
CRank: 5Score: 6930

Looks like a next gen version of that vaporware thing sony has.

5593d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gee thanks kojima but we already have conviction that looks so much better than MGS4 plus its a real game.

The desperate and depressed sony tards will gladly except you passive entertainment back though. They have nothing left plus they are really dumb so they will still blindly like you.

5593d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment




Resident evil............check
Metal Sh1t solid.........check
Final fantasy............check
DMC......................chec k
Grand theft auto.........check
A bodybag with sony...

5593d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I never thought i would see a console game that comes even remotely close to crysis yet this even manages to beat it. 360 is on steroids confirmed.

Bring this game to PC, MS. 360 already send POS3s low budget CPU in a body bag. You dont want the same thing happening with the PC now do you?

5593d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Desperate sony payed blogs already damage controlling the companies collapsed platform with lies. Lol poor sony:)

I seriously dont understand why MS even bothered with this sh1t franchise?? Conviction even destroys MGS4s cutscenes graphics wise.

Let them have at least one game MS. You dont want a massive suicide on your hands do you?

5593d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Here is a tip. Get out of your basement (slowly cuz after 20 years your eyez may need to adjust to sunlight walk (your legs may also need to adjust to a phenomenon called walking) to a neutral PC where your government named sony hasnt locked sites like IGN, gamespot,1UP, gamerankings, Metacritic (or in short every site that doesnt end with ps3/sony/N4G), go to one of these sites (doe...

5595d ago 2 agree19 disagreeView comment

Sony should use this SPAM to market PSP GO. What better way to sell a product aimed @ retards by advertising it in retard language?

5595d ago 3 agree23 disagreeView comment


I cant stop laughing @ the analog + Start/select design (its almost like they were ready to put a 2nd an stick yet decided to make the greatest prank ever and replace it with a start/slect buttons). NO WAY SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY THIS STUPID lololol

I refuse to believe this is true. MS must have payed someone to fake this up.

PSP was actually turning out to be the best handled ever. Awsome games/featur...

5596d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks like something you would get with a detergent..........

If some stupid people are still clueless on why the playstation brand collapsed this gen or why ps3s exclusive library is a graveyard compared to 360's than here is your definite answer. Its not because MS is sooo much better than last gen, which it is, its not because sony fanboys turned into absolute retarded and annoying human scum and scared away all exclusive 3rd party support, which they did, but its because sony...

5596d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I guess the studies showing that ps3 is the console for people who have no friends and life are true.

However I still refuse to believe tards like Nelson are here 24/7 voluntarily and not following a agenda set in stone by their employer (sony). Why would anyone spend their whole day here posting every minute without getting something in return? But than again as retarded as he sounds I doubt any company is dumb enough to offer him money. Weird......

5598d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

OK we f@cking get it. Blu ray movies cant fit on a DVD. Damn sony, stop rubbing it into our noses:(

Although there is only one thing I fully dont understand about this 8th wonder of the world (thats only possible on the mighty O: CEEEEELLLLLLLLLL® :O (and its going to slit the troth of the HALO franchise)). With no AI, physics or enough free roaming space to fit a giant enemy crab in how the f@ck does this movie still look inferior to alan wake?????

5598d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

E3 hasn't even started yet and Sfags are already melting down. Hopefully MS has another FFXIII like knockout ready for their conference so might see those funny suicide letters again.

5599d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Stop promising crap and just deliver something already.

This thing is 3 years old. Even the gamecube had more than two above average exclusive titles released so far in its lifetime and it was cheap as f@ck.

5600d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Will it be a point and click game like MGS4?

5600d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Or maybe your retarded sony fanboyism plagued brain can finally spot being in denial and accept the fact that most of the ps3 bashers like me actually have a ps3 and bash it because they know what a joke it really is. That would also work now would it? But i guess im asking too much. No Sfag has ever faced reality and the way things are falling apart for sony this gen I doubt that will ever change.

5601d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment

LOL nice textures. N64 pulverized!!

And I like how honest sony is though. They ripped off the GeoW2 cave scene stone by stone so we can compare the two and conclude GoW3 fails to equal even a 1 year old UE3 game.

5601d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

Actually now that Heavy Downgrade has been delayed and F@G has been confirmed as a 2010 title, the 360 exclusive lineup is already better than ps3s.

Halo:ODST, Splinter Cell, Alan Wake, All Points Bulletin, GTA4 L&D (GTA4 done right) and GTA4 2nd >>> >>> KZ2, Infamous, Unwanted2, The Show09 and insomniacs new mediocre R&C game

Sony destroyed...........again

5604d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

A 100% scripted game full of QTEs................whats wrong with that? ololololol! Dont know whats worse. This or that linger in shadows interactive art crap.

5604d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Holiday showdown! MW2 vs HALO:ODST for FPS GOTY! Snowbikes, scuba diving, FBI sh1t.........vs an open world halo game. Best year for FPSs ever hands down.

5604d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

More like Heavy downgrade olololol! What happened? CELL had a meltdown? Character models barely on par with max payne2. So not only will alan wake have better gameplay (maybe unfair comparing since HR has no gameplay) but it also looks much better (weird since HR has no physics or AI and AW is an open world game). Now all we need is a failed story and we have our 2010 LAIR/Haze.

And delayed to 2010? Ps3 holiday lineup feel apart again.

5604d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment