
CRank: 5Score: 1840

I notice people making comments about the long production time for GT and it has always been like that when they make the first game under a whole new engine. Just look at the past production times for GT games, The first one out takes forever to make but the releases following (as long as they are on the same gen console) don't take even half the time to make. The long production time is for getting the engine and everything setup so that way when it comes time for GT6 (If it comes out for P...

5319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look its good to see Forza is doing well even though I played Forza 2 and didn't like because it felt more like an arcade racer then a Sim. The fact of the matter is the xbox guys have got a racing game to play while us with a PS3 only have titles like Dirt2 (arcade racer I know) to tie us over until GT5 comes out. Will GT5 be worth the wait? We will find out when its released but at the end of the day the scores for Forza don't apply to us with a PS3 and the scores that GT may receive doesn'...

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have entered the MAG beta and no beta code yet but I did get an email from sony with a Voucher Code for an episode of Vampire Diaries..... Lets hope the beta code comes soon.

Ok I thought something was weird. The Promo code for the video came from the US PSN so it doesn't work.... Still hope the beta comes.

5490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment