CRank: 5Score: 180

ps3 fanboys are blind and completely oblivious. that other article said it sold 100,000+ for ALL its consoles last week. meaning the sales of all the consoles added up together = 100,000. you know why it's not that every single console sold 100,000? because the psp and ps2 hasn't sold 100,000 a week since a year ago. why would the price reduction on ps3s mean a 100%+ increase for ps2 sales? it doesn't.

100,000+ ps3s for the first 2 weeks of november is a good increase, b...

6159d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

let me guess, you own a ps3. and you're very insecure.

why is final fantasy xiii suppose to be great? oh yeah, cause it's called final fantasy.

why does the title final fantasy have so much clout in the gaming world? oh yeah, sakaguchi.

who's making lost odyssey? sakaguchi.

doh for you

6165d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm pretty sure it's because uncharted just isn't that great. as amazing as it looks, and it does look amazing. definitely one of the top 5 best console games to date in terms of art & graphics, if not the best (it's pretty subjective). the game play is iffy. the whole gears of war style picking up ammo is terrible. in gears the environments are bland compared to the lush environments of uncharted, so it's pretty easy to pick out bullets, where as in uncharted you gotta stand RIGHT o...

6165d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

chrno - you don't play many jrpgs either do you? if you did then you'd realize the best jrpgs ever made are by sakaguchi/Uematsu. their last 'dream project' was chrono trigger and i'm pretty sure that's one of the best jrpgs ever made.

@allforcalisto. why is it that you think ffxiii will bury lost odyssey? oh right, because it's called final fantasy, which means absolutely nothing. when the best people who made the best final fantasy games aren't making it. the only peopl...

6165d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

how the hell can ps3 fans keep calling other people xbots when they say some stupid stuff like 'lost odyssey is at best the warm up to final fantasy'

final fantasy hasn't been really good since 7, and it hasn't been good since 9. 12 was a let down. yet you ps3 fanboys are jizzing over final fantasy XIII? the whole reason the final fantasy series has ANY cache in the gaming world is because of sakaguchi. he's the one who made the series what it is.

as wageslav...

6165d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment