level 360

CRank: 5Score: 113220

I have Thrill Kill and have to say, yes it was a totally different genre of a game ( at that time ). Very violent and gory ( almost a bit like those Hellraiser movies ), the backgrounds added to it's extremes as well. Someone sold it to me because they said it was really different and would be banned - and it did.

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...What's next Ultraviolet Rays?

6296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't know how the poor lady could miss the warning labels clearly there to see in one whole page on every game...

6297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is all part of the Japanese way of living being shown in one small room, and a lot of you out there won't get it because most have'nt experienced actually living there. Also it's aimed at the youtube audience, if you can see how ( basic ) it was done. There's nothing weird in it, it's just our perception of Japan and their culture - the schoolgirl, the monsters ( anime, horror flicks { The Ring Trilogy and the likes... } the small cramped rooms etc. Now do you get it?

6297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo plus all the retail shops around the globe, stop this crazy midnight release for all your consoles next time around, it just attracts more crime. You should all realize most of your buyers are at risk once they'ved gone off the shops and into the streets at night... you should all be liable when someone gets hurt or even killed. To all those fanboys out there ( PS3, XBox, Wii... ) it is not a laughing matter.

6298d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope the trailer does justice to the actual game itself, this is Colin McRae probably one of the most adventurous drivers in the rallye world. If they can re-create the interior-camera look of PGR3 with the backgrounds on this trailer, it would surely be a winner!

6298d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In a few months?/years time Blu-ray would be the just another format, as far as technology's concern and with MS not using it would probabaly be a good thing since it could adapt any new type of add-on player ( besides HD-DVD ) to the XBox 360...

6299d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not worth shelling out more than a thousand aussie dollars for a PS3, when somewhere in Europe ( is it England? ) in a way to say thank you for their patronage, gave the fans out there a free plasma/lcd ( not the large ones of course, but still... ). Also unless they come-out with more game exclusives for the PS3, no one's going to buy an expensive dvd player just to blu-ray movies which are more at the moment than the games.

6301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The specific target audience for the PS3 AND XBox 360 are it's mature gamer's, hence the more adult related content ( yes, could probably do with a few more titles that has something more different to offer - maybe get some of those games from Japan-only to trial out in the west ). While the Wii with it's catchy control pads, more wild and wacky fun games are for the young and the young at heart.

6302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would'nt mind forking out a thousand bucks for a PS3 if they'ved included a plasma/lcd screen for free to everyone out here... that would surely ease my pain and frustration at Sony's lack of good judgement with the gaming community.

6302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just goes to show how Aussies are far more smarter and wiser buyers than the rest of the globe. They know if a duds a dud and will resists for as long as they know when things change for the better...

6303d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...the PS3 was built to be a ( Blu-ray ) dvd player for those movie loving fans out there, so Sony keeps flogging a lot of Blu-ray movie softwares...probably in around 6 months or so it would the the other way around, it will actually be a game console ( which is what it's meant to be in the first place and hopefully with more titles to choose from ) for the hardcore gamers.

6303d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is what's called in politics as vested interests. Whether your a group, a corporation or an entire nation, this always takes precedence over anything.

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very true, Blu-ray is so overhyped by Sony, but the reality is it did'nt really change things that much as what DVD did to VHS. Yes they want to sell a lot of their movies on this format, but people around the globe are also very savvy and smart - they know the benefits of waiting for the competition to manufacture their wares on the market so they can benefit on huge bargains. And what really is the number one main purpose for building the PS3?, a game console for gamers?, a Blu-ray dvd play...

6303d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Cost, the one and main reason the PS3 won't sell better than the other consoles. Two - For the time it took Sony to finally release their console here in Australia and still not a lot of titles to choose from ( most of these games are also available on the Xbox and Wii )that would really infuriate many true-blue gamers out here. Three - very bad publicity and very poor marketing ( a lot of clever Aussie out here are still not ready to embrace blu-ray for the reason that every player still cos...

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yes Xbox 360 will lose the console wars just because of one game, the one game that will rule the world... yeah...right...what a dumb-ass comment. Give us all a break with this stupid nonesense you numb-nuts.

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...It will never stop, as long as theres' something new on the market for gamers - everyone has to have their say - the good, the bad, proud, obnoxious, sarcastic. You gotta love all these comments. True fanboyism will always stay, it should'nt even be called this word, because what it actually is - is a catfight, like girls with their psychological opinions, their mind games set to out-do their opponents. Right?...

6306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If these game consoles were cars - The PS3 is like a BMW, very expensive and with the best engine but kind of lost the plot in the quality and styling departments. While XBox 360 is more of an Audi with a very good engine, great style, interior designs other companies try to benchmark on. The Wii is the Volkswagen of the group, more affordable than the two but without losing on quality while still churning-out in quantity.

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not so much the type of format anymore, as everybody now knows the formula for each type. One things for sure though and it's every individuals' preferences that matters most, and costs plays a big deal whether it's a killer game or what you tought was a killer turned into a crap game on every game console.

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless your into buying blu-ray movies that's good, but skip the ps3 for a year or so if your into games, because you won't be seeing anything good at the moment. Plus it's still very expensive ( AU$1,000.00 + ), even w/ the bundles and all... and cost does matter to a lot of consumers out here mr.sonyman.

6309d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment