
CRank: 5Score: 12720

And i will be sitting down to watch it tonight on my 42" 1080p tv! bring on the popcorn!

5770d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gonna watch it tonight, saw it in the cinema and thought it was brilliant

It should look mint on my 42" 1080p telly

5770d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup we all did it, ps3 and xbox fans and now pc gamers too. we waited, stared at screenshots and videos, flooded n4g with posts of how it was the biggest and best thing since to happen to gaming since daley thompsons decathlon (lol) we queued up late at night one poor sap was stabbed we then played it, marveled at its open world, blew up cars, had virtual head, then got bored switched it off and went back to cod. In my opinion it turned out to be a bit empty and lost... GTA4 was my biggest di...

5771d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol seems like a lot of messing about but we have all been there at some point. not these days though blu rays dont scratch (awaits hailstorm) is the cat still living or in someones chinese?

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with so many offers in different shops its difficult to get a proper picture.... if this was a full price list who knows?

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I buy a console because i want it to last longer than 4 years... If i was willing to upgrade every 4 years that would mean I was spending £800 on new consoles every 8. I hope that Sony meant their 10 year cycle because then my £400 console looks like a good buy.

5771d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

There were distribution errors and you could get a version of asda smartprice cod for £27... which sold out everywhere.

5771d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I went to get this game like i did cod5 from asda and they had no stock. i asked the lady what the problem was and she said that they hadn't had any delivery of that game..... apparently uk entertainment didn't deliver it on release.... so i went to woolworths and they had none either due to the fact they are closing down (possibly) i managed to get my copy from tesco which was a 10min drive from where i live. Also my friend in holland said that sony had delayed it there as well....

5778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was not sold at all at the prospect of WW2 but i bought it for £27 from asda (smartprice cod) and although the single player is simlar to cod 4 its still a solid shooter..... But then you go on multiplayer and that is where its worth it. You are taken back to the beginning when you first leveled up and the addiction level you feel thinking about leveling up one more time. Yup COD is the best multiplayer game out there, simple....

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Far Cry 2
Condemned 2
Wipeout hd
Tekken 5 online
Gran Turismo Prologue
GTA 4 (turd)
GH 3
(I have also been a beta tester for R2, LBP, Killzone and Socom. Having never played before I also played God Of War 2 as well)

Hmmm sure i'm missing something, oh yeah METAL GEAR SOLID 4 the simple reason I bought my ps3. There is no game like it and there neve...

5805d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

If this is the same as the closed beta please let me know? filesize etc.....

5819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

but i just bought bioshock! i am about halfway through too so i am gonna have to batter it tonight so i can play this one. I have been waiting for this for months.

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dont think i have time for this..... with everything else few months maybe.....

5834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just preordered this and cant wait! trophy's are just another bonus. have a map in my head ready for 1on1 2on2 action..

5834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed BF:BC but have to say comms were poop, and that matters when you are trying to work with your pals.

The bar needs to be raised and maybe there is an opportunity in another certain game i care not too mention. the enviroments are only marginally destructable, and when concrete get hit by a grenade it looks awesome. I dont think that being able to obliterate a map helps too much as cover is always needed.

I have high hopes for map editors in games in the ...

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks familiar, oh why it's COD4 but with older antique weapons!
Sorry but i have looked at what seems to be the same graphics for 12 months now and i am....well, slightly bored of it.

Not going to bother, i think i will go for far cry 2 (maily for the map editor) and then maybe resistance 2 having been on the beta and want to see what improvements have been made. And at least that has 8 player co-op.

5838d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Problem is with the socom, lbp and killzone beta's as well as having just downloaded WipEout (which is glorious in hd on a 42" 1080p tv) I cant see me having the time to check them out properly!

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you....

I have been beta testing those games too, ahem of course one of them may be girl with a stick.... anyway.

You cant share them as feedback needs to come from the owner of the psn not anyone else. If you share you could lose your beta tester status.... I think the lbp one is allowed however your details need to be staored on the other ps3..... do you want to give me your e-mail address and psn password maybe i will buy siren on your credit card...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you are on the beta don't share this as you need to give the other person your psn details. It would be foolish to give out all this personal info to a stranger.

I am beta testing this game and it is shaping up very nicely indeed. I am hooked having spent 6 hours on it last night, roll on febuary I say!

5840d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

But you guys have no idea, i am a beta tester on this game as well as girl on a stick, socom, and lbp.

I have been giving feedback on this test and as you can guess it's shaping up very nicely. look forward to seeing you in feb online!

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment