
CRank: 5Score: 3600

Micro transactions are a killer in this game. But i dont buy anything in game with real money. Forget tricks and tips to get in game money quick. Play season mode and gain money that way. Be patient. Enjoy the game and before you know it you will have a stash of in game free virtua coins to dip your toes into MyPlayer and other modes for free without having to spend any real money.NBA 2K18 rocks on Nintendo Switch.

2562d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have NBA 2K18 for my Switch . I can tell you it does not use 5gb for each save file. I have several save files and what it says is.... Software 6.8gb update data 16gb on my 128gb sd card and 3gb update data on system memory. I expect updates throughout the year to possibly double the 16gb on my sd card. Im not bothered. I have an sd card with plenty of space . Its certainly not 5gb per save. I guess all my saves are on the 3gb on my system memory. I feel better now i have cleared that u...

2562d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. I will be using the switch in portable mode mostly. Imagine the interest it will recieve on the bus and on the street. It should be a success

2776d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are joking right? I own all the consoles on the market. Now i was looking to buy Rise of Tomb Raider at Christmas . Then Resident Evil 7 and Halo Wars 2 . I was looking at MassEffect ,Horizon Zero Dawn and Dragon Quest 8. One thing happened to stop me from buying the lot..can you guess? The Nintendo Switch was announced with Zelda day one!!! Honestly. Zelda killed them all. I find myself dismissing Xbox One and PS4 releases completely in favour of Zelda and 8 Player offline Bomberman...Yo...

2776d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have never paid more than £300 for any console . In fact the Switch will be the cheapest console i have ever bought. Take Xbox , PS4 , Xbox 360, Wii U for example . I bought all of them for £300 . Here in the UK the Nintendo Switch is £280. I will trade a few games and walk away from the game shop with my Pre ordered Switch for around £150-£180 An absolute bargain for a machine to ultimately replace my 3DS / wii u . And IF third party games come to the Switch , bot...

2792d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Loch Ness Monster my friend

2792d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Saturn Bomberman was an 8 player off line experience . Like the new Switch version is. No other versions before or since have come close.

2804d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ive got to say as an older gamer who has little tv time nowadays , the Switch is the ideal console for me right now. I come home from work. Kids are watching cartoons. I can put on the portable Switch and get my fix of Zelda or NBA2K18 or Skyrim and i am more than happy. Pre ordered already .

2804d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

8 player Bomberman warrants a buy day one . I do remember Saturn Bomberman 8Player. What a blast. I am glad it is back. I am buying extra joy cons day one so i can blow things up on Bomberman 8Player when i take breaks from Zelda . Dont underestimate Bomberman . Simple,Fun and very addictive

2804d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Backward Compatibility does hurt current gen on Xbox One because the games use up hard drive space. Ihave Two current gen games Gears 4 and Halo 5 . I have no room left on my hard drive for HALO WARS 2 because i also own backward compatible Halo 1,2,3,4,Reach,Gears 1,2,3 and Judgement . Sheer Madness . I want to play Halo Wars 2 but cant.

2805d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Gears 4 is the reason to own an Xbox One this generation. MS should guarantee 99% that it works. Off topic . I bought Xbox One for it. I have all Gears games and all Halo games. Why then do I have NO ROOM on my hd for HALO WARS 2 ?? Why on earth do I have to download all my games onto the system . Even my disc based ones.? HALO 5 is 100gb plus right now Gears 4 is around 70gb plus.Everytime they update the add another 10gb or so ... Hurry up Switch please. Zelda on a cartridge with no need f...

2805d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ithink it will sell. The Switch is the ideal console for me right now. I will play it more often than my PS4 or Xbox One simply because i can find little TV time in a busy household .

2806d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have no tv time to play games anymore. TheSwitch is ideal for me right now.

2806d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I managed to get one no problem. will be safely under my tree on Christmas day. magic.

3580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but if you read it through until the end, it tells you not to do any of those things or else.

3583d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have made it clear before that I do not like GTA5 even though I have played and enjoyed all the previous games. The fact is that the game this time around is seen to be too realistic...and gives you no other choice than to be bad, badder or baddest. where is the good character, the moral choices?
I returned my copy to the shop the next day....why?..Did you visit the bars,cinemas etc. The overall theme of GTA5 is set in the gutter and stays there.
I welcome the ban. it should...

3583d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Actually the Watch Dogs DLC is on WiiU. Here in the UK there are two versions of the game for sale. Standard version £49 and DLC special version £59. The USA is so lucky that all of their games are cheaper..$60 is around £40 here in the UK

3593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can I just say that here in the UK Smash Bros is not released yet. And when I do pick it up with a few Amiibo characters it will be under the tree for Christmas. Until then I Will play Watch Dogs on WiiU as an alternative to GTA5 which I will never buy.
As a gaming addict I need the latest games...this is a bad time of year for me. I could have picked Watch Dogs up on PS4, but my HD is almost full. Watch Dogs is better suited to WiiU in my opinion.

3593d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I walked into GAME with money to burn on Sunday. Wall to Wall Grand Theft Auto and second hand Watch Dogs for PS4 in the corner.
I bought Watch Dogs on WiiU and I will tell you why...
If I bought it on PS4 I would have to install it on my HD (already nearly full) I cant play the game when kids are on telly so off Screen play on WiiU is perfect. And its really a last gen game. On wiiU it looks better than PS3 and Xbox 360.
I like that you can be a good guy and save peop...

3593d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PES has always been the choice for me. One of my favourite things is the Fake clubs. 100% of the game can be edited. I rid myself of the fake teams and spend hours and hours updating the game. I personally have the entire Scottish League from Celtic FC to Brora Rangers FC in my PES 2015. Full leagues with promotion and relegation. And to be honest its the only place where a Scots team can do well in the Champions League and UEFA cup. Even with all the Scottish teams and player by the way, I s...

3600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment