Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

So much for his "innovation"...he tried to incorporate his analog-stick-controlled fighting mechanics he developed for Fight Night into Def Jam, and what we got was a clumsy mess and a worthless fighter in Def jam: Icon.

That pile of sh!t game cost Tsunoda his job, as well as being personally responsible for the closing of EA Chicago because of the flop sales.

5775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now....Sony had BETTER release some kind of massive ad campaign for this game. It would be such a shame to see a physical manifestation of a game-gasm flop in sales because sony didn't put the word out.

5776d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this quote might sum up a bit of animosity:

"at this time not being proposed as a candidate for addition to the existing Blu-ray Disc format."

Something tells me that even if it WERE compatible with current drives, methinks that Pioneer may do what it can to ensure that it ISN'T in the future.

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, come on, that game was the sh!t. Lighting people on fire and then peeing them out? And then peeing yourself out when you catch yourself on fire?! I think I ROFLed for a good hour when I first discovered that.

There were MANY worse games than that....can anyone say "Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror"?! Worst game ever.

5776d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trust me, I don't think you or anyone else would like the solutions some of us have in mind. We've tried, as a collective, to improve upon ourselves and each other. Quite frankly, playing video games throughout the years has helped make me the person I am today.

Playing games as a kid, always the hero, saving the day, and all that junk, helped me as a child develop a sense of right and wrong, with a good heap of help from my parents, who were both strict yet reasonable at the...

5780d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To those of you who are disagreeing with this obviously logical statement, please have the balls to explain what's wrong with his statement.

5780d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They should've locked the store down, made everyone of those pricks give up their items, take down their names and addresses, and start in with mobile holding stations.

This is why that at almost all costs I avoid Wal-mart like the plague. Most people that shop there regularly are the bottom feeders of our society, keep in mind I said MOST, so don't get your panties in a wad over it if you went there yesterday or something.

people are monsters, plain and simple....

5780d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

For putting it into perspective by a technical standpoint, and even though I love my PS3, even I know that that extra 10MB EDRAM is what gives the 360 it's memory and graphical edge.

The PS3 reminds me a LOT of the Sega Saturn. The Sega Saturn was the first console to EVER utilize dual processors, and it threw devs for one hell of a loop. Most devs at the time could only utilize one of the two processors, resulting in an inferior game/port on a (from a tech standpoint), super...

5782d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I went into this article thinking "Oh great, another flame-war topic about 'teh console warz'!"

But honestly, what I read was a well though-out article that was more or less lamenting the use of the Unreal Engine (which EVERYONE has the right to lament), than as to whether SE's support leaning towards the 360 was a mistake.

Not to mention, IMO anyway, there hasn't been a worthwhile JRPG since Dragon Quest 8, and that's only because I was on a bit of a n...

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that you found it necessary to point out that word in a post that I neither replied to or saw before my post.

People do post things at the same time, I always see comment pop up that weren't there before I wrote mine.

Congratulations, I hope you sleep better at night, now go away.

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh darn, I think I got a little hurt from this awful news.

Oh, Wait!...wait for it....almost there...okay it passed, I think I'm over it now.

*goes back to 60 player Resistance 2 match*

5783d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I saw that it was from Edge and disregarded it almost entirely.

5784d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nai, for future reference...calling someone a "droid" won't bode well for you here.

Please refrain from doing this again. Or take it to the open zone, your choice.

5784d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Still looking equal and yet people just gotta nitpick. Just be happy they're not pulling a Midway and tyring to "teen" it down.

5786d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They say this to help identify a cheater, as if it really narrows it down.

5787d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

...seriously, if you have a choice between the PS2 version even and the Wii, get yourself the PS2 version.

The Wii is VERY child-oriented, considering that the Wii is the console that scared parents buy their little ones. So to make it more kid-friendly, they decide on a smiling Brett Favre instead of the usual "I have to take a sh!t"-faced Brett Favre.

5787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah ok then, I wasn't quite sure and I know for a fact the offending video disappeared soon after the fact.

But yeah, they got off WAY too light.

5788d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

their credibility a LONG time ago, does anyone remember a video comparison they did for Burnout: Paradise?

I seem to remember a video that seemed to show the "better crash physics" on the 360 version...only...lo and behold..we saw at the bottom corner of the screen..the trademark "X" button that appears on a PS3 controller, all the while the mark up top claimed it was the 360 video capture.

Maybe this guy was the video editor for THAT one, lol...

5788d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I loved the single-player campaign on this game. I personally found it a lot more enjoyable than R:FOM. They really upped the ante on the enemy AI, I seriously died a few times from a Chimera doing a serpentine run through my onslaught of bullets only to have him bum-rush me and melee me to death.

I can see what he's saying about Capelli, he was a very interesting character and *SPOILER* judging from the ending if there's a third installment I can see him being the main chara...

5790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've read that this game had an overall porduction cost of over 100 million. Ouch.

5790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment