
CRank: 5Score: 14670

AHHH I remember the good ole days when a game showed up at E3 called halo and it look like garbage. It had a slow frame rate and no one was really impressed with it. I guess all i'm saying is don't judge a game till it's finished.

6267d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think no one is really shocked by mass effect wining any E3 awards. You could just look at the video and see how good it is and it's being made by bioware. If bioware said they were going to make a game and didn't even show anything at E3, I would still give them best in show. Have they really ever made a game and it not deliver.

6267d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You have to agree with problems and all those were still some of the best graphics I have seen on a console. I'm glad to be a next gen gamer.

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy needs to be sentenced to death and then rot in the deepest parts of hell.

6268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm shocked by how long this game is. One of the Devs said there were people still playing 20 hours into game. Thats good because most FPS leave me wanting more after 9 to 10 hours. Also this game is perfect for me because I'm more into story and less multiplayer.

6268d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man forget the today show. The news have been telling people crack is bad but crack heads can't get enough. An to us xbots halo is like crack. Oh yeah I don't mind being called an xbot because I like to think i'm some kind of a transformer. lol

6271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember the first halo had a crappy E3 showing but that didn't stop it from selling millions now did it. More people probably read Mag reviews than worry about whats going on at E3. I know I do. The last time I bought a game based on E3 was when I got Dungeon lords for PC. It was supposed to be super awesome at E3 but the game sucked more balls than paris hilton.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think what they did for halo was fine. Halo really hasn't lost it's hype since the first one. I mean it's already sold 1 million on pre-orders if i'm not mistaken. What game does that? I liked what MS did. They showed other games that people might not have thought were going to be on the box.

6271d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Look 360 will never be like the dream cast. Do your research. Sega only had 100 million dollars to use on the dream cast. Now lets see how much money MS has hummmmm. I don't see the 360 going anywhere and thats good because it will eventually lead sony to do more price cuts then I'll get my PS3 a little cheaper next year.

6273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What?? No Fabio EGM cover. I'm disappointed.

6273d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Mario 3 has always been the greatest. All of my friends have said it and I agree. I remember being 12 or 13 when this game came out. I didn't eat lunch at school for a month so I could go and buy it. Yes mario 64 is awesome and so is super mario world but I would have to go with mario 3 any day.

6273d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah play Mag gave it a 9.o also. I 've been hearing nothing but good things about this game. I'm glad that it keeps it's classic turn based roots. The new FF wasn't really for me and I hope Devs don't stop making turn based RPGs.

6274d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW you guys really love Metal Gear. I never really cared for it. I bought part 3 and played the 2 metal gear game that came with it instead. lol. I'm more of a silent hill fan myself. But back on topic. The pics look awesome but what did you expect its Metal Gear of course they will. It will probably be the best looking game when it comes out.

6274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had my PS3 break 4 times!!! Oh wait a min thats my George Foreman grill. I get the 2 confused. You should have seen the mess when I tried to play motorstorm in the.....well you know where this is going.

Just kidding sony fans I personally hate all 3 next gen consoles and prefer playing Atari jaguar. Aliens vs predator is truly next gen!!!

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want all the same cast members from Reservoir dogs as the gang. I want the Kid that was captured to be Jason Statham. And that infamous scene where MR. White was going to set the cop on fire better happen in this movie. It's going to be great.

6276d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think sony had a great show as well. They showed everyone where the games are at and gave us the price cut. I will defiantly get a PS3 this year. Now back on topic. I was very disappointed with KZ2 and I think you are a fanboy if you weren't. I was promised that the game would look like the video from 2005 but I see it hasn't happened yet. The video was dark but still full of color at the same time and you could also see far off in the distance. You couldn't do so with the actual in game fo...

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think japanese doesn't like 360 for the same reason there not liking sony, it's big and it's exspensive. I have heard that 2 important factors in the japanese market are the size and the price. Now lets look at the wii for an example. It looks like the ipod of gaming consoles and the price was perfect. The wii turned out to be the porridge that Goldie Locks ate. It was just right.

You can disagree if you like but I have heard this from a number of gaming journalist and Japanese m...

6279d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When they come down another 100 or when silent hill 5 comes out i'll be getting a Ps3. O wait, is Silent hill 5 coming to the box?

6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know but I bought 11 xboxes the other day to sell them at the flea market.

6280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope the Ps3 stomps the 360 and every 360 owner trades their 360 in for a Ps3. Then I will keep mine and be the only person with a 360. 20 years later I'll sell it for like a 1,000 dollars or something on EBay yesssss!

6280d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment