
CRank: 5Score: 32370

It's a title list not an actual sales chart. It just lists the titles that sold best IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER. I agree that there is no way that the LE sold better than the regular copy.

5686d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

A lot of people here are interested in seeing more PS1 games come out on PSN, how about something else? I would love to see older PC games come out and be playable on the PSP and PS3. I know it'd be a lot of work porting the game over to consoles, but think of how many great games are out there that aren't being played anymore. A few months ago I signed up for the Good Old Games beta and starting playing classics that I'd never played before. Fallout was the first game I picked up (before...

5686d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

that the Wii will have more lifetime sales then the PS2. As has been stated, the PS2 had some big advantages that the Wii just does not have. It is a known fact that part of the reason for the early success of the PS2 (in addition to its much touted backwards compatibility) was the inclusion of a DVD drive to the system. That one small detail is one reason why the Wii just can't compete with that last gen (although technologically superior) console. Of course, having a large library of qu...

5689d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Since when did trophies and achievements become more important then the games themselves?

5783d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that Sony will try to extend the PS3's life to 10 years, and good luck to them. MS seeing the success that the PS2 has had may try to replicate with the 360 what Sony has done. If MS realizes that they can make a ton of money with extending a console's lifecycle, they may do it. I know they really wants the 360 to have the lasting legacy that the PS2 has had.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

coming out with a new console in 2010 does not mean that the 360 will lose support immediately. Although, that is what MS did to the original, they may try to keep the 360 going. As far as Sony putting out a new console by 2011 or 2012, I wouldn't bet on it.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the last generation with the PS2. But, will lightening strike twice for Sony, or even a first time for short of console history Microsoft? Maybe, time will tell.

5784d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

that hasn't been released yet has failed? How did that happen? Why wasn't I told? Oh, Home hasn't failed yet? Well that's good to hear.

5785d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

be the huge blockbuster that other titles are, but it's still worth owning. I have and enjoy the game. I do believe that the potential is there for it to put up big numbers. Maybe this was the wrong time to release the game, there have been some heavy hitters in the last few months. I do think it will pick up in a couple of months when the big titles are all played and put aside. But a flop? Hardly.

5785d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Axle wasn't the only returning member, this may have been something I would be interested in.

5786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

too retarded to use real words instead of shorthand? I don't know about anyone else here, but by writing that way you just lost any credibility you may have had. I say "may" because your comment hurts my eyes just to look at it, never mind actually reading it.

5787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the PSP has had solid sales throughout it's history in Japan. But, it also looks like the DS has had a couple of good years that the PSP will never be close to matching.

5787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

has a problem with substandard games flooding their console and they do need to do something about it. Instead of just allowing a blanket license for every game that gets put in front of them, Nintendo actually needs to review the game. At the very least they need to make sure that the game actually functions. How many Wii games, compared to the other consoles, have been completely broken upon release. Too many. What that means is that Nintendo is not taking a look at the games at all. ...

5787d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

then by his logic we should have seen an increase of prison inmates skyrocket over the last 8 years since the first game. From 2000 to 2006 the prison populations increased a total of 2.6 per year. Wait, what's that? Numbers of prisoners has gone down from 2.6% to 1.8% in 2007. Sounds like GTA has had no effect to me.

5787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

marketing isn't as quite a big deal as other titles. Ask any gamer (well, maybe not the Wii ones) about this game, I bet they will know about it. This (and the previous game) were touted as being Halo killers. I know the first game didn't live up to that image, but Halo's image is a little overinflated anyway. Moving on, this game has had a ton of buzz already from the trailer in 05 to today. All the marketing this game needs is the hardcore gamers and gaming publications (both print and...

5787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that as most people have commented here, 5 million for sales of the PS3 in Japan is very possible. Hell, with the numbers it's been putting up so far I don't see how it couldn't. I know it's been mentioned before, but when 09's games hit the market and we see the much anticipated price drop PS3 sales will jump considerably. Will they go through the roof and catch Wii sales? Not next year, maybe the year after though. And the 360? Even the recent price drops hasn't allowed it to make a d...

5787d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

really true. The dollar has been gaining significantly in the last couple of weeks against the European currencies, including the strong Euro.

5789d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

he did, as a marketing point no less.

5789d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If he can only point out one USP for the PS3, 2 for the Wii, but 4 for the 360 then I'm thinking one of two things. First, he did no research into what features each console actually has, or two. He is a biased writer. I have to take issue with the list of USPs he has for the 360 also. "Elegant design...", that would be an opinion, not a selling point. I happen to think the PS3 is much better looking then the 360, and that is my opinion. "The biggest and best catalogue......

5789d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

a sign of the times, and frankly, not a bad move. My only concern is that EGM online, when (not if) it goes that way will be lost under It's already pretty much the same thing. Either the 1Up brand needs to be discontinued or EGM does. Both on the same website makes no sense.

5789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment