The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

They are making a mistake sticking in all those useless features. They should try to distance themselves from nintendo. All they needed was the solid processor, wifi, dual analogue, and a touch screen. The flash is a sweet bonus.

The touch back, compass, gyroscope, 2 cameras, and GPS serve little purpose at all for their target market. The gyroscope maybe. If they released this at $200-250 it would be good, but there's no way it's going to sell for that low with all t...

4987d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 blu-ray game disks are not writable. It would be a horrible idea if they were. Then all you have to do is go out and buy a single PS3 game and just overwrite everything except the authentication checks and you can pirate every game on the system without modifying your system at all.

4995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Find any PC with a cell processor that a consumer can buy and I'm sure they'd gladly run custom programs on it instead of a PS3.

It was a really cool feature for a college to be able to spend $1000 to get a handful of PS3s allowing their students to mess around with a new multi-core architecture on the cheap.

OtherOs removal pretty much killed cluster supercomputing on the PS3 for anyone with <$100,000

4995d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony already knows shoddy hardware first hand. They don't need to learn it from M$. Only Sega and Nintendo have untarnished reputations when it comes to reliable hardware.

4995d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"so I guess if someone agrees that they will give a person 100 dollars if the packers lost against the eagles in a legal document they wouldn't have to and could just make up excuses? no they couldn't, Sony's ToU is a legal agreement so you are breaking the law in a sense if you break it"

it's more along the lines of someone making a bet that if the packers won they'd kill someone in a legal document. If the legal document itself has conditions t...

5001d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@"And I can see people complaining right now.

"Sony bricked my PS3"

"Really sir? Why? Let's look at the information Sony provided. Oh, it seems you were playing pirated games. Do you still want to proceed with this complaint?""

playing pirated games isn't illegal everywhere. Distributing them is illegal everywhere, but I know that the legal situation is much murkier with playing games. Also, if you purc...

5002d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"he does not need to downgrade to use homebrew or anything like that so the only reason i can think he is doing this is to enable backups/pirated games, also he plans on releasing his method to the public. "

you need it to get otherOS back. It's faster to downgrade than it is to write your own custom firmware, which no doubt some will do.

5006d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

facial recognition =/= expression recognition

All you need for facial recognition is to identify a couple ratios between solid points on the face (eyes, nose tip, mouth, chin, ears, and top of head). Expressions are more difficult because they deal with a lot more points on the face and they deal with non-static locations.

5008d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love that my car came with no wheels. Do you know how many wheels are out there that are compatible with my car??? Countless! I can even put monster truck wheels on my car and my car would drive! So unlike toyota or subaru, you are not FORCED to take something, you are given a choice....

5008d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are ways to know which are active, dormant, or dupes. They just don't release them.

5009d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd say when they announce Gold subscribers it's safe to bet the majority of them are active since they pay for it.

They only announced "subscribers" at CES though, so I'd guess they mean gold+silver, but they have specified for Gold in past announcements.

5009d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Pimp you need to relax. The ME comparison wasn't even that unfavorable, but imagine for a moment that ME2 on the PS3 were like bayonetta. Would you rather know before or after you buy it.

They very clearly point out it's a demo in both their comparisons and they never bash the game.

I mean really. People are getting up in arms for them saying that a demo is a little bit better on the original platform of the game? Relax. Jeese.

5009d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

pretty much. It's an electronics show, and when it comes to electronics sony has a lot more than just the PS3 to show. They don't have many other shows for their electronics, but they have 3 more shows to show off video games.

I thought they should have gotten other people to present that had a little enthusiasm, but what they showed was pretty much par for the course.

5009d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh god cirque du solie... they must not have seen M$ pre-e3 press party...

5009d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really think people don't understand what CES is...

edit: CES sorry -_-

5009d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The problem is if you get 50 geniuses working together on a 500,000 line codebase, it's easy to miss the 15 line method that allows for an exploit and it only takes one guy to find that.

That's the problem with security is that the product has to be 100% secure (very difficult) because the hundreds of hackers only need to find the 1% where it's insecure to bring it all down.

But really how is Sony supposed to combat it? They have the private key. ...

5010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Posting people's emails as news stories... congrats. You are the TMZ of gaming journalism.

5010d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Have you seen Adam Sessler's soapbox on being called biased? He gets just as angry, and he has a lot more on the line than LOT.

5010d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@"what (new) smartphone cost less than $500? "

smartphone pricing is weird. Not really easy to compare to a game system, because they are intentionally overpriced to encourage people to buy contracts. For example, the HTC evo is $449 "regular price", but $199 with contract after mail in rebate. They are probably still making money off the $199 price.

There's a whole lot of unknowns with this thing. I would probably have a better chance...

5010d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the kin failed because it was overpriced and on a bad plan. It was a social phone designed to compete with other social phones, but it was priced like a full fledged smartphone and required a data plan rather than a social plan.

The operating system was the least of it's problems.

5010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment