
CRank: 5Score: 31890

what i really dont like about the xmb is that it doesnt feel like a gaming console. today i was comparing trophies with a friend and his gamertag had trophies that he just earned but i had no idea what they were. i just hope they make it more of a game console experience with the xmb. it feels more like a computer which i dont like

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

waiting for the Collectors edition to pre-order :)

5641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont get what is amazing about that video.

i dont even own a 360 so trust me i cant wait for this game. but this video showed nothing special imho

5663d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


5665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all i care about is that they add a notification which stays when you get a msg. i always get messages and i miss the first notification then after a couple of days i find out i got 3-4 old messages which is annoying

5665d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

imo the ps3 is more safe than the xbox from this service due to the far more superior exclusive lineup.. Thats just my opinion

5665d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can some1 please tell me If they say the ps3 is doomed, like the saturn bla bla bla

THEN WHY THE HELL ISNT THE 360 OUTSELLING IT WORLDWIDE by ATLEAST 5-6 MILLION??????????????????????? ???????????????????????

they r neck to neck. so that means 360 is failing too??


5713d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think they have the right to get this game out on the 360 as it makes sense BUT if they delayed the ps3 version so that they could get the out at the same time now thats lame..

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

guys i preordered too but i wanna kno if there will b a collectors/limited edition coz i wanna buy it

5718d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

just ignore him

5730d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

i could buy 3 360's n itll still b cheaper than my mobile phone. ofcourse itll sell way better.

5770d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

ok i loved fieldrunners on the ipod touch.. BUT it only has 2 levels. i beat them in an hour..

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they haaaaaaave to make heavenly sword 2 .. its EPIC..
or atleast throw nariko in there with kratos.. they cant just cancel it

anyway im still waiting to get into the betaa ... hopefully im ill be in the next phase

5799d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii doesnt even have anything like LBP.. also wont be getting Re5 and alot of games which it cant handle..

so PS3 wins :)

5816d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

LBP, resistance, killzone etc

but sadly for ps3 fanboys, they wont have any good 360 exclusives to lower its scores after gears 2 :P

anyway tho post #1 makes sense, look wut pp posted after reading it.. u cant help them dude its too late :)

5816d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Im have it pre-ordered but not having online is a huge loss in my opinion..
it would be so much fun playing online with people.

5817d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

im a sony fan and i dont own a 360
but can some1 here pleeeeeease tell me how fable 2 is a flop???????

5820d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

pp if u dont own a ps3 and think it sucks. seriously why do keep talking about it..??

what difference wud ur stupid comment make??

5822d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

u can argue that resistance cant match gears of war 2 in graphics
but graphics aside. Multiplayer?????? Co-op?????????

didnt think so.

graphics isnt everything.. altho i think r2 has awesome graphics

whats wrong with lbp getting delayed.. its only 1 week.. n actually i hve the game already :P

5822d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i wasnt gonna buy the game.. im not really into alien shooters.. but i played the beta.

and now ive pre-ordered limited edition :)

1 word.. Its EPIIIIIC

5823d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment