Reach through the sky.


CRank: 5Score: 97570

Yeah but I'm pretty sure the PSP2 won't run on the same architecture as the PS3 does. They could merely port it to the PSP2's architecture and tone it down as needed.

5029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS4 doesn't need to be announced any time soon. PS3 has only been out for four years, it's way too early. I say wait until 2012 or 2013 for an announcement of a new console.

5029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can't really talk about battery life since the PSP is using 2004 tech and the PSP2 is 2011 tech. It's a seven year gap.

5029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Syphon Filter games, Monster Hunter, MGS, and God of War all say hi.

5029d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think they mean it could run Uncharted 3 at a lesser resolution with lesser visuals. We're not THAT far behind in technology. The PSP released in 2004 and some games on that platform had top-tier PS2 graphics. This is 2010, so I expect that the PSP2 could match visuals of early X360 games or possibly beyond that.

The PSP2's screen will obviously be brighter and more crisp than the PSP's, and will most likely have a slightly higher resolution. It won't be TH...

5029d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I won't deny that the Holocaust was a horrible event, but to call it the "worst" thing is kinda questionable. Go search up "Unit 731". You'll have your mind blown at what those guys did to other humans in WW2.

5031d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their reputation ALREADY DID suffer.

I used to like Treyarch. WaW had issues and they got fixed right away. But now? Fuck Infinity Ward AND Treyarch. As a matter of fact, fuck Call of Duty. I don't care WHO makes it. I'm glad I didn't buy Black Ops, and I know for a fact I won't buy any more CoD's ever again. Get outta here with your annual beta expansion packs.

5033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell yeah! I hope Chloe comes back. She was 100% hotness. I wonder if Drake got it some time before she left.

5033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the gameplay is the same (mostly) as the previous ones (SSX 1-3 I mean) then I'll get it. I miss the colorful-ness of the past games too, but who's to say the entire game won't have elements of that. When you got to the third (and final) portion of the mountain in SSX3, there wasn't much color there - just pure snow and many opportunities to die. It was awesome. I felt a sense of nonstop dread when I got to that portion of the mountain.

I can't believe...

5033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The KZ1 version of the StA-52 (Helghast AR) had a red scope (dunno what type exactly since you couldn't look through it, it just zoomed in the screen) and a mounted single-fire shotgun attachment. It was a brutal weapon at close-to-mid range in multiplayer because it had such a fast firing rate, and if a Helghan had a shotgun shell loaded in his rifle, anyone else instantly lost the firefight in close range (assuming you could aim, which actually look skill).

5033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This debate never made sense to me.

"Stunning visuals that make console gamers jealous"

Okay first off - I game on both consoles AND the PC. I don't do it just to say I'm cool, I do it for the games. Brand-name loyalty is pointless.

Secondly, the only console gamers who get jealous over PC graphics are graphics whores, and guess what? If you're a true graphics whore, you'd have a powerful rig to begin with.

5034d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kratos actually fits in with the Mortal Kombat style and universe, just like how Namco put Tekken 6's Lars in that recent Naruto game.

Captain Price however, is a fucking joke. First off he's not even a "Microsoft character", so why would he be in? What the hell would he do, spray his M4 all over the place? Jax and Stryker both have guns and they were balanced as hell, but mostly useless. The article was also pretty stupid. Why in the hell would Price yell ...

5035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meh, looks like Syphon Filter really is dead. I really appreciate the horrible cliffhanger they left us with at the end of Logan's Shadow.

I can't blame Sony Bend, but rather SCEA for thinking that no one cares about SF anymore. Either way this game will most likely be amazing since Sony Bend have time and time again proved themselves to be capable devs.

5037d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're mindlessly defending the game if you have the balls to TELL ME that something I not only experienced, but saw with my own eyes happen is UNTRUE.

I'm at level 40 and I've been playing steadily since release with my friend at his place long enough to know that this game is trash. I've been playing FPS well over a decade, and I know what hitboxes, hit-reg, and lag all actually are, unlike most of the CoD-worshiping kiddies that play it.


5038d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It only has a recent amount of games and I dunno why you think you're just as cool by defending the game. I think it's a piece of shit, and I've been playing the series before CoD4, so meh. I dunno when I got knifed across the room but I know it happened at both Jungle and Hanoi.

The dudes didn't even hit my character model. They slid across the room, hit the air about 5 feet away from me, and I died. It happens pretty often and it's annoying. They said t...

5040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Day one buy for me. UC2 blew my motherfucking mind. Easily one of the best single-player action-adventure games on this gen, perhaps even EVER. Over-hyped my ass, if anyone thinks it really is over-hyped then they just never played it.

5040d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony confirmed like back in the Summer that the PSP2 will still have an optical media drive, but it won't be UMD, but rather a new format altogether. I still fail to see how that confirmation didn't become big news and people still think the PSP2 will be all-digital. With the failure of the Go!, and Sony even admitting it was a mistake, why does everyone think they'll do the same thing with better graphics?

5040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do I have a video to back it up? Oh sure, lemme just use the Theater mode the next time I get knifed from across the room after I unload half a cliff into a guy's skull then. Dunno when the next time I'll play will be since I didn't waste my money on the game, but it shall be done.

5040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why record myself doing something that ANYONE can do with ease? It's like all you kids who make boring-ass montages with Metallica or Drowning Pool in the background.

5040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If getting knifed across the ENTIRE FUCKING ROOM doesn't count as close to MW2 Commando, then I don't really know what the fuck does.

5040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment