Well 2017 is off to a bad start...


CRank: 5Score: 40450

Oh yes
Cannot wait.

3018d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game is not out yet.
I am also guessing VR, just like 3D, won't be for everyone and will make some people sick.
Again, I am not sold on VR just yet, any VR. Granted Sony had the best VR conference.
VR has a chance of failing 100 times before it becomes successful, referring to VR being Niche.

3018d ago 24 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm still looking for a reason to get an Xbox One.
Microsoft has waived the White Flag and surrendered the console business.
If they want to sell consoles, people will need a good reason to pick them up.
The one who has more games will most likely be the more appealing.
Selling their games on PC hasn't been successful as PC owners don't want their policies concerning their store.
Meanwhile, their consoles aren't getting picked up be...

3018d ago 47 agree58 disagreeView comment

You think we would have learner from Operation Raccoon City that playing as Umbrella Corp games aren't that fun.

3018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It depends which games you want to play. Which exclusive games you want to play.
On the PS4 side, you have God of War, Day's Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, Nioh (from the creators of Ninja Garden, a fast pace Dark Soul-like game with Samurai), Final Fantasy VII Remake, Nier Automate, Star Ocean 5, Detroit Become Human, Spiderman, Yakuza 0 including games already released like Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted 4 and console exclusives like No Man's Sky (coming to...

3018d ago 20 agree22 disagreeView comment

Day's Gone > Dead Rising 4
The frame rate was steady even when there were a lot of Zombies on the screen for Day's Gone.
Microsoft used PCs to showcase all of their games.

3018d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Knowing Square -Enix with FFXIII, the difference won't be graphically that much different.
Hell, they locked ff13 to 720p 30fps, on PC. FFX was a bit better but a lot had to do with the graphics card.
I'll get it early on PS4. Their PC versions aren't ground breaking or vastly different, if any...

3018d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It will extent it's life.
I think PlayStation doesn't want to create a significantly more powerful PS4 that would dominate online like what Microsoft did with Xbox One vs Scorpio vs PC owners.

3018d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Current PC owners that can already play the Microsoft games better than Scorpio are better off buying the PS4 NEO to be able to play PS4 exclusive games better.
Scorpio is for technology enthusiasts who don't want to invest in PC gaming.

3018d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

It will be an awesome Headset to get.
It has it's own secondary processor that retro-projects the image to the Headset itself, meaning it removes that task off of the PS4 CPU so that it can concentrate itself on the game.
If games like Resident Evil VII and Final Fantasy XV can run VR on the PS4, I think it will be more than capable of handling pretty much every game your want to create.
It has an OLED screen, which will give you the best colours and the deepest...

3019d ago 30 agree19 disagreeView comment

It is not a huge update.
But your sarcasm was pretty funny

3019d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

It can literally be a key generator as we have seen so many times before.
If that is the case, then yes the developers have not received a dime from it.
If it were already purchased from another seller, that has to be determined whether or not that seller did pay the developers.
It's something that I don't like when dealing with all of these third party key reseller, we don't know if they are legit or if they are screwing people and developers out of the...

3019d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am tired of Zombie games.

I have never seen bikers in a zombie game. I am sure a lot of people will enjoy, not for me tough.

3019d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

Microsoft exclusive games are selling poorly on both Xbox One and PC.
I don't see where they win.

3020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually don't want this to happen. But it seems like it is the course they have taken.

3020d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Again, you have just acknowledge my point. You can't have games to run in 4k 60fps at max settings.
You have to lower the settings and that is just taking a step backwards as car as gaming is conserned.
Benchmarks of the 10Tflops 1080 GPU shows around 53 fps. Again, this is 10Tflops people, not 6.
Go do your homework before misleading people into believing unproven facts.

3020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

By the way I love the Resident Evil series.
I love the characters, the boss battles.
Nobody can deny they weren't great games.
I feel it's a like like Call of Duty today. People loved the new Call of Duty trailer, but it doesn't feel like a Call Of duty game.
Even tough you always played as a badass in every single Resident Evil game since the first one. From well-trained cops like Leon to Stars special forces like Jill and Christ.

3020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's the thing, aren't we already used to Resident Evil Zombies by now?
I am sure it's going to be great. I think the initial time you play a horror franchise you are on the edge, then everything afterwards is just more of the same you're already used to.
Maybe a new franchise on something different could have been surprising.
We're so used to Resident Evil we're just going to be like: "Hey, shoot for the head."
If you...

3020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The environment are very different. I know the early God of War had an unusual weird setting to them.
This one looks much better with familiar environment. It kinds looks like the Witcher 3 in some aspect or even Skyrim.
It is the first time I saw dragons in a God of War game, I'm loving it.

3020d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He has been with PlayStation even during the early PS2 days and before.
He has done an excellent job at making it a success.

3020d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment