
CRank: 5Score: 23860

my biggest surprise was how well it performs on my machine. then again my machine is pretty hardcore...

5308d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not bad. one of the better looking games on it.

5316d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ps3 uses a slightly modded 7800GTX while the 360 uses a modded x1600.

5317d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

tsh, i wasnt even waiting. YAWN

5318d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

to be fair though, I play full 1080p on my computer monitor (180 bucks), so, one doesn't NEED to get a 55" 120HZ LCD to play ps3 on. I basically spent as much on my PS3 set up as I did when my graphics cards were released. But, yeah, I still prefer to game on my PC. BFBC2 is AWESOME.

5318d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Intel: More expensive, but faster on the high end. Better route if you want to save half a minute encoding a dvd or running bench marks all day. Or if you just have too much money to hold and must spend all of it.

AMD: Way cheaper(especially when considering the rest of the system cost. Mobo and RAM). If you mainly play games, get AMD. Games are more dependent on graphics than CPU and the hundreds of dollars you save not having an intel chip will allow you to buy better graphics ...

5319d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

intel runs cooler? since when?

5319d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have AMD and ATI and i have the EXACT same scores as you at stock speeds....what does it mean? oh, it means you spent more money. grats.

PS. My Hard drive is apparently slow by windows standards. :P

5319d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

for 1200, i can build a better gaming rig using AMD than you can with an intel setup. for 3 to 4 thousand, you win.

Do you really think that flight simulator comes anywhere near maxing out a AMD quadcore? it runs at like 25%. I know, I have flight simulator X. And if you want to run in higher resolutions what do you need? CPU or more video ram? THINK children THINK.

5319d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i think its talking about in the price range. a 150 dollar AMD performs as good as a 250 dollar intel in games. And you can overclock the hell out of an amd these days... phenom 2 940 3.0 goes to 4.0 on air. AMD doesnt have anything to compete with the 1,000 i7 Extreme with its 7294 billion megabite cache... :P

5320d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Say you have 2,000 dollars to spend on a gaming rig. You want the best performance possible in games for your money. Here are your options:

1) Buy a 1,000$ intel to get a 3% average gain in FPS when gaming over AMD's top of the line chip OC'ed and spend the other 1,000 on the rest of your components. This will leave you with settling for 1 mid-range graphics card, as intel motherboard/RAM combos are at least 400 bucks..

2) Buy a 190$ AMD, Overclock it to 4.0ghz easil...

5320d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

wasnt this on here like, last week?

5330d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

me AND my wife are excited about a game!

5330d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The author claims to have never been a "tester", then continues to say it's a bad job. I can tell you from being in QA at perhaps this very company(not sure if i can say :-P) that it is in fact a fun job. Sure there is work involved, but if you work in 3rd party QA you get to "play" games months before they are released. And if the game is in 3rd party QA, it is NOT a beta, it is a release candidate. So yeah, it is fun. And it can be rewarding... Both my degree AND my expe...

5330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you just making sh!t up now? its almost hard to find home now... and where the hell is this 3d thing on xbl? or are you being sarcastic? you really need to point it out..

5330d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The other day, just for kicks I logged into Home to see if it was all the same as it was before. I was supprised!

- There were TONS of people using it. Interacting with things, talking to eachother, dancing, etc.

- I was able to watch the first episode of "The Tester" in the theater, and then talk about it to the Home users that were there.

- I flew a red bull flying machine.

- I flew a flying saucer

- I dro...

5330d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

can you people HONESTLY say this is the best looking game this gen? Have you played any games this gen? The bricks are FLAT, the ground is a blurry mess, the people have no expressions other than :-| and :-o I mean its not the WORST game, but its not the best. Please, for the love of god stop lying to yourselves. Out of the 360 games I have, I would say this one looks better than them(gears 2 might be better, forza 3 is definitely cleaner and smoother). But out of the PS3 games and PC games ...

5334d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love the fact that sniping in this game isnt like COD where you are "sniping" people from 200 feet away, instead, in MAG, you are sniping people from 2000 feet away.

5335d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

because your mom just rolled over in my bed and told me you were a mistake.

5335d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

that was the most rediculous thing ive ever read on this site, you should feel proud. "as far as i know there are no MS computers" seriously? You don't actually think that any, and I do mean ANY of the hardware in the 360 is Microsoft you? The PC I am using to type this is just as MS as any XBOX. It uses MS Direct X, it uses Windows 7, which was upgraded from Windows Vista (thats 2 times the number of MS OSs the 360 uses!), I can plug my 360 controller into it, it ...

5335d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment