Gamer luv

CRank: 5Score: 5530

disagree with the article, no more reasons now to buy a Ps3 now then there was then.

Games are still suckish at the moment, none are worth paying for it.

The console will drop in price again, lot of games will come out fall + next year, more blu ray titles will be available, the time to get a PS3 is now bow, but maybe 6 months time.

I've had my PS3 since the launch, in the UK and since then the only games i have bought ar Motorstorm, looks great, b...

6258d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

**EDIT** This is not aimed at DADO :-)

I dont think so mate, all i see is some sony fanboys trying to convince me this game is "breath taking" and nothing else we've seen before.

Crysis is going to blow this out of the water, as it will with Gears, COD4, HAze and any other game released on a console in the coming years.

I admit it looks nice, but with the target trailer, the hype and an interview with some Sony guy i read saying that the ...

6287d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Im sorry, i have to disagree there because to me, KZ2 looked nothing special, and as far as im concerned Haze and COD4 to me look like theyll set the bar graphicaly.

6287d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What goods all that space being used when the outcome shows nothing of spectactular quality.

6287d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

You saw 2 gb there?

I dont think so it looks like GRAW an Rainbow.

And as for the "360 cannot handle it" comment, just look at COD 4, theres a video on here,

And that looks better, and its multi plat, and the budget isnt over 25 mill.

6287d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

what the fck mate have u got sh1t in your eyes, open them, Gears looks graphicaly superior in every way.

I just feel sorry for you, imaging what you was expecting, im sure it wasnt a rainbow six look alike you had in mind.

6287d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

This game doesnt even look better Gears graphicaly.

Its nice looking but just looks.. iffy.

And untill i see actualy IN GAME footage, not that crap trailer there which isnt ingame, we cant judge the game properly,

6287d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment


You know i wouldnt be suprised if the PC version of Gears turns out to be just as good or better then some of the "Top of the line" PC games.

Also, does anyone think that PC users will be able to play cross platform with us Xbox live folk?

That would be pretty sick, Shadowrun is soo fun because of it.

We have my friends on PC and friends on Console playing against each other.

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


jp i bet that would be considered racist by some because it was originaly said by a black man.

Im kiddin people, dont go mad.

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, before i say this i would just like to say i have black friends, and no im not racist.

But for me, well i cant explain it ill have to give an example.

Im flicking through the TV channels, and i come across of boxing match.

Its between to unknown boxers, one white, one black.
Now, i dont know these people, but instantly i want the white guy to win.
I dont know why, i dont dislike the black man, i dont no the black man, but instantl...

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Its obvious this guy/girl is an utter asshole.

What i dont understand is "Why" people care so much about someone elses beliefs.

When i look at that, all i see is a car designed by someone who obviously has issue.
And i understand people will take offence, but honestly, why give him the satisfaction? Its what he wants, this guy has hes car on the Internet where lots of people are getting offended.

Im sure if a whi...

6295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Talk about it.

Your using those games to justify a PS3 when more them half of them are multiplatform.

Seeing as most of them will have better online services on the 360 then the PS3 version, youve sort of dug yourself in a whole trying to big it up.

6310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if thats wat you think, dont buy it simple as.

But for those who do, i bet they have a blast.

6310d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, i find it very funny and good and im a 360 fanboy.

We can laugh at things like that because we know that honestly, this problem isnt half as bad as you like to think it is, and to be frank its all youve got on us when it comes to insulting the 360.

Its like

We say youve got no games

you say "Ring of Death"

we say PS3 costs to much

you say "Ring of Death"
Seriously im get...

6310d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

hey well mines working

the modes quite good but fukin boring.

6311d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok this is the only game at the moment i want for the PS3.

BUT WTF ! it looks just like Time Crisis 2 and 3, and is that that wild dog geezer who i killed in ever insdtallment?

I was expecting the game to look amazing, i guess its only exlusive due to rights, not because it requires any amount of proccessor power, looks like the xbox 1 and ps2 could pull it of.

6311d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude, its pathetic that even though there is already a report on here with a 360 vs PS3 comparrison PS3 fanboys still cant admit the truth.

Have a look, there is news on here with side by side screenshots of the same location running on each location and it proves that the lighting is better on the 360 version, the graphics are more detailed in the 360 version and that there are also more details on the 360 version.

So i dont know what all this "PS3 version ...

6315d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

BD will win, not that i want it to but all this hype and bullshit talk of the BD disc space actualy being used up will kill HD DVD.

Even though, the codec for HD DVD can fit twice as much data then that of the BD codec, mpeg? the old one.
Meaning, that seeing as the discs arent twice the size, HD DVD will be able to to fit more or less the same amount of data.

But more space isnt neccesserily a good thing, i mean there games, there isnt a decent one out of...

6320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, you've all just proven that this girl has a point from the way you've all reacted to this post...

Why dont you all keep stum and let these girl gamers get on with there gaming.

6320d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Installshield

For someone talking like they no it all you certainly dont know much..

360 only has 512 RAM because Epic showed MS what they could do with 512 rather then 256. Once they saw the realised they should have it.

The PS3 only has its 256 X 2 because that way it wouldnt look inferior to the Xbox 360's which has 512, when Sony were only planning on implementing 256 of the newer type, i cant remember what its called.

6325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment