CRank: 5Score: 49820


the 300k server number is worthless since that doesn't mean 300k machines, just a lot of machines running 300k virtual machine instances-enhance the power of the console by offloading calculations to a server which provides a better game experience...

If microsoft figured out how to enhance the power by offloading calculations to a server providing a much better gaming experience they would have been singing this to the high heavens...

4136d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Watch dogs should be on that list! Destiny also looks really interesting as far as Multi-plats go.

I was also thinking about Capcom's up coming game **Deep down** . Did Sony officially announce that it was an exclusive to Sony?

4137d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xbox,Xbox 360, PS1,PS2,PS3,N64,GC,Wii,WiiU, own them all, as neutral as they get....Real happy about my upcoming PS4, but.....X1 has some "splainin" to do...

In the time they took to explain this...

"We're not announcing the details of that today... Our goal is to make it really customer-centric, really simple, and really understandable, and we will announce those details in due course."

They could have cut to the chas...

4137d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

They do need to clarify and talk straight to the point, no more beating around the bush... Bottom line the details, cut to the chase...

Otherwise I will ask the XBOX1 to **"Switch me over to PS4 now please"**...

But primarily show us the games, multi-plats and most importantly the exclusives, I want to see all the exclusives, sequels and new IP's that will be rearing there heads in the first year of all the systems...

4137d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey XBONE.... Do you or don't you, have to be online....?

XBONE response:.....
In the absence of any internet connection, you're going to be able to play blu-ray movies, and there are... **"likely"**... to be ...**"some games modes"**... that you'll be able to continue to play. But again, the XBox One was really designed to take advantage of the modern era where people have got high speed internet...

Key words... **&quo...

4139d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Hey watcha-ma-call-it XBOX, switch me over to my PS4 please"....


4139d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

"XBOX, tell me why you don't care for us core gamers"?

"XBOX, switch me over to my PS4 please"....

4140d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm going to wait until E3 to make a sane judgement, this event didn't sit well with the "gamer" in me.

Perhaps it should be called cablebox...

4141d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really was a true clusterf*ck....

As a original box and 360 owner this show was exactly what I "did not" want to see...

Start the show with Gears 4, that's how you start the new gen, end it with halo 5, throw in Forza in the middle, something like this, break up the features, yada yada yada...

How about an appearance of Banjo alive and well on the next XBOX1 from Rare? Throw in Black tusk's new IP? They could show more at...

4141d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

It is pretty clear why they avoided giving up more specs.... As a get all console owner I am still pulling for them, but some things are off as of now...No Backwards Compatibility? Internet is required for playing? Used game sales need a full priced license? Used game sales only through Microsoft's own online service????

And just what are the 15 exclusives in year 1? I certainly hope it is "not" the list below. I would hope it would be all hardcore, but get this...

4141d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am ready....bring back another new gen Banjo too please...

Backwards compatibility is a nice perk, and always on has to be a no go.

4142d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Beyond the Halo's, Gears, fable's and Forza's..... Black Tusk's new IP, Project Gotham's return has been rumored, Respawns new IP. Alan Wake 2, Ryse from Crytek, and lot's of signs of a return to actual hardcore games from Rare are floating around, hopefully a full blown proper *Banjo*.... So they look to be thinking hardcore much more than what we saw in the last few years... I think we see 3 to 4 of these in some form, plus a quick snippet of others. The show will be...

4142d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well we shall see....This event was delayed? Perhaps a bump up in power after they saw the PS4 power unveiled?

I think that laying down the foundation will be the main theme at the event, the console the entertainment part, the making of, the extras, with a couple live demos, and a quick look segment of other games, and then in a couple weeks E3 is all about the games. Word is there will be tons of exclusives and world premiers at E3.

I think it will be the ...

4142d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes **Red dead and Zelda** would be great to see, but only with top talent, and done with no corners cut...

**Panzer Dragoon and Metroid** along with the **Oddworld universe** too would really be something I would want...

4143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IG is one of a very few studios (Non indie) that IMO can create **special tooonish caricature** driven games... It's what makes them stand out. I think they should stick to this.

A while back, 3 to 4 years ago or so they were rumored to be making a 3rd person action adv with RPG elements along the likes of Zelda. True or not, I do not know, but that would have been something I would have liked to see...

Fuse is pretty much what most saw in it's earlie...

4144d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is Zelda and ico inspired, this from the creator Gallat...

Looks real nice at such a early stage. It's very charming, has a very appealing ambiance, style and whimsical appeal, and reminds me of “The Secret of Nimh,” & the “The Dark Crystal,”.

It is about 1K off of it's goal with hours left. It's at indiegogo, instead of Kickstarter. If it had been at kickstarter to begin with I believe it would have met it's mark and tripled it by now....

4144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beyond the Halo's, Gears, fable's and Forza's..... Black Tusk's new IP, Project Gotham's return has been rumored, Respawns new IP. Alan Wake 2, Ryse from Crytek, and lot's of signs of a return to actual hardcore games from Rare are floating around, hopefully a full blown proper *Banjo*.... So they look to be thinking hardcore much more than what we saw in the last few years... I hope they really bring it, and even another surprise or two would be just fine with me... I...

4144d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, I want rare to show at least some of it's former glory, and a company like rare can still attract alot of real top flight talent, so you cannot say never, but still don't hold your breath, just hope for the best....Rare will be used for more than Kinect and avatars this time around from all the rumors, at least I hope so.... A proper Banjo or Conker, or better yet, have them team up.

Actually they do have some exclusives already known beyond the Halo's Ge...

4145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that they have known what gamers want all along, it's clear that "gamer's want games"... Perhaps they will go for the hardcore with more effort this time around, (I certanly hope so)... They have been looking to get deeper into the overall media and casuals World and will continue to do so, it is a business, but I hope they really do look to boost the hardcore games library along with it......

But they seem real sure with this latest statement, I ho...

4145d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I had a feeling that they would come out with a major bang after the very long period of silence...

Strong claim, and one I find myself to believe in knowing the source is from one of the "dog's"....

The confidence and passion make me believe, I cannot wait to see the magic...

Now I want to see the new IP in some form along with the Last of us MP details... Now thats a twin killing..

4146d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment