
CRank: 5Score: 860

I wouldn't say great news for those trophy hunters. Getting platinum in GT5 wouldn't be like getting trophies from Disney games.

5179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not? Blu-Ray drives are only getting cheaper. And for the rest of gamers you don't frequent gaming websites, they still prefer physical media, apparently. And when PS4 comes out, we (America) would probably still have the slowest average connection in the world, and games are only getting bigger in download size. In other words, it doesn't hurt having choice.

5188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Megan Fox can't even save Jonah Hex. I say partner Crews up with Kevin Butler. It only does EXPLOSION.

5206d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only game he made that I liked was Ninja Gaiden for Xbox (we have Sigma, but haven't touch it, yet). Don't really care about the DOA series, and the sequel to Ninja Gaiden was not very good. Not really that excited what he has in store, but hopefully it's not a fighting game, or a beach sports game.

And based on his last work, he's going to need all the luck to dethrone GOW3. Or Ninja Gaiden. Or Bayonetta.

5294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment