CRank: 5Score: 14140

demon souls, star ocean , valkyria chronicles, vesperia arent the same like other rpgs, u know wat i dont like bout western rpgs? BORING gameplay, stiff ugly, boring gameplay, with exception of fallout and oblivion, its just so dull. and who ever says mass effect, old republic and dragon age arent the same game than ya liars.

funny because bioware makes these games and they r ones im complaining about.

baldurs, while fun is exactly the same as part 2, champions,...

5396d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i personally dont care wat any company does to profit cuz they profit off of me, so "F" them. wii is most expensive lol so many add ons.

i never had to pay for anything extra for my ps3, it came with everything it needed except extra controllers, i knew what i was getting into and what i got. when i got my 360 i was like wtf? i need a wifi adapter? even the wii has one, wtf i pay for online and makers of internet explorer dont put a browsers on a MS system????

5397d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

100$ for wifi if u need it, 50$ a yr for live, no blu-ray, no rechargable batteries, in each contr. no internet browser. ;p and why the F are wireless headsets more expensive than blu-tooths? lol 60$ wtf u cant even use it for other things.

system is good to have without online and using for exclusives otherwise fully equipped its to expensive

5397d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

sales dble after ms bans half their users ;p

just kidding lol,, price cuts always boost sales

5397d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

i think its scary, looks like a voodoo dance, and shes preforming it after which doctor shrunk her head, shes so F***ing ugly. least game is fun.

i'll stick to my doa girls, or lady from dmc4, she was sexy

5398d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

um those graphics didnt impress at all lol, looks like gears of halo graphics, which arent bad, no, but nothing impressive. i mean the character faces r still smackdown create a character. its really bad. just cuz armor is shinier doesn't mean its whole lot prettier.

hopefully they dont mess this game up. hope for better levelss than halo 3, but similar or expanded gameplay. halo is ugly game but its fun to play which is what matters.

just annoyed when people r s...

5399d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

pretty sure final fantasy 13 will have more sales world wide.

remember halo is just an american thing just like the xbox. if they say exclusive wise then maybe, tho god of war will give it a run for its money.

only prob god of war has is its to violent for kids and we all know 60% of halo players r under the age of 16.

same reason pokemon games sell alot, children.

otherwise ff13 being an FF game and being multiplat will sell a cra...

5403d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

y dont they make a zelda one? not that zelda is bad but i think its less deserving of best rpg ever just cuz it repeats to often. either way both games r most popular in their genres why? cuz they were awesome i mean apparently somethin was done right to make so many of us fanboys

5409d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to bad i have an old 360 lol. now to fix the laser burning, the disc read errors and error E74 and we will be set. tho rrod was the worst. 2nd is laser burn, i mean how mad r u when u multi circle scratch ur modern warfare 2? or madden lol. and i dnt care if people shud know by now not to move the system or w/e fact is i shudnt have to worry like i dont with my ps3. im so scared when playing my 360 that im gonna scratch halo cuz someone jumped in the room lol.

5409d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL, 50$ a year is to much, wtf 10 for a month, just to play online? seriously if that ever happened, fannboys just buy a ps3 or stick to pc gaming, seriously lol.

50$ a yeear is still way to much considering its performance. 8 player halo lag and 60 player resistance 2 no lag? wtf?

"Xbox Live, It's Good to pay together"

5411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

both, freakin lazy xbox fanboys

5414d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

thats the price it shuda been in the begining freakin expansions at full price. Only on xbox

5416d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

did u say it looks slightly better than wow currently? maybe if u have a crappy comp, aions graphics r still insane and is still best lookin mmo out now, the fact that its gonna look alot better is just more icing on the cake :3

wow looks hideous, where the lighting? wheres the textures, and wtf is up with all those blocky characters? that and everyone looks the same not to mention gameplay is out dated by now. wow is the best for casuals tho i guess

5420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this will be awesome, so awesome :D

and chris

bots and gold selling isnt that bad at all anymore, and dude those things r everywhere, wow, lineage, free mmo's everywhere.

now in aion i only mostly see set up shops with ads but thats it. if u havent played for a while try it

5420d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

but those tits DAYUM!

5425d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

least SE is working on a major game namcobandai has no excuse at all.

wtf i was hoping for a ps3 xenosaga :(

5426d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its the reeason they r always marked exclusive then go to ps3 with more features and sales,

on another point tho, LOL more than ff7? thats extreme, the only FF that can outsell ff7 is a Remake of ff7 or FF7 ps3 sequel.

maybe cuz 13 is multi it might be possible but doubtful. besides i dont think 13 will be better than 7, i luved everyone but cait sith in 7, and just by looking i dont like everyone in 13.

how can anything be more epic than cloud vs seph...

5426d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wii was supposed to be cool, now look at it. same with natal, tho atleast ms didnt base their console over it. that wud be like sony focusing on eyetoy. that was nintendos prob they focused on motion controls lol.

while i sadly think natal will fail even if its an ok idea people just wanna play video games.

now if it was virtual reality and we cud fight friends without pain like some action movie HECK yeah then lol

5426d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

alternative? buy a ps3 and save 50$ a year on playing online and save 100$ on wifi, makes sense to me

5432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ms wud be broke with basically doubling the rrod rate and people wud stop gaming or people wud destroy ms's HQ because the fail rate wud rise another 30%

5433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment