CRank: 5Score: 49820

I can recall James Pond a long time ago on my Amiga....

I would also hope to see revamped killing game show, and Gods, Magic pockets from the bitmap Bros. Turrican and super metroid. The Amiga and Super nes were really something in the 90's...Great times.

4091d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as the game/series stays fresh and innovative, fun and brings new aspects gameplay wise, new interesting locations and charcaters the game can still evolve and not be just another cash cow...

4095d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Certanly one of the "must have's"...

The link below will take you to the epic real time demo. Epic showed off this new real-time demo at GDC 2013 this week, titled "Infiltrator." The nearly four-minute clip, showcases a sci-fi shootout created with its Unreal Engine 4, and remarkably powered by a single GeForce GTX 680...

It has all the ear marks for consoles too...

The link below shows off something real special, also...

4095d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Honorable mention...

Demon's/Dark Souls
Mario galaxy 2

3.Red dead redemption
2.Uncharted 2

1. LBP 2

4097d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

These are on my top 6 list....

I am surprised that I see very Little of RDR on many lists here...

4097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally agree.... Unique and stylish, they took a chance and gave us something new and special. LBP2 improved upon this, and I for one cannot wait for the next new IP from MM...

It should be on every 10 top game list IMO!

4097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Watch dogs, Star wars 1313, Destiny, Forza 4, just to name a few..., equals epic fail!

Then comes the games like GG's new IP, Sony S.Monica's new IP, Media Molecules new IP, etc, etc....

Lists like these are a waste at this stage pre E3, too may unknowns yet to be announced aswell, waste of time, especially if they leave off half of the true top games coming...

4102d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Watch dogs has to be on almost everyone's top most wanted lists, and Destiny looks like it too will be a real nice experience, and coming from a proven studio doesn't hurt it's chances...You can throw in Star wars 1313 and Deep down too while you are at...

But Play-mag best wait a bit, until actual first party games start showing there games in full force. With studios like Naughty dog and Media molecule, GG set to show us an all new IP to go along with a more ind...

4103d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not just you, me too....

Legend of Dragoon
Jak 4
Dark cloud
Legacy of Kain (soul reaver)

Also something new from Oddworld in a big way...

4104d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wonder why they would do it if it was not CG? What would be the real purpose? If in fact it is not, it will only be a big negative on the engine. But if it is, then this would be something real special, a great promotion on the engine...

My bet would be it is CG.

4108d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

With 3D and now Oculus rift VR getting fantastic reviews in it's beta form, I wonder if this will be a new War of the future in gaming device's...On one side we have VR, and the other we have Holograms...

It seems to me that holograms are already yesterday if the VR oculus rift is all what people are going on about... But then again, it's still in wait and see mode.I will have to wait and see. I hope to see more at E3...

4108d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I play on the hardest difficulty, and it takes me about two times as long as the estimated total playing times...So 25/30 or so hours for me. I recall Uncharted 2 took me about 25 hours on the highest difficulty, perhaps this will take even longer? I really hunt and scavenge. Take in all the game has to offer.

4110d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment


I think this is a demo of Fox Engine, and that the whole what is real thing will tie directly into MGS5...

Kojima has been pushing photo realism with the fox engine, especially talking about facial renders, and keighley and mogren never in the same frame is another thing to consider.

Either way they have my attention... I'm always interested in what Kojima's got up his sleeve...

4111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can suggest something now. Skullmonkeys! Which was a sleeper, a really fun platformer, with style and creativity in both looks and gameplay.

But he is already set for a point and click. Perhaps a open World expansion and exploration of the Neverhood and it's vast universe.

Adding in some physics based gameplay in this day and age would be great, perhaps a little of what "Limbo" offered.

Puzzles that make you think!

4114d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

IMO they are best suited for caricature/toon based games such as R&C. This game may as well be renamed: "generic"..... Overstrike's name was better without doubt, but it's alot more than the name,the style and creativity seem to have been drained from the early looks of Overstrike...

It's a shame what happened to rare, still always in hopes for them to bounce back, I hope this will not be the case with IG. There are very few studios that give us gam...

4120d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They have stuck to there roots pretty much, I wish they would have stayed along the original TR 1 and 2 roots a bit more, a little more exploration and puzzle solving, they have incorporated a lot of the Uuncharted series. The love child of the original TR and UC series...Not a bad thing as the UC series is top 5 this gen for me.But still TR should have been a bit more to it's roots...

I would have loved to see the series go more along the ICO series too.

4120d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fantastic to see the great to fantastic scores from all the reviews....

Game Informer - 9.25
Gamespot - 8.5/10
GameTrailers - 8.5 /10
Destructoid - 8.5/10
CVG - 9/10
Eurogamer - 8/10
Polygon - 9/10
Digital trend 9.5/10
telegrapg 5/5

4129d ago 17 agree8 disagreeView comment

Bubble up, thanks for the insight...

4129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


It is very exciting indeed. I agree, and share your passion. I cannot wait to experience this first hand at home. Go deep within Worlds that otherwise would take light years to get to, the depth and escape of this is staggering.

Go into dark evil Worlds, and then into toonish whimsical colorful ones in seconds....

4129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My feelings to a tee...I totally agree.

4129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment