CRank: 5Score: 24690

@Gohadouken: Smoking is a cheap idea huh? So do you think Solid Snake is not a badass? That he's cheap and all? People in the world smoke, even the "cool" ones. I never knew that Capcom release an official profile of Dante stating that he has never smoked in his life. Unless Capcom says that themselves, then Dante could've smoked anything for all we know. Unless you have a link with Capcom stating officially that Dante has never smoked, then you can't assume he never has...

4865d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

1. This isn't NT's property, its Capcom. They've vehemently said they're involved in the making of DmC, most likely the gameplay department. Why does everyone think NT are going to make the game alone, Capcom is involved, we just don't know which role they play exactly.

2. I agree. But that was Capcom's fault, not NT's. Capcom wanted to change Dante's look cause they believed Dante's look was getting tired and old. Again, Capcom approach NT...

4865d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

If there are no bonuses or extras and if this is simply an HD upgrade, then Capcom can go **** themselves. I hope they don't think that this will appease us after all the crap we have had to put up with since after DMC3:SE.

Unless there is some Vergil game or a 2D DMC for NGP/PSN in development, there's not much they can do to win me back.

4866d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Reibooi: Actually no Dante in DMC 1 didn't react anything like Nero did in DMC 4. Because the only time Dante showed emotions for Trish when was Mundus killed her. Also, when he saved her from that falling rock after the final Nightmare battle, he pretty much brushed her off, no romantic emotions there.

So i don't know how you can see Nero there, because Dante never really express any feelings for Trish cause he doesn't see her as a love interest, just as sumone ...

4874d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's because Vash and Nero have the same voice actor, Johnny Yong Bosch. He's also voiced Ichigo from Bleach and countless others.

4874d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. The reason everyone hated him was he cried at practically every cutscene. We don't know why Nero and Kyrie fell in love in the first place because they were practically raised as brother and sister, which is quite sickening. And also he was an unnecessary character at that,that added more confusion to a storyline that has enough plotholes as is.

I won't feel any great loss if he never returns. The only thing i wanted to know is how he's connected to Sparda (a...

4874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its Ninja Theory not Team Ninja...>_> Team Ninja does Ninja Gaiden.

Anyway, stupid of Capcom not to show anything at their own damn event.

I guess E3 is the place they're going to truly show it then. Which is stupid since there's going to be much better games getting attention then sum games we haven't heard or seen gameplay about. Keep on Failin Capcom...

4914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Corey Burton will be voicing Hugo Strange

Proof? Here ya go

4915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love this company and there ways. I wish more Japanese publishers felt like this *coughcapcomcough*

4924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're right he should be represented in court, so that means HE should take responsibility and not flip the bill to other people. He knew the consequences and did it anyway. Why should anyone pay for his stupidity in the manner.

He knows that Sony are on the hunt for hackers and misusing the PS3 software is against the Terms and Conditions when you buy a Sony product. Its not about a corporation caring about us, because as much as a corporation doesn't care about us ...

4930d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Because having woman appear solely for sex appeal is objectifying them. Same goes for men, but men don't have a history of being treated as 2nd class citizens, women do. Men have more power in the world then women do and there are still sum countries in the world where women don't have equal rights as men.

And sex isn't the only thing that sells ya know. People keep bringing up that tired line. Its just advertisers are lazy and not creative enough and use the eas...

4933d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vanessa Lewis from Virtua Fighter is muscular but not overly muscular. You can identify she's a woman. Though i don't know why she's wearing a regular bra instead of a sports bra.

Just because a woman can have muscles doesn't mean she has to look like a bodybuilder. There are female Fitness competitors who aren't overly muscular but have definition in their muscles.

I agree with the author of this article saying that muscular men aren...

4933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes Troy is very good in Sengoku Basara playing Mitsunari Ishida and saying "IEYASUUUUU!!!" Love him in that!

4955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHA! Yes totally! Bubbles for you

4956d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for this game. Looks great and hopefully it plays great as well.

4959d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. Too bad now DICE is now making generic shooter #999, Battlefield 3. Its too bad they stopped working on Mirror's Edge 2. Faith was a great female lead that didn't conform to the norm of typical female lead characters. Hopefully EA will reconsider later on and actually give Mirror's Edge a 2nd chance.

4967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Malicious does look great and i wish it was on the US PSN store. I would buy it in a heartbeat. One of my most anticipated games if it gets to come here.

4967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the God of War 3 boxart art is the best one out of the series. Its very simple and clean and quite stylish i might say.

Lately, Europeans have been getting really good boxart compared to the Americans. But Japanese boxart is always the best of the best mostly all the time.

4967d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

@GrandTheftZamboni: What are you talking about? If they only said that they didn't want to use the Six Axis gimmick (which really was a gimmick cause now no games use the Six Axis controller for that anymore) doesn't mean they were taking a shot at Sony. That just means they wanted to do sumthing different. And i'm sure Sony forced them to use the Six Axis because when HS come out they wanted to show off to everyone that technology.

That's what Ninja Theory w...

4970d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly. But then again this is N4G. Which is infamous for being a PS3 fanboy site. That's why all their headlines are either about Uncharted, Killzone or God of War or sum stupid hottest girls list. So i wouldn't take their rants seriously since their arguments are so invalid to begin with. They don't realize whether Xbox 360 or PS3 fanboy that these corporations don't really care. They just want your money. I only have a PS3 but i don't go around saying this and that Son...

4970d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment