
CRank: 5Score: 6930

Bu bu bu bu itz only raiden!! Bu bu bu we still have a FF spinoff that lookz cooler!!, bu bu bu bu GTA zuuukz anways!!, bu bu bu bu resident evil is boooring, bu bu bu agent will be bettur than RDR anyway!!, bu bu bu GOW is bettur than DMC......


Shameless Sfags, no shame whatsoever.

5216d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Heee was right! laaulz, only 6billions in losses, only slipped 2 spots from 1st to 3rd, only lost all exclusive 3rd party support and only lost all smart gamers who immigrated to xbox while only the retarded part stayed loyal *STAR*. Cuntaraghi was right lolol, poor sony, completely out of touch with reality like their fans.

5216d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

No one knows how to make insecure sony retards cry like Aaron Grenberg.

Sale talk is kinda weak although truly lol @ what sony has become (what MS has reduced them into) after 1 single generation.

And this is just after Cuntaragi said everyone would buy their bricks no matter how expensive and useless. Looks like ps3 is just a lil bit more useless and expensive than he thought.

5218d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks pretty bad. Better than KZ but worse than metro2033 on 360 while lightyears behind crysis1. Probably just the ps3 version anyway.

Still have high hopes 4 the PC version though.

5222d ago 8 agree31 disagreeView comment

Truly hilarious how this place is accommodating to pos3 ever increasing failures. The only site on the net where ps3 retards are still under the impression ps3 is a good console or the playstation brand is still relevant in any way.

From: ''Ps3, the 6billion dollar moneysink that will finish the generation in 3rd place after its predecessor finished 1st with most 3rd parties on its wagon : OMG TEH WINNAR OF THE GEN, wii doesnt count, 360 just not successful enough DER...

5223d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Looks exactly like KZ2. The engine looks outdated already. Shait textures, gray all over the place and pre baked lighting outdoors make metro 2033 even on 360 look lightyears superior.

Love the killzone franchise. The universal reminder on what low levels/ expectations has the playstation fanbase sunk to after ps2. After enjoying 2 generations of quality systems/titles from sony the insecure fuckwits are now, due to the all around failures of their company of choice, reduced ...

5234d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

PS3 apologists can calculate R* is one of the best devs in the world yet still somehow fail to understand it has nothing to do with laziness. Reason why 99% of pultyplat games are better on 360 is because ps3s architecture is utter dogwaste while having little to no more power than MSs console. Its shit 4 sony (6 billions in losses) and shit 4 developers (why would they bother suffering 4 a version that wont sell @ all while everyone will just buy the xbox version instead). Even sonys 1st par...

5238d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Looks impressive 4 vaporware.

5239d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Yup, graphics dont matter that much hence why nobody remembers KZ2, GOW3, U2.... or why nobody will remember ps3 in general @ the end of the gen.

Cant wait 4 e3. Sfag tears galore imminent after XIIIvs announcement .

5239d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The inferior version reminds me of GTA san andreas.

Possibly the best game of the whole generation and the ps3 version is as gimped as bayonetta was.Looks like RSX is getting 2 outdated 2 tun these new games in HD.

5239d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, must be why borderlands, RDR.........and other games who's multyplayer is broken garbage on PS3 get such a good treatment on 360. Devs just have so much pity for live users so they make the ps3 versions unplayable.

Poor sfags, with GOTY RDR being PS2 looking garbage and their final 3rd party ps3 exclusive going 360 their back being as miserable as they were in the beginning of the gen. Jizzing over delusional pro ps3 articles made by sites Looks lik...

5239d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Like everything else they supported but ended up ''not caring'' due to xbox 360 doing it so much better, ps3s ''power'' is looking like another feature no one will end up remembering @ the end of this gen since even the sony crowd is just a month away from going: ''we never cared about graphics anyway''.

Sfags you truly are way bigger insecure hillbillies than gamecube era nintards ever were. Congrats.

5272d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sfaggots - now so desperate they're counting on vgchartz numbers.

This greenburg guy really must have ringed the doorbell of every ps3 fantards house and punched them in the c0ck. Only explanation why they get so bitter even when he responds in the most casual way possible.

5272d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

After nintendo and microsoft, the next entity to completely humiliate sony in this generation of gaming consoles is..........a 20 year old nerd named George Hotz.

lol sony

5279d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

So the 2 versions will be identical (identical as in ps3 being inferior like 99% other multyplat games) yet they hit the wall only on the pos3. So if you sony mongoloids turn at least 1 of your brain cells on you should find almost enough rationality to know that means its pos3 limiting the 360/PC version.

A 600$ underpowered xbox 360 with a gimped, deserted online component and games nobody cares about. Good job sony! Even PSP GO looks like a winner compared to this abortion of ...

5279d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looking @ all the damage controlling, mindless spinning, embarrasing insecurity....I can't but fell anything else than relieved that after playstation3 flopped like no console has ever flopped before the retarded part of the ps2 userbase almost exclusively stayed Sony faithfull while only sane gamers which, by the looks of 360 sales was the complete majority, immigrated to the Microsoft platform. With juvenile Sony delinquents buying 360s, xbox live would have been brutal. Phew!


5281d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Massive meltdowns and suicide letters imminent again this e3!? XIII versus going multyplat should provide the lolz. THAN it will be sonys turn to make some successful business moves since ps3 will literally have NO 3rd party exclusives for MS to ''steal'' lolol

''to steal''

Sfags still 2 juvenile 2 realize products not owned by sony never belong to their corporation of choice in the 1st place.

5288d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Umm its out already and is called Bayonetta, a game so superior on 1 platform that you can practically call it exclusive to the gamers choice console. The non-noob fight system makes it appeal to real gamers (which explains why they didnt care about the ps3 version)while gow3's only straight lies in presentation clearly appealing to the playstation crowd aka non gamers.

5290d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

I love how sfags aren't even trying anymore and post senseless coments without turning at least 1 of their limited brain cells on.

I also love how the idiots still haven't figured out being 24/7 on joke sites just further proves the xbots theory on how there really ain't much to do with ps3s.

5300d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Good article. The open zone of N4G proves his point daily. All fanfags are bad but when somene writes suicide letters and genuinely cries when lossing a exclusive, has meldowns everytime a media site doesn't review their favourite games like he wants to, threatens to put up irelevant petitions,......etc, etc, you know they belong on the summit of the retard scale. Some Sony fans really are candidates for gassing. They are just THAT brutal.

5305d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment