"You and the boss.. you are from another world.. a world I do not with to know."
CRank: 5Score: 112800

I can't believe it will be 9 years in March. 4A is such a fabulous Ukrainian developer. I was worried it was dream over for the studio in the midst of all the chaos in Kiev in early 2014. Interesting how many people have never played these games. I'll admit 2033 was a little clunky when it first released in 2010 but the Redux for 2033 and 2034 (Last Light) are fantastic.

2087d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I LOVED Dragon's Dogma. It was my personal GOTY 2012.

2088d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

The Day One 2013 Xbox One controller was fantastic. I used it until last year when I got the Scorpio Edition. The Scorpio Edition controller is okay but it definitely does not feel as solid. The shoulder buttons feel cheaper, which I imagine was because people complained the the original buttons were too hard to press back in 2013. I loved that controller.

2092d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Square Enix is the next company I sense will "Konami" itself very soon. In other words, go to "Silent Hill;" personal hell, face your darkest nightmares, ect. Ubisoft, EA and Bethesda are all at the gates as well.

2099d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

~I'm about to finish my 19th game of 2018, I've never touched a Souls Game and absolutely never will. Still feels like a gamer.

2106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really genius? I think that was implied in my original comment whilst "doing me."

2110d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Cyberpunk 2077 is single player only and will not have microstransactions.

2110d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

When did Red Dead Redemption become the standard for new video games? I would take The Witcher or Cyberpunk any day over any rehashed garbage Rockstar peddles out every few years with their billion dollar marketing budgets. Most people I know who picked up Red Dead 2 did so because "muh hype train" and are: A. Bored with it and have not touched it outside of the first two weeks post-launch. "I'll finish it eventually." Yea I bet you will. B. Just play that tacked on mu...

2110d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

Most people already knew this because they hinted at the game back in February. Not to mention at the end of the trailer the other night there were Xbox, PS4 & Steam logos.

2119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Deadly Premonition is a Cult Classic. Fallout 76 was an an exercise in corporate greed, morbid human futility and the bastardization of a popular series.

2127d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love a fully budgeted and a non-rushed sequel to Alpha Protocol but it appears from the teaser image it will be some kind of Space exploration game? I would love to see something akin to Mass Effect meets Starship Troopers but with Obisidian's story telling, satire, writing and charm.

2128d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My friend is a huge Fallout fan and I said to him the other night; "Hell, maybe they'll even recall the game completely and bury it in the New Mexico desert?"

2132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope people understand that Fallout and Skyrim are in-house developed at Bethesda and Bethesda's third party developers like Arkane, ID and MachineGames are actually very talented and make wonderful games. Fingers crossed Avalanche's; Rage 2 turns out great.

2134d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn.. I'm I just broke 85,000 last night.

2134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't touched an Assassin's Creed game since II back in November of 2009, why do I feel like I've not missed a thing?

2187d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

It *is* a mess and takes some adjustment to get used to the controls but I can't stop playing it. It has heart and charm underlying some terrible execution. It's like the Deadly Premonition for the Sixth Console Generation.

2216d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear Solid V was the worst! Peace Walker was the definitive end to the Metal Gear series.

2230d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree, I just played it from end of February until the beginning of May, front to back, both expansions + the 4K update on the Xbox Scorpio. Totally worth the wait and nearly three months/166 hours of gameplay well spent. It's going down at one of the most incredible games I have ever played. Even when I wasn't playing it I was thinking about it and even dreaming about it. ^_^

2253d ago 13 agree13 disagreeView comment

Best Buy has him up for pre-order and it's discounted for Gamer Club Members who's membership hasn't expired yet.


2267d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll admit I did have quite a bit of fun playing Andromeda, it wasn't good, but it wasn't bad.. just kind of "eh." I regard it as a spin-off title akin to Metal Gear Rising. Just enjoy the ride and don't take it too serial. I must say though, I thought it was better than Mass Effect 3. Anthem however.. yikes! ZERO interest in that especially after E3.

2282d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment