CRank: 5Score: 26940

The people getting upset and angry about the Xbox One and MS are not people generally worth getting upset and angry with ;)

See you in Halo!

3717d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft and the Xbox One are doomed to never be fully accepted into gaming society because, quite simply, the community is never happy."

Pretty sure when im grinding around Sunset City, helping Ori out in the forest, going off road in Horizon 2 or taking down every Covenant scum over 4 campaigns this Fall then . . . ill . . . Ill be happy.

This might just be me though?

3717d ago 21 agree7 disagreeView comment

Its probably a good idea to get in contact with the developer directly, rather than posting a comment on N4G and hoping and wishing that the developer might, just might see it.

3721d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

As my first editorial submission to this web site, some might find it arrogant of me to begin my efforts here by undertaking an endeavor that could very well paint me into the ever dreaded corner of a “fan boy".

Some may call it fan boy-esque . . .

I prefer to call it flamebait and desperate for clicks. Congratulations on what is no doubt the first of many flame and click bait related articles.

Bookmarked to avoid.

3724d ago 36 agree22 disagreeView comment

Anyone got a quote from the developer where he says this . . . . . . . Haha! Thought not.

Gaming journalism and gaming websites really do plumb the depths of sheer idiocy.

All about those hits though, all about the hits. Its sad that my favourite past time has such utter morons writing and making things up just to generate a few more clicks.

3750d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I need OverCharge Delirium XT in my veins and I need it now!

3753d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

What developer do you work for, bicfitness?

And what kind of impact does the new SDK have on the pre existing tool set?

Looking forward to your in depth analysis rebuttal.

3757d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

Watching the football with friends that are hundreds of miles away is going to be all kinds of awesome.

Although this isn't really games though . . . . .

A poker game though? That could be perfect for this!

3773d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

Why did this have to leak?


It could have been one of those HOLY FU(K moments at E3.

3798d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

James Stevenson, the Insomniac Community & Marketing Manager had this to say on GAF:

Originally Posted by jstevenson

Did We say no co-op?
Campaign/story is single-player.
There is multiplayer as well, as you saw in the E3 teaser....

Originally Posted by jstevenson

Always was gonna get shown pre-E3. We just didn't know exactly when so it's been fluid.
We have tons of good stuff for E3 too th...

3798d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Happy talkin', talkin Happy talk
Talk about things you'd like to do
You've got to have a dream
If you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true

With the way the web is right now, everyone should stop saying what DX12 could do and just show us some examples of how devs can implement the tech into games.

The proof is in the pudding as they say.

3815d ago 22 agree17 disagreeView comment

Its a dualshockers article, I ain't going to click the link.

They just pull "rumours" and "speculation" from Twitter and gaming forums and pass it off as "news" for hits.

Xbox One: Mysterious and Creepy Video With Rats Appears on the Dashboard: Is it Teasing Something?

That's the headline, if they had spent 5 minutes doing some Google searches they would have seen it was for a TV show . . . . gotta get th...

3815d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

A teaser for the upcoming TV show The Strain?

Dualshockers will report on absolutely anything if it generates a click or two, only took me 3 minutes to do a web search and find out this video is for an up and coming TV show.

Hang your heads in shame Dualshockers, that's if you had any shame left.

3815d ago 30 agree6 disagreeView comment


You do know the definition of what a "Shill" actually is, right?

Mattrick set the tone for the XB1 and all the other execs had to fall in line with his vision for the Xbox division (TV, Kinect, Social and Games last were his doings). Now that Phil Spencer is the man in charge, everyone has to dance to his tune and his tune is games, games, games.

Lets wait till E3 is over before we decide how much of an impact he isnt g...

3826d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

GwG is changing. Phil Spencer has said as much already.

The one main positive that GwG has over the offerings of PSN+ is that I actually own the games i download and should I decide to cancel my Gold subscription, the games will still be sitting on my hard drive ready to play.

PSN+ is just a rental service, albeit an absolutely fantastic rental service that really does outshine the games offered on GwG.

In an ideal world, id like to have t...

3827d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

In vaporware heaven.

RIP Big Fluffy Chicken thing :'(

4023d ago 27 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to click something so obviously flame bait, but how the hell can you compare something you can buy to something you cant when discussing sales lol

4089d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

If you throw enough shit at the wall, eventually enough of it will stick.

Too many folk over at Gaf think they're the bees knees and if you disagree with them . . . Hell mend you.

Its good for gossip but I wouldn't take anything they say as gospel and that's from someone who has been visiting that site since before 2004. :)

4129d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love the Gaf. 5 Forum Users start a rumour and before you know it, its spreading like wildfire across the net.

Can you imagine if that kind of shit happened here at N4G? A few users start a rumour and bingo! It spreads everywhere!

We could make up much much better rumours than Gaf :)

4129d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Not to be an arsehole or anything but what if Sony implement some sort of used game fee? Will you buy no Next Gen console or do you just have double standards?

4131d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment