If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

You know Sacred 2 got some bad reviews but me and some friends really want to play something similar to Gauntlet, so we decided to all put it on our gamefly list. I just don't see how it could really be all that bad with a game with not much to it. I mean all I'm asking from it is a fully playable story with 4 players, cool armor/upgrades, many different monsters to fight, and a good selection of different environments to play on. I'm not asking for grade A graphics or sound really. Hell the ...

5279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You will be able to cast spells while moving but you wont be able to do that with all spells from what I've heard. I mean don't quote me on that one because I can't remember if I read that from a legit source. Yea, I don't know how fun the running around part is going to be for the mages. I remember it used to annoy me when the party didn't pull to the camp and just run around everywhere. It made it hard to rest for mp and keep the chain going. FFXIV will be more running around than pulling m...

5283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is awesome news! Actually I anticipate anything new about FFXIV. I played FFXI for 4 years and I'm really missing it now that I quit. The reason I quit is because I knew I was going to drop everything from there and play FFXIV anyway. I'm just stuck on deciding what race I want to be. On FFXI I was a tarutaru which was cool but being unable to see much of your armor (since your so short) got a little annoying. Anyone know what race they will choose already?

5283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5284d ago

Your going to see a spike in the Xbox 360 sells when the X360 slim comes out with even a lower price. Around the end of this summer and around the launch of Natal will be more likely. Just sit back and watch the flame wars and all that ignorance. Ps3 already came out with its slim which is why you seen a big jump in sells with lower cost of ps3 common sense. Let people have there cake and eat it while they can I guess. But remember "the cake is a lie". Who am I kidding the SOny fanb...

5284d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's even more complicated than that. You do remember they had some legal battles to deal with also right? But yes money and power doesn't matter.. If your making some kind of arcade game. If you want a game with better quality and quantity the more money the better. If it wasn't about the money or the size of the team helping you then you would have many indie developers making games like God Of War 3 without a problem. Because you do have developers that work hard and will never get that qu...

5285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be so idiotic... You see a estimate come from some one person who is way off the real statistics running a free website he created and get approved just because he said the PS3 was lead. Now you disapprove a legit website that gets its statistics from more reliable resources. It's clear that Xbox 360 has popularity in America and about a equal popularity with the ps3 around the world except for Japan. America does have a big impact on the gaming industry if you like it or not. Now befor...

5286d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe what he means by "unified" is that all the achievements amount to one full number. So then people are more likely to try for those little silly achievements for fun to get more of a overall reward. No one cares about how many bronze trophies you have because it's like having a handful of pennies you collected. Then again if you like to really only worry about the main achievements then the trophy system is for you. I personally like both depending on the game though.

5286d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can they just make a pokemon that looks more realistic? Like have it so that it's 3D like monster hunter. It would be pretty cool to be able to walk through the woods and find a rare pokemon drinking from a pond and throw a pokeball at its head and summon charizard and watch the forest burn! Lol they really need to do something different though because it looks like the same game except with weather and different pokemon.

5286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys act as if this has been a focused project for 10 years. They had only 18 people from 3D Realms working on it and they were financing it themselves. So they didn't have much of a budget to work off. Only now you see them pushing it more and actually trying to get a bigger team together to get things done. Can you imagine with a small team like that going through the frustration of having to go back over and over to improve the graphics? Also having only yourself to finance it? So if y...

5286d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's sad because I really liked Bubsy and Gex when I was a kid. When Bubsy went 3D I dont know what happened... That goes to say that graphics aren't everything. Some games where just meant to be side scrollers. Then again I believe they could have actually made Bubsy a better game in 3D. I think its time for another Gex though because there has been enough movies released to make fun of since hes been gone. Spiderman, X-men, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Twilight (lol) I could go on with more ti...

5287d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks fun to me and it still has the same old Duke Nukem vibe. If you really liked Duke Nukem before I bet you will end up trying it also even if you say you dont want to. I never expected state of the art graphic especially after all the recoding they had to do to the game all those years as game graphics got better. Duke Nukem hasn't ever really been about graphics anyway. I'm really sick and tired about people complaining about graphics all the time. Also I like to say f*%k Crysis 3 bec...

5287d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think Microsoft is anywhere near ending the generations of Xboxs. In reality it's not who can outsell who, it's who can make a worth while profit. I don't think Microsoft is anywhere near ending their generations of Xbox. They are making a great profit and selling a lot of consoles. Maybe not as much as the Wii but that doesnt make the Wii a better console. Then again maybe they are making more profit than the Wii because it goes deeper than hardware sells when it comes to profit.

5289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who says they cant hack PSN accounts also? lol. Anytime these kind of things happen it could be bad for everyone. I dont believe everything I read on the internet anyway, this is probably another fake like most of the stories you guys read for fanboys.

5293d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wow they will compare anything and everything.. Seriously you don't have to look hard to see the Crysis 2 has better graphics. Why even bother making this article? Even if Crysis 2 has way better graphics it doesn't determine which game is actually going to be funner. I cant answer that because neither of them have came out yet and are still in development.

5298d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a hardcore gamer I'm eventually going to buy a gaming PC. PC is more complicated when it comes to wanting to get a game and pop it and play. Is it worth your work of building a PC for a cheap price? Well of course. It's harder to build a PC than it is to buy a console. Then again its harder to mod a console than it is a PC. So if you want easier access to cool mods for your games then you want PC. Your going to have to sacrifice some of your time though if you want a good deal on a gaming ...

5300d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

May I ask a honest question? Why do you guys believe everything you see without questioning it? Seriously back in the day you used to be able to call yourself a doctor without proof or verification. I guess that still applies to the internet today... Just because he calls himself a analysis doesn't mean he's actually professional. This picture looks like it zooms on parts of the game that haven't finished loading yet. Also this is only a demo. I know for a fact that xbox 360 games play in HD ...

5303d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


Xbox 360 sales a crap load in America. I can care less about other countries sales unless I worked for Microsoft. I dont even want to play with them. As long as everybody at home is playing I'm happy. I like to invest in my countries stocks. On a side note this site has been overrun by Playstation fanboys. Everytime I say something good about the ps3 I get agrees. Everytime I say something good abou...

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys calling you ignorant is a understatement. Do you not f*&king see that this site is completely unreliable? The dude created it from a free website maker. I could easily make the same website and post some random crap. How does this get approved? Really you guys are so stupid I just want to punch you or throw you off a cliff so you wont contaminate the rest of the world lol. I know why hate retards and kids...

Here make your own website like that sh&t boat did from ...

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to comment on which console is selling more thats beside the point. You guys are ignorant for even getting your source from that article posted by some random guy named Trackerps3... I suppose you guys believe every thing they say on Fox news also. Fanboys are too easily converted into sheep. I guess people like to chase the cake while reality passes them.

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment