CRank: 5Score: 12100

Screw the Xbox 3rd60 version of GTA IV,I'll be getting the SUPERIOR version of GTA IV for my PS3 in a couple of more weeks,and I'll feel good knowing that my console won't explode while playing...LMFAO have fun with the INFERIOR version yet again Xzombies,and I wonder how much Micro$haft will milk out of you poor zombies for the exclusive GTA IV DLC!;)

6010d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Killer box arts,MGS4 is going to be a beast!

I can't wait!

And LOL @ everybody worrying about which box art looks better,I just want to play the damn game,to hell with the box art!;)

6010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

High price?...LMFAO I told you guys Xzombies are cheap a*s f*ck!
I paid $700 plus for my PS3 with games at launch Xzombie,while you only paid $0 imaginary dollars for your Xbox 3rd60,is that too complicated for you Xzombie? In other words YOU DON'T OWN ONE! Anyways this girl is awesome,she even made the thief pick up her items and return them to her,I wish I knew her in real life,lesson learned,DON'T MESS WITH PLAYSTATION OWNERS/FANS/GAMERS ETC. were all brain and muscle!;)

6010d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

LMFAO you are the worlds BIGGEST loser Power Of Green/TheMART,Alan Wake is NOTHING special and looks like garbage up against the PS3's big guns,and don't even compare this little problem to Xbox 360's issues which not only include RROD,poor Xzombies are running out of things to say!;)

6011d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMFAO!...Xbox 360 dead last and no Xzombies in sight,life is good;)

6011d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If Haze gets delayed again I swear I won't buy it and I hope it comes out for the Xbox 360 as well

6011d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why would retailers waste their time trying to advertise the inferior version of GTA IV? the only people that care about the exclusive DLC are those Xzombies because they have no good games coming in the next couple of months!;)

6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Micro$haft copying AGAIN?!...keep on $hafting those poor brainded Xzombies with all this kiddy crap,just in time for the new Viva Pinata and Banjo...ROFLMFAO!XD

6012d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL I feel sorry for all the Xzombies out there that won't get to play this MASTERPIECE known as MGS4...oh wait no I don't,suck it zombies,don't worry zombies you guys still have Banjo...LMFAO!XD

6012d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You brainless Xzombie talking like you have a choice of getting MGS4 aka GOTY 2008 or not,you don't even own a PS3,I bet you don't even own an Xbox 360 so stop pretending zombie!;)

6012d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMFAO in your wet dreams you brainless Xzombie!

MGS4 alone will PWN Tears Of Bore 2,Tears Of Bore 1 had no story,laggy a*s online,and it was short as hell,I beat the crappy game in under 5 hours,prepare to be dissapointed,Gears Of War 3 will also be on the PS3 as will BioShock 2 so enjoy them while they last zombies!;)

6012d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's about f*cking time lol!;)

Great game,a must buy if you don't own it already,God Of War rules!!!

6012d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It sounds to good to be true...for the Xbox 360 that is...LMFAO stop messing with the Xzombies heads...Oh wait I forgot THEY'RE BRAINLESS!;)

6012d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL GTA IV will be long enough for the majority of the GTA gamers,you Xzombies on the other hand will have no good games to play so of course you brainless zombies will be starving for more while we real gamers aka Playstation gamers will be enjoying the superior version of GTA IV and Game Of The Year 2008 aka MGS4,a game you Xzombies only dream of having on your garbage console aka Xbox 360,and what's the point of the DLC if it's exclusive to the inferior version of GTA IV which will be a BE...

6013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Darth Vader will be exclusive to the SUPERIOR version of Star Wars The Force Unleashed which is of course the PS3 version,have fun with Yoda Xzombies...LMFAO not hating on Yoda I just like Darth Vader more...I wonder how you Xzombies will be able to survive playing without Darth Vader,it must suck to be you zombies!

BTW GTA IV is also SUPERIOR on the PS3 as will Crysis and all future multi-platform games,and PS3 exclusives make Xbox 360 games look like caca!;)

6013d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The superior version of GTA IV bundled with the superior and "true" next-gen gaming console,everybody wins except the Xzombies aka Xbox fanboys...LMFAO!XD

6013d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to pick up the superior version of GTA IV for my PS3 in a couple of more weeks where it belongs,LMFAO!...enjoy the inferior version like always Xzombies...I hope Micro$haft does pwnd you guys in the back too hard with that DLC $$$$$:P

6015d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

F*ck COD4,RBSV2 FTW(I own both for my PS3 so I know)!

Go buy RBSV2 on either PS3 or Xbox 360 people!;)

6017d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL Xbox/Xbox 360 have no good games and don't gimme that Halo 3 BS Xzombies,that game is in no way an improvement from the first two Halo games on the Xbox which both blow just as hard!;)

6019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


A new Pacman game for the Xzombies?

You know Microsoft when it comes to "BIG" announcements,they always dissapoint and are a negative more than a positive,SONY and Playstation 3 FTW!;)

6019d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment