CRank: 5Score: 49820

Signs do point towards something "space themed", but don't bet the farm on it. Possible the "Last of us" team working on this? Then down the road back to the last of us?
In a perfect World a third team working on an all new IP? Too many intangibles, but one thing I know, one thing I would bet on, it will be something special coming from ND, whatever it is they are selling, I will buy...

3877d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubbles up for everyone of you above, great to see/hear such passion for what is to come from MM. Nice to know that I am not the only one extremely passionate and exited to see what they have cooking...

3881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Bubbles up to you, I totally agree with your comment...

I wonder if this will be something along the lines of LBP' "big brother", or more of a new gen "Little big universe IP"... Either way, like Naughty dog I know pretty well that I can expect a game that gets me Day 1...

3881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes creative...And I will add full of style and willing to really think outside of the box and take a risk, do something fresh, create games with a hook, they have courage to go for it, they look to revolutionize, not stay safe.... I am a major LBP fan, and just cannot wait to see/hear something, anything from them.

I wonder if we will see LBP3D from Sumo, with MM helping along the way? And the new IP from the core team at Media molecule...I would think so after I read the tw...

3882d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Destination Playstation, Feb. 24-28, 2014...

3883d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup the wait is no fun, but the anticipation meter is running on high...I want to see anything from Naughty "Gods", one of the two SSM's new Ip's, and of course something, anything concrete from Media Molecule. Just to name a few....T o have one or two of these coming this year would be real nice...

I hope MM have a blow out at GDC as they did a few years back at GDC, I was there when they first showed LBP, what a fantastic surprise that was.

3883d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

To me seeing just one game under Media molecules umbrella would be ideal. But two? That would be sheer bliss.

I would love to see something soon from a few of the upcoming big hitters, like Deep down, SSM's new Ip's, at least one of them, anything from Naughty "Gods" is something very high on my most wanted list. Some new news on "The last gaurdian" would also be most welcome...Just to name a few...I hope we get 1 or 2 of these this year in some su...

3883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


@ raWfodog & Rute

I agree with you both. This is one I am going to continue to look for new news and updates on all what they are putting together...Personally it has a lot of what I like most in my games. I hope it delivers big time, will hope for the best.

3884d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ubisoft should be proud. This game is attempting to use a tried and true formula (The assassins creed games)and make it there own. Something like this is an almost endless situation, everything is emulated or given there own new twists to past games with winning formulas.

The game is on my radar and looks to be right up my alley. Really promising, and I hope they can really nail it, the idea and potential are there, along with the World the game revolves in. I hope they can m...

3884d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Banjo and kazooie, Conker, jet force gemini, kameo 2 would be nice.

The wait has been like a life time, games like the one's above the next **Oddworld** game, a new **Dark cloud**, the next **legend of dragoon**, A **Medievil** sequel, another **Crash** return, dare I say it....**The last guardian**...

Many of the quirky toon based games for the most part that stood out in the past are lost, at least up to now... All these games I have waited for and w...

3887d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

RDR is there 2nd biggest IP, I think it will be there next game. It has been almost 4 years ( This March for 4 years since it's release) since we got RDR.

One of my top 5 IP's last gen. One can only imagine what team RDR can pull of with the new gen machines.

3895d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Any two or 3 of these 5 games for 2014' would be extra nice, the new Media molecule IP, Nuaghty "gods" next game, SSM new IP, the Order , The last guardian, give me any 2 or 3 of these please....

3895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With Cliff B gone I wonder what is up with the Gears series? Possibly retooling it, or negotiating for the next deal? Will it be multi-plat?

They have "projects in the works, both new Ip's and old ones in the works known through various sources. Several programmers and producers have joined the company in the last months, with job listings on its official site calling for artists, designers and engineers "to work on multiple new and existing IP's across mu...

3910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's Evolve....

3912d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh yes! It's been almost four years this March since RDR came out.

Give me a new RDR or anything from the team that brought us the game.

who knows, but will be very happy to see something from SSM,Naughty "Gods", those little darlings Media Molecule, to name a few....

Turtle Rock game too could be it...

3912d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I totally agree.... Give people the options. More choice. The series which to me is fantastic should look to evolve.

I see that demonstration they showed last year some kind of new LBP, the whole look and feel had that vibe. Sumo digital is probably on the next LBP, but I would hope with the assistance of a core team that brought us the first LBP's...

Perhaps we will get another LBP in this way from Sumo and with the aid of a crack team of MM's exper...

3914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me anything from MM has me interested a great deal. The new IP or something from the LBP universe. Sure would love to see what they have cooking on the PS4. Ceilings raised higher, more goodness in every aspect from gameplay innovations, to eye candy/style.... I wonder how the game they showed fits into all this? Either way I am really wanting more from them...

3915d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Me too... Really want to see what they are doing with this. Love the OR, and I bet this will be something to really get us into next gen. I wonder what features they have, anything more than the rift specs wise, any enhancements? It would also be nice to get a sneak peak at one of SSM's new IP's along with it...

3917d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rock* just give me whatever "team Red dead redemption" is working on for my next gen consoles... It's been 3 years and 9 Months since Red dead came out....

3929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment



You can pretty much count on Gaikai launching well before the next Uncharted. And a great time you will have...

3933d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment