
CRank: 5Score: 6930

Linear/on rails, ps2 HD looking games only possible with teh power of THE CELLLZ!!! Although by some miracle castlevania still looks better and its on 360 (supperior version too)

Sony, after the ghostubusters (AAA ps3 exclusive) disaster, even the pope now knows 360 is more powerful than the your gamecube2

5476d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

How about: ''No PSP GOf@ckyourself in our shops until some insane asylum decides to release their patients out into the wild so theres someone out there, dumb enough to actually buy this abomination of a device''??

Why sony? Why did you decide to f@ck up PSP too??

5477d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

OMG sony!!! Instead of wasting money on the gamecube 2 why dont you just hire some decent mods that can delete this SPAM of your website??

5477d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I guess this shouldn't hurt acti at all. PSP software sales are dead and its only going to get worse with that 250$ scam coming out. Most ps3 owners are 360 owners who have the ps3 as their backup, ps2 owners have already embraced and moved to 360 and MS. In the end, acti may only loose the dumbf@ck ps3 shills who probably already boycotted acti the moment they heard this news and are the absolute minority anyway.

5479d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Its only a matter of time now before most 3rd parties drop sony support. PS3 is dead in america, lost to 360 in europe (in the beginning of this gen EU was considered sony land olololol) and is as dead as 360 is in japan. 360s future looks promising with natal while sony's ice c0ck seems to be stuck in time and aimed @ toddlers. PSP GO is an abomination and an insult to all non retarded people.

Fell sorry about the original PSP since its an awsome device but sony embarrassed the ...

5479d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Oh come on!! Even AW now looks miles better than KZ2. I know being graphics king means a lot to ps3 fans but if you continue to be bitter towards all 360 franchises than devs like ubi just wont see reasons to bring spectacular games like conviction to ps3 and sooner than later even wii will catch up to you guyz

5479d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

PS3 probably cant handle conviction. Well it can but probably only at 50% of the 360 resolution and than nintendo would start b1tching why ubi doesnt port the ps3 version to wii and ubi would be forced to make a wii version...................bla bla bla franchise falls apart.

Its ok, MS is willing to share their secondary stealth 360 franchise metal gear with ps3 fans so no problem. SMH, ms thinks of everyone yet stupid ps3 shills continue to be bitter towards 360. Again i say, S...

5479d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

They still arent admitting this embarrassing queer factory is a total miserable failure? They are actually willing to go down with it?? lolsony, lolsony, lolsony, lolsony

5482d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"cry,cry,b1tch,b1tch,moan ,moan, ah well, back to infamous"

*comes back after 5 minutes*

"cry,cry,cry,b1tch,b1tch ,moan,moan, ah well, back to KZ2"

*comes back after 5 minutes *

"cry,cry,cry,b1tch,b1tch ,moan,moan, ah well, back to haze"

*comes back after 5 minutes *


5482d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

hhaaaaa!! See Xbutss, this is what happens when devs use full advantage of teh ATOMBOMBEXPLOSION: CELLZZ :ATOMBOMBEXPLOSION and the inferior 360 doesn't get in its wayy!!! Hail PS3 exclusives, lol @ multyplatform gamezz!! Poor FFXIII and MGS:R HAHAHAAAAAAA!!

How is this news?? Alan Wake and conviction already confirmed Cell is inferior-NAMBLA developed, low budget commodore 64 tweaked CPU

5482d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

I bet my ass that the average Sfag weighs about 783 tons seeing how disgusted they are about the idea of changing disks.

Hey Sfag, when you try to get up from the couch do you need to call a crane?

5483d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why cant Sfags just give up and join the supperior green side??? Even effin sony caved and showed a FFXIII trailer during e3.

Your company of choice is advertising 360 games sfags and youre still typing embarrassingly immature posts on N4G.......

5483d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Awww, rats!!! This was looking like the first above mediocre MGS ever:( Thanks Konami for destroying a perfectly good 360 game. Incoming 20 hours of gibberish cutscenes with total of 5 minutes of gameplay. Passive entertainment sh1tfest:(

Ah well thats why we have conviction

5483d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good job champ, you sure showed me

5483d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

About time!! RARE was beginning to be a waste of money, almost as big as guerilla games.

5483d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

First AW and now Conviction! Crysis geting bombarded. Not bad for an outdated console. Step up you game, nvidia!! Even nintendo and that dead company will soon catch up to PC at this rate.

5483d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

SDF is here 24/7

You cant blame them though since their psychotic sony glowing c@ck sucking got them IP banned from all respectable sites plus they wasted 600$ and have no more money for games although ironically ps3 has no games anyway

5483d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony already screwed themselves by making an unmarketable product. No one will allow glowing c0cks to be plastered all over their building/tv channel

Looks like the casual fight may be just MS vs Nintendho. Times like this just make you realize how far behind sony really is.

5487d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This joke is almost as embarrassing as the glowing ice cream c0ck

5487d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

Damn right this should be illegal. Hovewer sony should have been closed down after faking their entire 05 e3 conference yet nobody did anything so i doubt anyone is gonna bother over just one product. So unfair

5491d ago 7 agree17 disagreeView comment