
CRank: 5Score: 6930

GoW franchise is heavily overrated. Its way to simplistic. The only thing it still has going on is the presentation. Easy to see why kids like it. Bayonetta and dante will probably steamroll it

5398d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Low expectations FTW! So funny to see how MS demoralized sony, the once dominating force of the gaming industry. Now they are content with a ''not so bad'' 3rd place lol. They should just stick to their ''playstation family'' PR spin and forget about naming individual products...........will make them look less petty.

Cant say it wasnt expected. All one has to do is take a peak @ the comment section of this site and realize most Sfags are still far away from video game stores a...

5398d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

and the wait for something to save the ps3 list continues......

Wait for ps3 slim FAILED
Wait for 299$ FAILED
Wait for ps3 slim #2.........
Wait for new generic sony franchise game.....
wait for free ps3s..........

Poor sony. Next year ps3 has nothing on 360 so slaughter imminent? Your own fault sony, you shouldnt have let your mongoloid fanbase market in on the net.

3rd place sealed

5398d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The entire world has already realized with every multyplat game being galactically superior on 360 that ps3s architecture is indeed uncodable,low budget garbage and 3rd parties are not to blame. Why cant the retards on this site realize this as well?

5409d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

2007 - 360/wii win everything, ps3 has literally no games - The Retards:''Dohoho tha awardz are meaninglezzz!!!! RROD RROD!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!''

2008 - MGS4 being the the biggest broken garbage ever released for a console gets rightfully snubbed by almost everyone yet LBP wins 2 or 3 awards - The Retards:''WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!! RRROD RROD FUUUUUUU GATES!!! MS!!! oh wait, ahahahahahahah TAKE THAT MS, LBP, LBP!!! We won ahahahahaa!''

2009 - ps3 finally gets a genuinely ...

5420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5427d ago

Good thing nobody was dumb enough to buy the ps3 version. Join the biggest gaming party on 360 noobs!

5428d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Stop trying so hard, sony. Nobody wants embarrassing, no game last place consoles. NOBODY! You screwed up when you let your no life retarded fanboy losers viral it on sh1t sites like this and gave it a bad name. Next time try to make deals with Activision for cool games like MW2 not homo sh1t like Unwanted or sh1tzone. Only losers still buy your garbage

5428d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol, even media applications are inferior on the blu-ray player. Sony late to the party as usual + bitter Stards never wanted the thing in the first place. You copied the wrong feature sony!

5433d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The third consecutive AAA racing game from Turn10 while the amateurs @ PD after releasing Gran Borismo 4 5 years ago are still trying decide whether to implement a day-night cycle clearly mistaking their imaginary bumpercar simulator with an RPG. Polyphony, you have been visiting car shows for the last half decade. Shouldnt that remind you you are trying to make a racing game lol?

PS3 continues being a useless blu-ray player

5435d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nah, they just know its gonna be inferior garbage and have already bought the superior 360 version.

5436d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

LOL another ps3 sales flop! Unsurprising since only retards still buy ps3 games over superior 360/pc games

5436d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is the same as asking does the ps3 userbase buy games or will ps3 ever be a good console...........obviously not DUUUH

5437d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Unsurprisingly since every multyplat ps3 game is broken garbage compared to superior 360/pc versions. Low budget hardware never really produces any good results in gaming

5449d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

So how come they didnt quit already after nobody bought the first uncharted??

5455d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

Wuah ha ha haaaaaaaaa!!

Smashing a mans face in concrete when his already dead.........

Poor polyphony, their once dominant GT turned irrelevant pretty quick

5462d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Thats more than what sony makes in a hole decade lolol

5462d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Professional damage control. Desperately trying to steal away the thunder of forza3s perfect review scores eh kaz? This man will do everything to get away from actually developing his ''game''

Save you breath old man, by now everyone besides retarded Sfags realized GT5 is just sony imagination.......a fairly outdated one to

5462d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This must be the most lazy developer on earth. They are given 5 years to make a high budget game and what to they do?? Remake a game from 2004 with no gameplay advances whatsoever, graphics that only look good in replays (yet they still fool this generations nintendo gamecube fangirls) and a completely broken online component............all developed on a laptop during carshows. On top off all that they cry for even more time aaaaahahahaaa!!! Easy to see why GT is irrelevant compared to the s...

5465d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

There are thousands of non interactive blu ray movies out there yet ps3 is still a irrelevant 3rd place failure. Why would this movie by any different?

5470d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment