
CRank: 5Score: 23860

with 12 million people on live, do you really think that only 40-50% have the internet? my best guess is the live numbers are closer to the real number of consoles in use. aka almost half of the total sold are dead and theyre counting replacements.

PS. i just got a there any way to make the horrible buzzing sound go away?

5590d ago 12 agree22 disagreeView comment

are you the guy who gets paid to write those spam fake e-mails that get through filters?

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got mine from best buy about 4 hours ago. i got an elite that came with fable 2 and halo 3. at best buy, i was with a friend who has only a 360 and i asked him what game i should get starting off with my 360. he said fable 2 and halo are good games that showcase the machine pretty well. i looked for about 5 minutes more at the games at best buy, trying to see if there was any exclusives i was missing out on....nope. i couldnt find anything that wasnt multi platform. live was the biggest pai...

5590d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

and now i feel foolish...
bad graphics....check
3 exclusives....check

i hope things get better for me. so far this thing is a piece.

anyone have any games to recommend to me?

5590d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

who said anything about the jews?

5598d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

but id rather take advantage of the free day off work!

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that they're not making games yet "specifically" for the new hardware. Which is true. They're making games on what they THINK will be next gen specs, and they'll change up things later to compensate when they find out the specs for reals. PS4 for Christmas 2011. 720 for Christmas 2010. Wii2 for Christmas 2010. Fact.

5599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and look what happened there? the engine wasn't meant for console specs. UT3 looks and plays amazing on a nice gaming PC, but on consoles(BOTH 360 and PS3) its a choppy and jaggy mess. I hope the new engine focuses back on speed, not shiny. The original UT was amazing.

5599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

car combat has been gone for too long. I'm tired of the monotony of all the latest games(except PlayStation exclusives, they've been quite fresh(LBP, uncharted, etc.)

5603d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

seriously, this is the saddest thing ive heard in forever. i would trade every ps3 game i have(50+) for a new twisted metal.

5603d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i want twisted metal YESTERDAY! hurry up! for the love of god!

5603d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

all the people whoes 360 red ringed would also have liked to see the system on nitrogen out of the box. ;)

5623d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

but it is the best.

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Gran Turismo 5 is going to blow everything out of the water. Everything."
-The demo already does if you compare the features that are included. resolution, 60fps, poly counts, physics, accuracy. The damage and sheer number of included cars will stun you upon the release of the full game.

"GT5 does not even exist yet, except in demo form."
- and that demo is pretty freaking mind blowing. Compare it to a forza demo if you want. LOL


5623d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think they lost a lot on the wii. it moves a lot of hardware and first party nintendo games(especially ones that come with the system). :\

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and if i see that, I do not click. So yes, that means i didn't read the article... sue me.

CTRL+F -> "HHG" <- its like a condom for N4G, preventing you from spreading the disease that is HHG.

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HHG sucks humongous crab infested ball bags.

5623d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

forza's major features are: New gameplay and mechanics!(nowhere near as realistic as GT4 on the ps2) Forza 3 includes 400 cars!(half of GT4's on the ps2) Forza 3 will have full 720p support!(GT4 has 1080i on the PS2) Honestly, why would anyone want to get forza 3 when they can get a ps2 and GT4 for the same price?

Gran Turismo 5 is going to blow everything out of the water. Everything. Part of the joy of the Gran Turismo series is buying old cars and seeing what you can get out ...

5623d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

is the "base speed". im running a 940 @ 200mhz X18.5 for a 3700mhz processor idling under 40c on air. AMD lets you set everything how you like.

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The point of an OC suicide run is to see how high a chip can go with extreme cooling. The higher you can OC a chip in these extreme conditions, the better OCing potential a chip has in everyday use. Which is REALLY NICE for people who want to get the best bang for their buck. The previous Phenom 2's got to 6ghz, and up to 4ghz on air. That means a 7.1 ghz chip has the potential to go OVER 4ghz on air. This is really nice. Basically means you can have a gaming PC using all AMD parts that's eas...

5623d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment