CRank: 5Score: 21290

Sony is letting it happen because they have a bunch of very talented in house developers and the money they would be spending to secure certain franchises from going multi, they will probably spend on new IPs.
think about it, let's pretend Sony had paid off R* and capcom a bunch of money to keep DMC 4 or GTA IV exclusively on the PS3, who knows whether they would've had the funds for Uncharted, R&C future, pixel junk monsters, etc... you guys get my drift?

I'm not su...

5914d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care that it's going multi, i'm just mad because for the most part multi platform games are not up to par with console exclusive titles.
i really hope we don't get a gimped version of FF XIII now. This is a game that is tailor made to take advantage of PS3s graphical/storage capabilities. Who knows whether we'll get the same experience now.

I'm not knocking 360 graphical capabilities either, it's a capable machine, but i'm sure square enix will try to deliver t...

5914d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tekken 6 please. I hope it gets released this year, but i'm starting to lose hope.

5918d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

although i haven't beat this game, i recommend it to anyone. one of my favorite 360 games that's actually lived up to the hype. the game is an instant classic.

5962d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i still think it's a good score, so i will be buying. having said that, i feel as though if this were a ps3 exclusive, the review would've been a c- or worse. for whatever reason, reviewers are more forgiving towards xbox 360 exclusives than ps3 exclusives.
whatever, i'm just ranting. I just wish they would review games equally regarless of what platform they're on.

5962d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

IMHO, these are the same scores Halo 3 should have gotten. a 6/10, they are incredibly harsh on this game, yet they overlooked all of Halo 3s flaws including being the most hyped game of all time and most still rated it 10/10.
anyway, i'm renting this game today to decide for myself.

5967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've said this many times before, don't expect Gears 2 to look that much better than the first. If anything, it will be a small improvement. That doesn't mean the game won't be fun, i'll probably drop countless hours into that game as i did with Gears 1.

5980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hardly ever agree with eurogamer. granted i've yet to try out GTA IV on my 360 yet, but reading their last paragraph how burnout paradise is identical on both platforms is BS.
I did extensive comparisons for both and the ps3 version looks better.
either way, both these versions fall way short of the 60 fps most fanboys claim true next gen titles should be. can you really tell a difference between 30 fps and 35 fps?

5981d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i disagreed because dark sector does not use Unreal Engine III.
it's still a fun game however, not great, but fun.

5988d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

soooo, are any of you guys going to play and enjoy the game, or are you going to get your panties all twisted and lose sleep over which version is superior?

5990d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry to all of you experiencing problems. I guess i am lucky after all, my 60gb plays just fine. got about 4 hrs into it.

5990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course he prefers the version which will make R* more money. they figure 360 owners will not only purchase the game but also the DLC.
if they asked him which version of the full game he prefers, DLC aside and he still said 360, then we'd have to wonder why.

6000d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wow are you some of you whiners. This isn't really the place to complain about lack of in-game XMB. we all knew this wasn't coming.
The fact is the store is A LOT better than it was before, as far as i can see it's a step in the right direction so there is no need to be concerned. I understand we all want certain features now, but let's just be patient, they will come very soon.

Props to Sony, the new PS is gorgeous!

6005d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

blockbuster owns a gamestore, from the pictures i've seen, it looks pretty good. much better than gamestop.

back on topic, i love blockbuster. I enjoy online rentals, but most of the time i want to just go in and check what's good. If i like the cover, i'll read the back and rent it. pretty simple, i guess it's kind of like a habit.
If the internet hasn't put newspapapers out of business, i doubt netflix will put blockbuster out of business.

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

predator does indeed own a PS3. he's in my friends list and though i've yet to play a game with him on PS3 or 360. for several reason: 1 would be the time difference, 2nd would be game selection.
He's also admitted before he's a bit more biased towards 360 due to his preference for xbox live so he buys all the multi's for 360.

I know what you're saying though, we're all biased in some way or another. I prefer my ps3 over 360 so i mainly buy the multi's o...

6005d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Every single item you can purchase nowadays has some sort of failure rate. if you guys don't believe me, grab whatever's the most reliable piece of electronic equipment you own. do a search online for problems and you will find numerous people who've had issues with that particular device.

Now, how many people do you personally know that have had issues with the same item? how many people do you know with 360s and/or PS3s?
how many of them have had problems with their sy...

6009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

got mine today!

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never heard of this problem before. I don't think it's a widespread issue therefore it shouldn't be covered after the warranty has expired.

I'm not saying the 360 is built well, because it isn't but not every random issue that happens to your system is considered a "flaw". All electronics have hundreds of working parts that could cease at any moment. It's a chance you take when you purchase electronic equipment. as a consumer, the best you can do is buy from a co...

6011d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can honestly see micro transactions getting out of hand. It's already getting to that point in my opinion.

6012d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

your logic fails because when the game is played right, it's as good as racing games get. cheaters will always ruin the fun for others, it's one of the downsides of online gaming. that's why it's better to play with friends or people who won't abuse the system.

damage should not even come into play if you're a good player and are playing against good players. I realize forza has damage, we all know it and until GT gets it, i'm sure GT players will never hear the end of it.

6015d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment