The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

who gives a crap who takes over who? its already in the end of this generation cycle!!

who ever wins this battle between ps3 and 360 will not make a big gap difference! its too late to make it now anyway. it is very possible that ps3 over takes 360 with few millions when ps4 and 720 comes out, but will that make any real touchable difference in games or exclusives? i doubt so.

ps3 is already better in hardware and software (exclusives which counts the most) w...

4682d ago 16 agree39 disagreeView comment

wake me up when the game releases, because am gonna take a long sleep like the people of the cave (309 years of sleeping in the cave)

4684d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


i reached to the third setting and i got what u were saying.

basically the author want to make the games settings in new dimensions!!

i think the author just wanted to get hits for his website! cheap way to do it.

i also see some traces of nintendo fanboyism in the author, he keeps referring many times to nintendo games like they were the only creative games in the mentioned settings.


4785d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

women are women every where any time, and men are men everywhere and any time!

naturally men attracted to women and vice versa!

nothing special and nothing new!

whether u meet a women in the pub, or coffe shot, or street or park or church or airplane or under the sea, there will always be some men and some women who get some interests in each other!

thats why there should be limits on how men and women should behave!

4797d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


well i just read some weeks or months ago, US or NATO forces raided a cave in afghanistan and killed all the women and children who took refuge in that cave because their homes were being bombed!

and u say u dont think the military would use such tactics because they need to capture the hearts of the people? well what if they want to punish civilians a village for their support for Taliban? does that make sense?

or kill the civilians an...

4809d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


the massive difference is that around 2 million iraqi women and children and men died and many more suffered and tortured while in Norway only 90 people died!

90 vs 2,000,000!! thats the huge difference!

and in afghanistan the deaths in 10's of thousands and the sad thing is that the airforce is deliberately targeting civilian targets and even kill women and children who took refuge in caves!

u all pretend the whit...

4810d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
4810d ago Show

will this game ever be released on psp? what happened to FF13 agito or called something like that? i heard they were making it since 4 years ago!

did they change the name to Type-0?

4819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW guys, take it easy all! the game is the first arabic real game, its their first try on console game as far as i know, and the game is far from being finished!

Is Halo a copy cat of other older shooting games? is Killzone a copy cat of other shooting games? just because they are in the same genre it doesnt mean they are copy cats!

and the genre is not invented by uncharted!

the game could be fun! but from power point of view, it will not a...

4839d ago 8 agree17 disagreeView comment


1 bubbled guy gives a bubble to 1 bubble guy.

i guess you have similar views.

anyway this bubble system sucks and it is controlled by admins of n4g not the users!

so if u wanna get more bubbles try to please the admins!

it is sad to see Coca cola the coka leaf product mixed with kola nuts plus many acidic and unhealthy products to be on the top of the list in Facebook!

To coca cola addict...

4849d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

guys remember, FF13-2 have many parts from FF13 which was cut! so basically they are putting the other cut part of FF13 with few extra stuff and PALAAAA a new game on myltiplatform which will sell millions!!

this generation SE is sucking so bad with their quality! they may gain little extra money from MS or from Multiplatform but they r losing from these poor game sales and reputation which they spend so much time and money to build!

i wonder which one is bet...

4854d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

battlefield 3 is a racist game which insults the iraqis and anyone who resist them!

any way, americans r paying the heavy taxes and unemployment price for their evil wars! serves them right!

on top of that, the 10's of thousands of marine deaths!

tell me again who is happy from this war on Islam? oh yeah the israeli lobby and their allies who control the energy, weapon and drug industries!!

americans will only wake up whe...

4855d ago 12 agree66 disagreeView comment

WRONG! Chinese and Japanese endings always sad!

sad endings has more effect! when u know that always the end will be good, it kills the excitement!

4856d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

i havent seen any game on 360 which is better than Bioshock 1 in graphics! that was the limit of 360, it was reached in 2007.

4857d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

it is good to see nintendo doing something different and innovative!

competition is what makes the gaming industry good and life!

they deserve all the success they got from wii and i hope they put a strong competition in the next gen.

4857d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment
4858d ago Show

talking about milking a franchise?

Halo 3
Halo wars
Halo Reach
and now another Halo? thats almost a Halo game every year!

any way, 360 did well this gen with software but bad with hardware! and MS love to kill industries with their deep pocket money! by buying ps3 exclusives and ruin the quality of the games FF13 and GTA4 and many others are examples!

4860d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment

First paragraph error

"What we have been told is that Sony is working on a very fast processor which is being developed with IBM, who was the original architect with Sony and Toshiba of the Cell processor, which has been used by both Sony and Microsoft to power their gaming processors for nearly 10 years."

"which has been used by both Sony and Microsoft to power their gaming processors for nearly 10 years."

"which has...

4866d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

guys, i am a COD4 fan, and i didnt like MW2, but MW3 looks promising from the looks! so stop the hating! it might turn to be a crap game, but from what we can tell now it looks promising.

so stop hating and start appreciating!

4872d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

i personally think the ps3 still have power to last 2 more years while 360 and wii are already dead from what new things they can offer

4874d ago 37 agree33 disagreeView comment