The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

damn :(

5040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you blind? How can you not see the shadows in forza 3? They're the dark spots on the ground that seem to follow the car.

5040d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

I didn't know shadows flickered like that in direct sunlight in real life...

5040d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

they still haven't made an HD jet moto :(

5040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think splinter cell could too. As much as I love sam, his story is just getting to weird and I miss just being a spy instead of a double agent that went rogue to come back to kill everyone.

The last syphon filter I played I think was 2 or 3. I don't remember enough of the story to say whether it suffers from similar problems, but not remembering makes it a great time for a revamp :-p

5040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

do you want them to agree with you that the link is broken when it's not?

it's not like degrees matter anyway.

5040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's also pronounced r-ow. not like row meaning to row a boat or a row of chairs.

When I read the title the first time I was like "killed in a row? oh... a row..."

5040d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's not a size issue. it's a read speed issue. if it were a size issue we could play all our games on 1TB record tapes, but the read speed on them is atrocious.

Even still, he wasn't saying that your buying games is holding it back. He was saying that your desire for a physical delivery of data is holding back the medium, which is partly true as that paired with download speeds are keeping console games away from significant performance upgrades.

5040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude everyone knows quality>quantity when it comes to ram.

5040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the disk based media holds both back a lot too. RAM is an entirely different animal on a PC than a console. PC's have all sorts of background programs/OS stuff that's being stored in ram all the time. There's not much reason to have 4 gb+ of ram in a console in the near future unless it's going to have all that stuff in the background.

For example, Crysis only uses 1.5 gb of ram at it's peak usually. It recommends 4 so it can have a backup should some othe...

5040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's not what he said at all. Obviously buying games helps the industry. What he's saying is that disk based mediums are holding back video games through unnecessary limitations of the disk formats themselves. Limitations that do not exist with downloaded games.

5040d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

by 2020 we're supposed to have internet speeds with a MINIMUM of 100 Mb/s or ~1.5GB/minute

a 25 GB game would download completely in 18 minutes (if you had the 10 years from no equivalent of a dial up connection), and they'd probably let you stream it somehow so you'd be able to start at around 7ish minutes. The games will probably cost 10-20% less than they would otherwise. I'd gladly pay 10-20% less or get 10-20% more to spend less time at home than I would ...

5041d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

at those posting forza videos.

you can't submit them for two reasons.

1. they are all a year old
2. they have already been submitted. I know I've seen the two with the cars being stuck on their sides on n4g.

5042d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling we aren't getting the whole story. There's so many flaws in it. If something breaks the day you buy it, you take it back to the store. I don't see why anyone wouldn't do that as it would take longer to mail it in anyway.

Then why does he not get/write down any of his reference numbers for the helpdesk tickets opened with the previous calls? Why can't he get any of the microsoft emails containing the prepaid shipping label (usually they con...

5042d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

you're all getting disagrees because you're all wearing goggles. The game plays ok, but you can't completely ignore its faults. Faults that it shouldn't have for being in development almost twice as long as it's closest competitor which was released a year earlier.

There isn't some media conspiracy against it. Deal with it.

The media widely acknowledges it as a beautiful game that races great, but there's a lot more to a gameplay e...

5043d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

established norms like simple and streamlined menus with an online component that is simple and both usable competitively across the community as well as between friends.

They aren't saying they need to remove the GTness of GT. Just that it's missing a lot of things in the execution that are pretty much standard in games today.

5043d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

there seemed to be different situations where both fucked up similarly.

There were parts where the forza one did as you said and others where the GT5 cars did what you said the forza ones did.

In the end they were both really stupid.

5043d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

the problem isn't just the online. It's the buildup to a lackluster launch. It's been in development for a long time. It's the game almost every racing fan has been waiting for, and it's lackluster in a very important area for anyone that doesn't happen to live with an F1 driver.

5043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Well you have to put this stuff in context."

you have to put it in context too.

Forza has had decent online since forza 2. Need for speeds been doing it for a long time. Test Drive unlimited even had open world online four years ago.

It's not like last year online suddenly sprung up. It should have been at the top of their list for a long time now.

5043d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

online is a huge part of a long lasting game. Given the long development time and the features provided almost standard across other competing titles you can't ignore them.

5043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment