Ugly American

CRank: 5Score: 18310

And maybe because that is true....

5340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have all three game systems:

I use my Wii in the morning for Wii Fit. I come home from work at night and fire up the Xbox for most games. When I watch a movie, I use my PS3. I bought Uncharted 2 because of all the people on this site praising it as the be-all-end-all of gaming. And I'm sorry... I think it is boring. I even went out and bought the first one (I was unimpressed with the demo... pretty and all, but boring), because I thought it had something to offer to make U...

5342d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait for the game to come out. IW has prided themselves on using gamer feedback to make MW2 better than MW. Play the game, and then tell me their listening to the customers is crap.

5343d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes, Bungie HAS been known for pushing the graphics envelope. In 2001, Halo was THE best looking game available. When Halo 2 came out in 2004, it took the graphics to another level. When Halo 3 came out, again, the graphics were the best available. They certainly haven't aged well since ODST looks like Halo 3, but Bungie has not been slacking in that department.

5348d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Three REAL Halo games in 8 years, and that is milking? I don't think anybody really considers Halo Wars anything more than a way to make an RTS, except for people who want to get upset about a successful franchise.

Oh my god, what are they going to do next, re-release all of the Halo games together in one set? Oops, sorry, that is God of War 3. Which the first one came out in 2005... just sayin'...

5348d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

The games didn't necessarily AGE well. They were awesome, and a lot of them were breaking new ground. Spyro was one of the best 3D platformers when 3D platformers were starting to come out. I am pretty sure it went Gex then Spyro, and Spyro took it to a new level.

Sounds like this individual just played them for the first time and wasn't impressed. Not a surprise when you could be playing Batman: Arkham Asylum or Uncharted 2.

Just sayin'...

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo: Reach is why it was not released as soon as it was completed. The beta is released with this game. And they had to make sure IT was ready before they launched the whole kit and kaboodle.

Now FYF.

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you are going to have a game where you share content, PS3 is the logical choice. Microsoft has a tight clamp on their servers.

But do yourselves a favor, and stop patting each other on the back and saying that Sony has to be the best company to work for...ever... because they care so much about the consumer and honor.

Guess what? They are also out to make money. Game companies aren't here to help you out or make sure your mortgage is paid. They exist to ...

5401d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Somebody should write a similar article about you...

5642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a PS3 and I buy Blu-Ray for a big release here and there (Iron Man, The Dark Knight). Since I had 300 DVDs stolen in my last move, I have been replacing them using iTunes before I would buy them on Blu-Ray or DVD again. With my 160 GB iPod, I can take almost all of my movies with me wherever I go... and they are still in HD. Digital Downloads are not my future (I know that I am only one person), DD is my present.

5644d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Feel free to label me in whatever way makes you feel comfortable.

Yes, I do think that the Xbox 360 failure rate is unACCEPTable. But I still prefer my 360 over my PS3(see what I did there arrgh?). I;ve beat Resistance 2, lost interest in LBP, but I am still enjoying CoD:WaW, GeoW2, and Fallout 3 on my 360. What? They are multiplatform? Oops, that's right... 360 is just my preference.

5665d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember when I got my launch 360, and the instructions said to NOT move the console with a disc in the tray. This isn't something new... and it isn't something Microsoft failed to address. If you don't read the manual, you almost deserve to have your game scratched.

5666d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

No, he knew that it would scratch the games if he moved it... and he did it THREE times. I might do it six times so that I can ask for $100,000 in damages.

5666d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ummm, free wrapping? Do you work at a department store at Christmas? Is it really hard to write like an idiot, edit your idiot phrases, then post them?

Please kill yourself... for the betterment of society.

5667d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being in the Navy and getting a chance to travel around the world, you find that American Culture is very prudish. It is actually pretty amazing to see us favor violence over the human body and sexuality on most occasions. Video games are a terrific example of that. Halo/Resistance/Gears of War vs a naked individual... and the ultra violence wins? It concerns me that our value system may be a little out of whack.

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are hypocrites on both sides of the fence. The biggest ones in this article are the Sony fanboys. How can you guys point, poke, and prod that the 360 is only relying on sequels when all of the PS3's big hitters are more of the same? metal gear solid FOUR, resistance TWO, gran turismo FIVE, killzone TWO, god of war THREE... get the point?

Everybody points at the other camp and claims that they do not have a whole lot of new IPs. Guess what? Both camps are right! Th...

5673d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Easy killer. That is just my experience. You are telling me you don't get into 60 player games but only have 12 people on one team and 7 on the other? If so, you are full of crap. And you can't get into games? That sucks to be you on your particular planet. I live on Earth. You may have heard of it...

5685d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup. 360's get RROD. Some people's get them fast. Some people's get them fast. Some don't get them at all. Why do I care if this person gets it over my next door neighbor?

And to the yum-yum in the earlier comments... the only 360's that aren't covered are the ones that are three years old. When you get a replacement, it doesn't continue the counter from the old console.

5686d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have both games... and I prefer Gears 2. But then again, on other days when I can get into R2 games that have more than 12 people, it is pretty awesome as well.

So... confusing. Both good.

Who cares?

5686d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed the article. It makes me want to go home, find four friends, and get back to playing some Gears 2. The sense of satisfaction you get from knocking out a team using solid teamwork was right on.

5699d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment