power of Green

CRank: 6Score: 155755

The PS3 version is inferior I don't blame the devs for wanting to support the superior version on their primary platform.

5751d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Look all the PS3 fans in here getting the PS3 version lol. Shocking!

I'm going for the 360 version :p (higher rez, better contrast and color) after all I own the 360.

people that own both consoles and choosing the PS3 version are fanatical, assuming the folks in here saying they're getting the PS3 version own more than one platform lol.

5751d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment




SO4 has stellar partical effects, detail, textures and life like...

5751d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment



http://www.1up.com/media/03... ...

5751d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You smoke too much. Lay off the green man.

5751d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That fucin Pic used in this story is crazy, does the moron that made the pic even know what the fuc is going on in the gaming market? lol

Every end of the year the PS3 hype gets smashed and folks are either in denial making up BS or they are saying "JUST WAIT" PS3 will be triumphant.

The pic is funny to me lol, the 360 is getting PS2-like support in the traditional market from devs, and is killing PS3 in sales and multi platform game quality battles, an...

5752d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

@#1 You people say that every year and PS3 always laggggs behind lol.

LOL @#1.2

5752d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those shades caused him to think he could reach the sun.

5752d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

HOME was late.

Ok TAZ: sweeb-meeew-whoot-speeeewwwbbb

*Me no like dat*

5752d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

The games were probably canceled long before of any talk of it(letting hype sell more PS3's). PS3 HOME was the real reason lol.

5752d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Not my problem but if any real 360 gamers read this, the new 360's are silent, picked on up 3 weeks ago.

5752d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The secret is to buy a new 360, wasting all that money on that crap. Just buy an new $200 console, they don't make any noise, matter of fact the only noise the new consoles make is from the wind from the more powerful fans. lol

5752d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The wonders of PS3 are always boasted year after year as coming next year lol.

The 360 has high production value titles too! although you won't know about them untill around release(MSFT doesn't have to talk).

5752d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain is just QTE mixed pre rendered video. KZ2's visuals are over hyped although KZ2 is more justified compared to the other games you mentioned, that were passed long ago lol.

Ferarri challenge, Alan Wake, WarHound, Mass Effect 2, Ninja Blade will most likely beat most games.

Multi platform games have already beat most games PS3 fans boast about. To name a few, games like RE5, Farcry2 etc.

5752d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

That is overall trend, some fanboys tried to paint one quarter(fluke) sales period as an new set trend.

5753d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wasn't the original story a twisting of figures for one quarter?

The quarter that was reported simply had more PS3 releases or late multi platform titles release durring that window lol.

Like saying square Enix says 360 top earner in HD gaming, based from the last fews months sales between Sony and MSFT.

I hope T2 does not missunderstand this because another factor is 360 gamers are running out of money buying other games and the several 360 exclu...

5753d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Change your avatar moron you make me wan't to become a republican.

"By the way what does the 360 have this year? Nothing really except Alan wait."

What country do you live in where it is 2009 already lol.

Do your research for 2009, it will help you not sound so ignorant making suggestive remarks when you don't even take the time to get informed yet care enough to make anti MSFT fanatic comments.

5753d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

A grip of devs have said this yet when Eurogamer and others do the final comparison, it would seem the devs comments are just marketing jive/fud lol.

This jerk-off session is based from devs needing to earn every penny invested in PS3 back, wait untill the games release, then you'll see. lol

5753d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment