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That was a PC World user comment.

6188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your right any computer can, too bad the 360 can't.

6189d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So they do a ripoff of Google Earth and that makes them not ripoff artists how?

6191d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of us can hop in the passenger spot and relay info to the other so we know where the turrets are being manned from anywhere and sneak up on them. They can also keep a mark on almost every warhawk in the air for you as well as base statuses and flag locations. add to that the takeover speed increase on bases and it's quite effective.

Hunting AA turrets in a plane and getting a 8 to 1 kill/ death ratio is funny as hell

6192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you trying to imply that the 120+ million people who have a PS2 would just toss it if they got a PS3? Come on now really. And if you were to think about it for 5 mins you can pick up a PS2 to play ps2 games from game stores everywhere for less than the difference between the two models.

Second point, when did anyone say the 40gb would REPLACE the 80gb? the 40 is the new 20gig replacement the 80 is replacing the 60, end story unless Sony says otherwise.

6192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's the source for this? Like the ACTUAL source, so far as I can tell this is just a forum post and could have been typed at random. For instance, I could go make a forum post saying the 360 is actually an Atari 2600 with a modem in a new case and link it, but it wouldn't be true.

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy is a dipstick. How is it possible to have that many problems setting up Streaming video? And it played in his browser?? And needed a "Plug-in" ?? I'm calling BS as it takes all of 2 steps for me to get any Media Server software (WMP11, ORB, TVersity, OR NERO) to show on my PS3 and it works just fine, even over the Wi-Fi connection my ps3 uses.

More proof the people unfamiliar with the basic operation of a calculator should never attempt anything more taxing t...

6244d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dang Skippy. Heh.

6245d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wow. I would care but Metallica sux.

Never underestimate the stupidity of people in an over-rated, second rate metal band I guess.

6253d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

And yes I am leftist and damn proud of that too TYVM... and no it has nothing to do with the death penalty being inhumane, its because it is not a punishment. 5 seconds in a chair is time off for bad behavior. You want him punished let him spend the rest of his life (until the day he dies) in a real prison getting raped and beaten by all rest of societies scum, they deserve each other.

While others (mainly those who ONLY want to LOOK tough on crime) would rather he get off eas...

6254d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

But a third of those titles are just the DVD/HD combo version of the same movies they already have on regular HD DVD discs.

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for the sad but true honesty of your post.... I feel, er, "cosmicly" that is, yeah, that's it man.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your getting too riled for a goofy story, but if it were true what would lead you to beleive that if Nintendo found it beneficial that the object in question would not take those points into consideration? Never underestimate the selling power of people wanting a "SPECIAL" version of anything.

It is possible to add more to it than just the Blue-Violet laser, if it were profitable, and, in demand Nintendo would do it. But, then again, it's just the big "IF" f...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Say it was, but really now..... do you seriously believe Nintendo has not contemplated Blu-Ray or HD-DVD? Is it not possible there is a prototype for one, the other, or even both? I was simply saying that it really is a possible avenue of exploration for Nintendo to follow.

Did I say THIS lame story was true? No. But is an actual prototype possible, well, Billy Boy you would have to be daft to think Nintendo had never even contemplated anything along these lines. Looking strai...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of people are getting sick of the multiple SKU / "SUPER-SPECIAL-FRIEND-OF- ALL-LOVER-OF-FURRY-ANIMALS-YET- STILL-MANLY" edition crap.

Give us a system, make it well, and entertain us already or shut up and wait for next gen.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it is a huge "IF" it does exist, and "IF" (yet again a huge IF) it makes it past prototype to the market the games could simply remain DVD based and just add a Blu-Ray movie capability for fairly cheap (+150-300) and still have a good price point.

IMO, it's totally possible, and really, quite likely. But the real question should be is if it is true, will it see the light of day... or will it be scrapped like many a prototype before it. If people really ...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally it sounds as fake as it comes but, then again it is an R&D facility for a company that has NO personal stake in the format wars. I really would not be surprised if it did exist, Nor would I doubt that they may have one with an HD-DVD drive as well. The possibility is there as a new gen player built into their Wii would only benefit Nintendo.

But exist or not, it does not really matter as much as "IF" it does exist will it ever see the light of day on th...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But How much do us hard core gamers spend a year on gaming Vs. the casuals? On a one two one basis We "hardcore-gamers" tend to spen between 5 and 10 times as much as any casual gamer will.

Need examples? In the last 2 years I have bought, An xbox 360- $650 with additions, a Wii- $350 with additions, a PS3- $850 with additions, A new computer- $4000, upgraded to new SLI'd video cards $1200, and a PSP- $220 and that's just hardware, I also have 7 360 games, 11 PS3 gam...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I think the real problem with UMD as far as movies went were:
1- Only the PSP could play them
2- Everyone, despite the facts of #1, thought they could get away with charging the same or More for a movie on UMD.

I think if they had thought about it a tad and charged between $5-10 for movies depending on age (of the movie) they would have sold ALOT more. But go figure hollywood would like to try to get the same for less. It really was a good Idea, and everyone s...

6274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment