Well 2017 is off to a bad start...


CRank: 5Score: 40450

Saying specs are not Important to compete is like saying Nintendo doesn't need to compete.
Nintendo needs 3rd party support. Whatever they need out of them is what they should go for.

3012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People like the idea that they don't have to buy an Xbox to go and play their games.
That means they can go to their store and pick up the game without any worry of buying the Xbox console.
I still think they are shooting themselves in the foot if they think they'll take over PC gaming.
Steam has already established it's dominance.
Bringing people away from the locked ecosystem of the Xbox to an open platform where people can buy their games a...

3013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS4 and the PS4 NEO are in the same ballpark.
The Xbox One and the Scorpio is half a generation leap when you consider a generation leap to be 8x more powerful than it's predecessor.
Already games weren't hitting 1080p on the original Xbox One... The difference in performance is quite something especially for those who wanted fair play for online multi-player games.
Again. People complain that these current consoles were weak... It's not by staying ...

3013d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Actually, the Brexit had impact on the technology stock market went down 4%, including AMD.
I think it over-exageration reaction of the market, like usual.
Due to Britain exiting the EU, their trade value price will drop and change their currency exchange.
Their attempt at keeping their AAA stock status now changed to uncertainty for an undetermined period of time.
It was close too, 52% for exit vs 48% to stay in the EU.
Barrack Obama said they wil...

3014d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My main concern with Xbox One, Scorpio and PC is the huge power gab between all system and how this will affect online competitive games.
If one console is vastly superior to the other, and again so, with some people stuck with the Original controller with bad deadzones, others with the Xbox Elite and even improved Xbox One S controllers, with others on PC with keyboard and mouse... Like Clift said. There will be people who will loose because they have the bad gaming setup.

3014d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

You know who is the most judgemental beings toward women? Other women.
Either they're envious simply because they see them as competition.
It's why feminazis are more after video games than anything else when they aren't even trying to be sexual, just well shaped.
You could go against the cosmetic and modelling industry where they hire anorexic model to Showcase their clothes or use photoshop to severely diminishe the shape and size of normal women to un...

3014d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do hope you were sarcastic like I was. Otherwise it makes no sense that you would get a like on an obvious trolling comment. I doubt people are that stupid, if they are they should stay away from any technology.
It's like saying: "I downloaded a Ferrari motor in my Honda Civic and now it goes fast!" Which is quite literally what you just said.

3014d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Again, this rush for higher power is all good, but what makes or breaks a consoles are games.
Microsoft hasn't shown anything much that was new at E3 except mentioning that they are all coming to a windows 10 PC near you.
A side from Xbox fans, nobody needs to pay for 2 machines that plays all of the same games.
Having people move away from the Xbox console over to PC means that Microsoft will loose even more sales when they go over to Steam and Origin rather th...

3014d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well, Teraflops are quantive measures of the amount of fails or "flops" that Microsoft did with the release of the Xbox One./s

Seriously, we know it's the processing power of a graphics card.

3014d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

40% smaller, that would make it the same height as a PS4.
Also, When you measure stuff, the Microsoft video that they demonstrated would make it 8 times smaller.

If it is 50% smaller, then you cut the console in half from one side, they cut off the console from Every side.... It's like saying 4k is a 2k TV because it's resolution is 2160p. But the thing is that it's false, it's 2x more pixels wide and 2x more pixels on the length making 4x more p...

3014d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is there a market in the game console for an Xbox One S?
Also, Microsoft promised 4k gaming and video with the current model Xbox One, which hasn't, so they lied.
Are they liable for their lies, false advertising much.

3016d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

King trash 360
That is not nice thing to say.
Xbox One has One exclusive physical release, Sunset Overdrive.
Everything else can be found elsewhere.

3016d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

PlayStation is still going to be around for a very long time. They have real exclusive games that cannot be played anywhere else.
Microsoft on the other hand is simply helping Steam grow. Granted, their goal is to steal marketshare from Steam but that is not what's happening.
Now they'll say, "but you can only buy our games on our store" True. PC gamers love to have the reassurance that they can get the game at any time, but it doesn't mean that they w...

3016d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't know. Probably around 600$ to 500$.
Either way. I think if it does sell well, it will give an indicator of how much specs is important to gamers and how much they are willing to invest.

3016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My question is, did it ever matter?
If so, when and which game had benefits?

3016d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

On a consumer stand point, I would much rather have a powerful console that plays games well than a dumbed down cheap X86 processor that plays game like crap.
Sony can't let AMD dictate their hardware or what they put in it.
PC hardware is way too expensive for the performance that you are getting, it's hardly ever maxed out just like the PS3 was in the first 4 years and even beyond.
I know a lot of people are crossing fingers hoping it will go down, I am ...

3016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reggie Fils-aime needs to retire from the head of Nintendo.
With him in charged, Nintendo's doomed. It is doomed in the US since he can't get 3Rd party developers on board with the system, which will affect Europe and the rest of the World.
With his recent interview that he basically reiterated what he said before the Wii U launched is that specs don't matter.
Specs matter if you are a generation behind. Games matter since you're clearly lacking a ...

3016d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about releasing games only on Xbox One?
That'll eventually give people a reason to pick up the console.
And it will stop insulting your Xbox Only fanbase. They are getting ripped apart by the PC fanboys.

3016d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Everyone here is talking specs as if it will matter that much.
Exclusive games, that you cannot find on a PC is what will sell a console.
Right now, the PS4 has tremendously more exclusives than the Xbox One, not only that, but any Windows 10 PC can play those same games.
The PS4 already has the biggest install base which means it's the place to play Multi-player.
Don't get me wrong, I do think higher specs is a plus, but ultimately it's the ga...

3016d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

Do you honestly think that releasing the Scorpio will do Microsoft any good at a higher price?
We are talking about a World economy. When the PS4 and Xbox One originally launched, they were cheap globally because the US currency was very low.
It was on par with the Canadian dollar, so that means the 400$ system was 400$. Now the same console who is 350$ and 300$ in the US is around 450$ and 400$. Given how that PS VR is selling at 400$ USD and 550$ CD, I can only wonder w...

3016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment