CRank: 5Score: 14140

well i only agree with u on friends thing but 360 hasnt had a good exclusive sinc egears 2 and left 4 dead lol name one :) besides halo dlc odst :) last game i played was gears atleast

5434d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

idiots will always think the ps3, even when the ps3 was 600$ it was still cheaper lol, 360 owners still paying for online lol

lets say ur an owner of a launch title with the miracle that it never broke

u paid 4 yrs of live = 200$
console= 300

ok so its even but still lol it doesnt even have bluray or internet browsers, come on MS u made internet explorerer and are charging people for online

even the freakin wi...

5434d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hav old one and it sux my free one in ps3 does way way better, but hey its xbox u get wat u pay for......wait no u dont.

ms is good at making sales, "hey look our other consoles break alot buy this new one with falcon processor....break, hey buy this new one its new jasper model no more rrod!.....break....hey elites dont break buy it.....Break, ops new problem.....break again error e 47 hey we now sell rrod replacements without hard drive for 200 (arcade)......Break! bri...

5434d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

the game is ok dang it, ok its good but not amazing, i wont be buying it and i get discounts lol. im happy right now with demon souls and uncharted 2

5434d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i saw that feature and was like wtf lol

hey i thought it was a good movie, not that i wud watch it again but was entertaining imo

5437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a multiplat game can never beat an exclusive game in graphics, ever! especially not uncharted 2's lol not even uncharted 1's

5439d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

as ugly as it is, that is how ff1-8 maybe even 9 were lol, sept for the greatest hits versions ofcourse, i like the art stuff lol

5440d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this and blade and soul will make me stop paying for Aion lol

5442d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 only has 2 games to campare to the tons of ps3 exclusives, Halo and Gears hahaha

5443d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

its cuz everyone is playing uncharted? or maybe ratchet? or maybe demon souls, or it cud be all the other games that r exclusive that just came out?

morons, 360 owners had nothing to buy if they werent forza fans lol

5444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so dumb the way u do story mode for characters, u basically are forced to play that horrible brawler mode (think devil jin mode tek5) when u beat a boss u unlock them for the arena then beat the arena to see their CG ending, so dumb soooooo dumb. game hasnt imrpoved either and the graphics r worse than SC4 how is their older game prettier? the textures and everything are horrid on tekken. and all the costume items r SO expensive like its forcing u to grind for money for ever to add replay va...

5446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sonys fail rate is very Ultra low, thats why, and yellow light comes from abuse of console, it never happens day 1 like 360.

i know only 1 customer at gamecrazy who had a yellow light....while almost every single 360 owner has gone thru multiple 360's some even up to 8 consoles.

if MS didnt put 3 yr warranty they wud be sued even more than they r now.

54% is a probalem (360) and thats just RROD not counting dvd read failure or error e 74 percentage...

5447d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

they said no more rrod or error e74 when they added falcon and new heat sinks and jaspers and etc, this is rrod aswell, sad indeed

5447d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

u mean u want a ps3?

*rest isnt directed to u*

who wud buy a blu-ray expansion for their 360? why, its probably gonna cost 150+$ if they did do it. r people such moronic fanboys they wudnt pay a lil more for a ps3 which wud give them the best bluray player and let the play all the exclusives they missed?

wtf fanboys r retarded

5447d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

odd, wtf xbox why not bundle lego batman and pure???? o wait u already did that last week alone lol.

besides the ultimate alliance and forza bundle the other bundles suk really bad

5447d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Sales Expected to rise rapidly for MS after surge in sales due to more impatient red ring and error e 74 victims"

only reason why they have so many sales is because people doont bother sendin it to MS they just buy an arcade 360 and and continue.

i see it for my self i work at gamecrazy lol

5450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the controls r nothin like tenkaichi yuck

5453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for me lol, i hate that game, a marathon for me would be 10 mins ;p

i mean how long can u run from the same cops over and over lol i miss the military chases :(

5454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wudnt even pay 5$ why wud i when i cud get psn for free?

i already had one yr of live for free cuz my ffriend stole it from walmart lol that was over a year ago and i haven't ever thought of renwing it. 504 a year for halo online? f that, i can play COD and all the exclusive games on psn for free. halo is the only fun exclusive online ffor xbox. sorry guys gears and left 4 dead arent fun to me

5454d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

im 6 feet tall lol. i dont like her face either, and maybe its cuz i think shes to full of herself?? i dunno lol, maybe its cuz im into the cute girls not mature 40+ yr old women lol. i mean she cud still get it, but not on top of my list ;p

5455d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment