CRank: 5Score: 1450

agree locked out conternt for preorder only i hate that buisnees deal,, it punishes people who pay for your game the same 60$ price but they were smart and wited for reviews to buy the game a week after release

2936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game better not have shit combat like assains creed

2936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to briong out the ps5 before 2020 would be a spit in the fan of playstion owners releasing a new console every two years theres a problem with that the ps4 pro should hold you dude over till at atleast late 2019-2023

2936d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

im confused so the ps4 pro can 4k blu ray disk games right?? but it can not play 4k blu ray disk movies???

2937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its competing with the scorpio dude weather u wat to believe it or not snf the xbox one s is competing with the ps4 slim,,,

2937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so im confused the ps4 pro will be able to play 4k blu ray disk games but not 4k blu ray disk movies??? someone give me an answer on why this is??

2937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf i thought the ps4 pro is going to be the ps5,, why the fuck would sony do this to its fanbase realease so many consoles so quickly together

2940d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

so this game is coming to ps4 now?? or just the ps4pro?? btw i think this is a pretty unfair comparison considering ps4 pro is competing against the x1 scorpio not the xbox1

2940d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

if this ps4 pro doesnt offer compatibility with some older games more than just the ps4 then im done with sony and will move on to the xbox or pc where i feel like they are actually trying to respect their costumers by offering some backwards compatibility

2940d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the point t is that bloodborne is a good game but it has flaws and you fanboys are lauguable at how you act like it has no flaws for example the game does not get fun till you open the cathedral gate and the map really opens up at that point (i will add once i got the gate opened i started to love the game but it took me forever to get that gate open) imo and im not gonna lie but to open that gate you might spend 20hrs in the game to get hto that point. if if a game sometimes take 20hrs to g...

3198d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

no the games not to hard the game just does have flaws but you pussies are riding from sotwares dick to hard to admit the game is not perfect.. and thats why alot of ppl dont view it as goty. btw bloodborne is my goty just so you bitches know but i was explaining why it isnt the masses goty becuase the farming flaws ruin this game for alot of ppl the time you spend in this game is not nessisarily worth the reward you get from playing it for alot of ppl.

3199d ago 4 agree18 disagreeView comment

@guyman yea your just pissed becus you know what i've said is absolutely true to farm large sections at a time in bloodborn is almost not worth it in the games current state <becuase lamp spawns,load times, and god forbid you die twice becuase only 1 of your echoes groups will be saved.> huge flaw in the farming system. CASE AND POINT . but i wouldnt expect you a fanboy to admit something is majorly flawed with his favwit rpg :)

3199d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

just a thought on why i think bloodborne isnt goty to alot of ppl mainly becuase the farming flaw i describe below mixed with bad loading times can almost break the game experience .... ok let me start with this dont get me wrong BB is a great rpg game(and some of its ideas are awesome) but it does have flaws and is not all its cracked up to be... but serious the first hrs and sections are just plain out awful i had 2 force my self though them, seriously bloodborne makes you unnecessarily gr...

3199d ago 7 agree42 disagreeView comment

well tbh bloodborne is not everything everyone cracks it up to be. dont get me wrong it is a good game but serious the first hrs and sections are just plain out awful i had 2 force my self thhough it seriously why did bloodborne makes you unnecessarily grind alot in the beginning of the game 4 little reward. and the soul retrieve echoes system is broken in its current state you can only retrieve your echoes from 1 life... so if you die multiple times your fucked and have lost everything,,,t...

3199d ago 5 agree50 disagreeView comment

in actuality this uc4 being pushed back after R&C will probably help ratchet and clank sales,,,, becus uc4 is the bigger game and with it releasing after ratchet and clank ... this will probably entice more people to pick up rathet and clank while they wait 4 uc4.. ( where as if it was reversed uc4 came out first,,, some people would say screw rathet and clank altogether or wait to buy it 4 awhile becus uc4 would be eating their time and satisfying their want to play a new good 3rd perso...

3200d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Idk the who whole back story of zelda but isnt link the warrior boy hero and zelda is girl a hero princess? that link saves? Anyways i love the idea of the new character but the name its self could be better imo

3213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@darkocelet because some ppl dont want to download stuff like that 4 thier pcs because viruses. And point is this isnt to much 2 ask from Sony a simple give us a simple way to play our favorite ps2 up ressed

3216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this digital only backwards compatibility is not the option that simple cuase we the consumer our at the hands of sony buisness men. I think this would have been the best way to go about backwards compatibility for sony instead of nickel an diming for digital ps2 games.... charge us a one time fee for a ps2 emulator 50$-75$ that works for disks games.. becuae with this bs paying for digital backward compatibale games individually at 15$ each we the consomer are really getting the bad end of ...

3217d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Uhhm no the dlc weapons have better stats then most base game weapons yea u can still hold ur own w/ base game weapons because the game weapons are kind of ballanced but the truth is dlc weapons in tlou have better stats then base game weapons

3221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can tell you why some people would switch 2 xbox because the controller is ergonomics design is comfortable compared to a pos like ds4 . Seriously sony redesign this shit controller itsbeen the same controller 4 20years its outdated instead of adding touch pad bs redesign this pos build upon the dual analog controller design you originally invented instead of releasing the same controller every PlayStation. For gods sake save future generations from carpool tunnels syndrome because this c...

3221d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment