CRank: 5Score: 14140

19 million in dumpsters across the world from RROD, error e 47 and disc read errors :)

5376d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


5377d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

while i can understand that no resident evil isnt even close to as scary as it used to be, nor is it the same game ya forget something. why was the old RE scary? maybe because the controls were garbage? while fun at the time i mean wtf u cudnt aim at the head, u span in place and reason u got scared is because the damn cameras wud completley shift to where u cudnt see where u were shooting.

ontop of that the zombies were just obstacles in the enourmous puzzle game. find this ke...

5377d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

first off dlc isnt a good thing its a rip off, it cuda been a god thing only bungie did it right minus odst cuz it shuda been downloadable.

xbox failed in everything, it broke peoples games with circular scratches if u moved it so u were scared to touch it, u were scared if it started heating because everyone in the universe even unborn children gget the red ring, the online is over priced and has so many attatches and no blu-ray.

ps2 was definatly and is better....

5379d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

my server seems super fine, and has tons of people. i think its just the low pop server cuz yusitiel is doing great. tons of enemy asmos and help. i see people everywhere.

5382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i can understand the plot and i feel a sense of direction, while i love oblivion its not as fun as jrpgs, its linear to the point of being interactive anime. good cutscenes vs some guy standing there looking bored and telling u to talk.

western makees u feel like its u playing, while jrpgs feel like ur controling someone else, which both r fun in different ways for those reasons. i mean who doesnt like seeing a kick ass fight scene in crisis core like seph vs angeal and genisis...

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wat u said is reasonable, but doesnt mean u have to buy the game when it comes out. u telling me if it was a 15$ game u wudnt pic it up because of the review? and again a 7/10 isnt a bad score, just means wait till its used score if u people r cheap or dont wanna rent it.

i mean when ur in the mood for a jrpg what is there to go too? apparently ff13 and end of eternity will be the only ones available in march till WKC.

i meann wtf, just gonna keep playin COD? l...

5384d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dunno wtf is up with this gen, all the sony hating, all the jrpg hating, everything is going backwards from previous gens lol.

i just dont understand. im sick of playing halo and COD clones, SICK OF IT, enough freakin shooters dammmit. ugggh. thank god for diff games like demon souls, lbp, mod nation racers, heavy rain, infamous etc....... even bad shooters get good scores

5384d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

good thing i dont pay to much attention to reviews. if i did i wouldnt have enjoyed infinite undiscovery, star ocean, or some of the other games that werent scored 9+, because this gen 7 is considered a 2/10 for some dumb reason.

if i listened to reviews then ff10 or 12 would be my fav and guess what? 12 is the worst in series in my opinion and im not a huge fan of 10.

u damn followers need to play games for urself. cuz guess what? back in nes, snes days there we...

5384d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

while i agree its prbly KH3, i dont agree with ur opinion on ff7. because apparently 5 mill+ fans believe otherwise, making ur opinion a minority. obviously something was done right.

example i hate zelda but thats my opinion and i know to the many more zelda fans zelda is awesome, same with halo and anything else.

u dont makee a fanbase by sucking

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

guys its not ff7 remake, its kingdom hearts 3, obviously, lol ya act like nomura made ff7, he cant call that lol. but he is responsible for insanley popular KH series so its prbly KH3 exclusive on ps3 since hes learning the ps3 with ffv13

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah screams of sorrow and anguish

5388d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is why i dont pay for xbox live anymore, to many of these morons playing

5388d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

some people love to hate the most popular or judge it harder because of its reputation.

"its ff! so it better be a 13/10!!!!!" Oh it has to be the next ff7!!!!"

all people want this gen is sex and char creation in their rpgs, thats why most jrpg's r getting reviewed bad with exception of demon souls and valkyria.

people are sick of jrpgs feeling the same??? yet they play great games like oblivion and fallout and dont complain they r ...

5388d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol all the rpgs get bad scores on it ;p. even if they r good.
no one liked star ocean or infinite undiscovery but i did.

ps3 had my fav jrpgs so far, with valkyria and demon souls being on top so i dunno. how bout who cares bout consoles and we start carin bout games? *sigh

5389d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone thought it was gonna be amazing since 10 was, its like them releasing ff7-2 and the sequal sux but wud still sell lots. , they dont remember that ps2 install base was huge by the time ffx-2 was released. this is the first ff of this gen. dammit 1.5 mill week one in japan is not that low.

everyone expects every game this gen to be 11/10 dammit.

what jrpg isnt linear? its an interactive anime obviously, aslong as its still fun and awesome.


5389d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

u know how when u point cursor its either red or blue with highlights? it turns blue boosting ur power if u r in same direction as ur allies.

now for resonance if u can form a triangluar form around the enemy it cause all the characters to resonate and combine attacks, meaning you control all characters at once, its pretty sick actually.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is it because u had no idea what u were doing since it was in japanese? wtf do u expect lol, game is meh cuz u dont know how to play it? lol only reason i cud think someone didnt like it.

anyone pull off the resonance attack? pretty awesome. i really like it, and aslong as there are alot of special attacks and more than whats in demo i will luv it even more.

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i mean really, who ever says mass effect, Kotor, dragon age and jade empire dont feel like the same game they r liars, lol, lack of evolution, and its sad cuz its from one company thats doing this.

always starting off in some acedemy, journey is always interuptted by some big orginization and it seems hopeless. besides that all the gameplay feels the same. dragon age is kotor in fantasy settings

5393d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

its so true, atleast it was easy to prove lol.

the japanese cliches r funny, tho they arent done in all games, now bioware makes their own cliche and reuses it every single game lol

5396d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment