I just got through from reading console fanboys for idiots and im ready to weigh in on this topic with these guidelines:
First: it says to start a compelling argument it say to state facts based on your knowledge from vgcharts.
Second: its if your banging playstation always mention the many exclusives that ITHO (in their humble opinion ) could've use a little more time, or if your representing Xbox reference the only two
successful Xbox franchises (Halo, and Ge...

4835d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


4843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its ok to bring back linux but if you do so you should only bring it back on your own console dont give a damn about anyone else whether its the hacking community or someone who claims they were using it for business...... reason why I say that is because what you believe in isn't gonna cure cancer, end world hunger , or stop fanboys....... it a meaningless cause that your trying shield others from and if you were to fall down the hacking community wont be their to pick you back up becaus...

4849d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment