
CRank: 5Score: 12720

I was'nt sold by lbp but got my code today and played it.

Yes, now i'm sold i have been playing for some time now and i'm hooked........completely.

This is truly a masterpiece of gaming, i dont go for games like this but it's one of the most rewarding games to date.

Mario has just been sacked.

5846d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i really really like the look of this game... and having been on the resistance beta i'm affraid to say this looks better imo.

oooo that map editor i cant wait, sniper valley already drawn up. day one purchase for me...

lbp of the first person shooter.

5847d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Holy cow and a walla walla bing bong!

Finished MGS4 today and it truly is the greatest game i have ever ever played. Nothing comes close at all to Hideo's genius.

The last boss battle (dont want to give anything away) is nothing short of incredible, and i thought i was playing a different game all together. Even though my emotions were through the roof!

Everyone who claims they like games need to play this, even if you hate the ps3 i urge you to fi...

5948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

why did they review gta4 early then? was the online working then? it stinks seems like they are going to try to find absoloutly anything they can with this game! And after giving gta 10/10 they lost their credibility!

Regardless of reviews i was getting this, roll on 9 am when i pick it up.........not ign

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to sum up simply awesome game in every conceivable way. An all time great.

5959d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dont shoot me down for being a ps3 owner. But the ps3 version had the patch to stop freezing which worked in my experience but the online is utterly hideous!

I have played hangmans noose and bomb the base and they are boring after the one play. If you go into a regular game such as cops and crooks it kicks you. ALL my friends who have the game have this problem. 15 or so of them, in fact 15x£45 = £675 not bad for rockstar. It makes me sick that we bought this broken...

5959d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah i would give a fantastic game an 8 if i had played it under those conditions!

I Will be playing it at home in front of a 42" hd tv, whilst sat in a gaming chair with surround sound and zero distractions. When one of the long cut scenes comes along i will sit back and eat a pizza and watch the story unfold...........

Then I will review it.

5960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but they are saying they played the game twice... well its never as good second time around lol! anyway i think reviewers are so desperate to get a review out that they will class this version as final. played in this enviroment it cant be as enjoyable.

These reviews also seem to be forgetting metal gear online etc....

I'm going to enjoy this game where it belongs, at home on my 42" tv in my gaming chair in surround sound with zero distractions!


5960d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when is bad company released? it says 13th on ign and 27th on the official bad co website! i suppose i will go by the official page.....which means more mgs!

5960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

C'mon guys, don't do it the wait is almost over dont look at anything metal gear related. Don't even say "metal gear" because it's coming, wait to see it on your own HD tv in all it's glory and relish every second of it!

5965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As sad as it may seem i have booked 2 days off work just to play the hell out of this game! can't wait, i am not reading anything else or watching any more videos about it either. i want to relish every second of it.

5981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm war in the pacific... no genuine mods to weapons, no acog scope, night vision levels ect. Lets stick to the present day shall we, makes more sense?

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

would be nice if i could actually play online on the ps3! doing my nut in, just can't get past the lobby!

5989d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The first resistance introduced me to the world of online gaming and it was awesome. the best lobby in any ps3 game and the comms were fantastic. however cod has spoilt shooter's for me, as cod is truly the smoothest most balanced game i have ever played.

5989d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but 'Whats your name?'

'Big mouth plick'

'Ah no, Nico your name, not big mouth plick....ha ha you funny guy'

5992d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To play shadow moses would be cool, but i think its best as some sort of flashback to make the story fit together. I'm sure Kojima has so many tricks up his sleeve about mg4 he will not let this franchise disapear without one hell of a bang! 50gigs worth of bang!

Salivating at this game. I don't want to know too much though. The success of the first one was because no-one knew enough about it. I read a review in a mag and thats it, now we have video and insider information off ...

5992d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

never pirated any games, my friend regularly has psp games but i still buy them! it sounds madness but its my way of trying to keep good games coming through! piracy is beginning to harm the psp and thats sad, an awesome system fooked by pirates.

5999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well within my friends i am now the fourth person to have a faulty ps3. 2 of them had faulty bd drives and another had a power issue. i just hope it doesn't happen to you matey as my copy of COD4 is now stuck inside the system and i wont get it back for up to 28 days.... imagine if that was GTA4 in there!

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

stupid fanboy quote! of course they break! it's D E A D dead! i wish it wasnt true then i could play mgo at 12 tonight! i wont have another till wednesday. on a plus note they are very helpful at sony and are sending a reconditioned one within 3 working days which is mint! so if you do experience it at least its not as painful as microsofts rrod. not my vid but proof it happens......... a lot!

6003d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

my ps3 has just died i had the blinking red light of doom yesterday! Worst of all i cant access my hd to get the game, and that took 8 hours to download! my replacement arrives on Wednesday then i will have to re download the game and stupid update again! oh the joys.

6003d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment