Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

Tell me about it.

50 cent doesn't deserve his fame, much less TWO of his own games. Viewtiful Joe and God Hand were amazing titles, never to be seen again because of corporate bearaucracy.

5758d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First and foremost, the quote doesn't mention high-def TV programming, just digital TV, which is in fact law as of Feb 9th of next year, effectively killing analog TV, doesn't mention TV programs in high-def.

And yes, while you're still on your high horse, I'll feel free to mention that he does mention HD TV shows later in the article. but the real issue here is it took DVD about 6 years to start outselling VHS, considering it launched in 1997 and didn't start outselling until ...

5758d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

from another minor league site. Never heard of this site before, guess that's why the editor-in-chief submitted it on here for hits.

If you apparently like the PS3, I would advise against over-sensationalized titled articles like this. It doesn't do much for your credibility, certainly not here anyway.

Even you had to know that the title alone is utter flamebait, but then again I guess creating a stir was your goal...

....You have earned a new Tr...

5758d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The statistics are overwhelming in favor of low-resolution DVDs and non-digital television..."

What rock has this guy been living under? Blu-ray is gaining ground(MUCH faster than DVD did when it was ousting VHS), and digital TV is apparently important enough to pass a law declaring all stations must go digital in just 2 more month's time.

The only con with Blu-ray I can think of is the loading time on some of the lower-end players, but once it's done...

5758d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not to beat the dust off of a dead horse or anything...I just wanted to contribute to the vocal incineration of PoG, and it's finally good to see his bubbles popped down so hard.

Oh, and PoG, your PC sucks. You dropped $1200 down on a PC whose CPU only has a 667Mhz FSB?! With Integrated Intel graphics no less?! Wow, that's like the K-Mart of GPUs.

My custom build from March of 2007 will STILL run circles around your PC any day. So enjoy your illustrious desce...

5759d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"It's probably the most overused and most overrated game engine in video game history, only second to Valve's Source Engine."

I agree with this completely. Anytime I start playing a game and I see that stupid "U" logo in the start-up, I cringe a little. Because I know I'm gonna play another cookie-cutter game that looks and plays awfully similar to hundreds of mediocre titles that came before it bearing that logo.

And Valve's source engine.....

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think every PS3 owner is a movie buff. And it's generalizations like that that make people look very uninformed.

5760d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously...gamers like you just get off on trying to ruin it for eveyone's not enough you're a fanboy, are you.

Go back to fapping it up, seems to be all you're good at.

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too bad it'll be down to 1 bubble before you know it. (I did my part)

Please remove yourself from our species, you're making us look bad.

5765d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow....ultimate fanboy (and fangirl) here. Can't wait until this ends in divorce.

Maybe they'll get lawyers dressed up as Truth and Regret.

5766d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is fantastic and I can easily see it becoming one of those "super-expensive hard-to-find" gems in the future that some hardcore collectors will pay out the ass for.

5766d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you belong in the Open Zone, fanboy.

5767d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment just another talking-head douche who likes the smell of his own farts.

It's been a pretty established fact that the PS3 is not only the most expensive console, but also in 3rd place...I think that dead horse has been beaten so hard I think it's bones are dust now.

But back to my main point, Krangel is basically's version of Don Reisinger. They're so quick to call the death knells of the PS3, but barely bat an eye when anything else starts ...

5767d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

without that d!ck in your mouth, you sure seem to have a lot to say, sad that none of it really matters. Single digit market share?

Fu*kin PR guys. I think he should keep to suckin' it up, at least then he's useful to somebody.

5769d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'll keep going.

Any article that votes the 360 had the best games will be "biased against Sony" by the Sony fanboys, and anything championing the PS3 will be "biased against MS" by the 360 fanboys.

And then the sun will set, bears will crap in the woods, and everything else that hasn't been news for years will STILL make it to the front page of N4G.

5769d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's right folks, 3 years into this gen (counting 360's launch) and STILL there is b1tching about the PS3.

Look, we all know the internet is a fanboy-run hate wagon. yes, we are aware, you don't like the PS3, boo f*ckin' hoo!

You think it's gonna go away soon? You think that Sony execs cry themselves to sleep at night after seeing comment posted on sites like this? You think Microsoft execs cry themselves to sleep everytime the RROD is brought up? Hell no. ...

5771d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Liking one system more than another doesn't make you a's being a total asshole about it that makes you one.

5772d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Went through 3 of them myself (within 6 months was sent back to me pre-RROD'd), so I can at least say I gave them more of a fighting chance than this guy did.

*goes back to playing Fallout 3*

5772d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

....the site is XboxOZ360gamer....and I see a LOT of MGS4 pics in there attached to the rantings.

I'm not gonna bother pointing out the obvious.

5773d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this guy....I just...I just don't know....he needs to shut his mouth. The only reason he's ripping on music games is because he's probably the only artist out there that doesn't need the money from the music games to fuel his jetliner.

Well, when people start to realize he sucks and they stop buying his cookie-cutter songs, the music game fad will be over and he'll wish to hell he jumped on the Guitar Hero Money Wagon.

Granted, I'm not fond of rhythm games eithe...

5775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment