Teh Cell

CRank: 5Score: 3640

You're right fatty, the BS3 has no chance of ever getting the RROD. Because you actually need to have games to get it. Sorry, playing a MSG movie doesn't count.

5838d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment


That about sums up the whole BS3/BSN experience.


5838d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Awesome, a whole 10 flops on the BSN. Whee. Why do they even bother making these flop lists? Do the 10 people in the BSN community really care which flop is floppiest?

5838d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Good to see that LittleBigFlop will be exactly what Phony promised! /sarcasm. Sorry to hear that about your one potential system seller. Phony sure could use another 10 sales. Ah well, there's always 2020, I hear it's the year of the BS3.

But look on the bright side, you guys can still play with brown sacks all you want, there just won't be any online jerk sessions until after launch.


5838d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

As usual, an optimized experience for the 360 owners, and a broken game for the BS3. However, still better than no game at all, right? What does that make, 5 games in the BS3 library? Wow, that's pretty good after 2 years!

I'm very jealous of you guys!!! Not, hahaha.

5838d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Man, even the original Xbox is better than the BS3. Graphics are about the same, and much better games. Hey, here's an idea: maybe the BS3 could actually handle original Xbox ports without having a seizure...ah wait, who am I kidding?

5838d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I can't believe I tried to even read your incoherent garbage. Typical BS3 user...

5838d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, another wonderful unstable flop from the Phony universe. Sorry dorks, your system can't even handle a ps1 racing game. OMG OMG BUT TEH CELL

On a more serious note, I know exactly what to do so it never crashes. DON'T PLAY THIS GARBAGE...or any BS3 game...ever. Oh, who am I kidding, there are no other games.

5838d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xbox has enough great third person shooters. No need for any Socom Frostflop here.

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah yes, LittleBigFlop.

Where to start? It's a kiddie game for playing with brown sacks and jumping around like a retard with no reason at all. You can't create online levels with your buddies, and all people will be doing is drawing penises, which I guess is about the level of intelligence that BS3 owners possess.

On top of that, this level demonstrates the shallowness of this game, as there are about 3 platforms for the wheel to roll on, and the physics are extremel...

5838d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

Right now I'm playing Duke Nukem and Pure (amazing). MotorFLOP what?

Btw, my 360 hasn't broken down yet. And if it does, it will be after two years of service. Not bad.

5838d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh, sorry, you totally owned me with that mention of MGS the Movie, and GT the demo...one is forgotten about and the other is a full-priced demo with no damage modeling. Ah, the awesome amazing playstation!!! As long as the graphics are shiny, the BS3 owners are totally in, no matter how little gameplay there really is.

Got news for you: Forza 2 / Splinter Cell > GTP / MGS 2

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...says a BS3 fanboy with 50 ignores...

5838d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

OF COURSE modern games suck...if you're playing them on the BS3, that is. The terrible hardware makes it impossible to immerse yourself in the game world, what with the 20fps stuttering and washed out colors.

Jump In !

5838d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yet another unannounced FLOP, only on the BSstation the 3rd!!! Expect below-average graphics, a gimped online system, and 0 developer support, as every other BS3 game...wait, there aren't any others, oops!

Anyway, enjoy your Super Barbie Horse Adventure!!!

5838d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you're lucky, this flop will score above a 6.0. But I guess that WOULD make it a AAA BS3 title. HAHAHA.

5838d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hahahaha. I wonder how many patches this game will require before it's up to the Xbox 360 standards of seamless gameplay and total immersion in to the game world.

5838d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

2 weeks out of a couple of years is nothing for the privilege of playing the best games and having the best online. That's in comparison to waiting for 2 years for a decent game to come out to play for two weeks until the PSN community or the developer abandons it. Then more waiting.

And please, stop talking about all these amazing PS3 exclusives, because the best and biggest and most hyped game...err movie...MGS4, is all but forgotten only a couple of months after release. You w...

5838d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Haha, envy? Please! Maybe I would be envious if the 1 good game on the BS3 wasn't actually a movie...but then again, I'd buy one.

Playing games? Lol. More like waiting for games and patches. Well, I guess you're right. You DO have some games...Xbox 360 leftovers that are much worse on the BS3...way to go!!!

5838d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

COD4 better version on the BS3? LOL!!! I guess if by "better" you mean "Identical graphics, but, no rumble, no triggers, no custom soundtracks, no friends list, no in-game messaging, delayed patches, delayed map packs, and only 20 people total on BSN", then yes, it IS better :P

5838d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment